英语美文 | 好的故事


I saw a good story emerging in haziness.


This story was very beautiful, elegant and funny. It looked like a piece of intricate brocade woven with many beautiful people and beautiful things. Like ten thousands of darting stars, it was flying and expanding unlimitedly.


I seemed to remember that I passed through the waterway of Shanyin by a small boat. The shores were lined along with tallow trees, bluegrass, wild flowers, bamboos, bushes and dead trees. By the riverside stood the huts, the towers, farmers, village women, village girls, monks, chickens, dogs, bamboo hats and sun-bathed clothes. Overhead was the sky with floating clouds....... All these were reflected into the clear blue river. Along with each paddle strike, flickering sunlight as well as algae and fish in the water were rippling with waves. All the shadows and all the things were disbanded, but swaying, expanding and merging. As soon as they were merged, they retreated to restore the prototype. The edges were as irregular as the summer clouds trimmed with sunbeam and radiating silvery flame. These were the scenes of the river any part I passed through.


The story I’ve seen so far was the same. In the water was the dome of the blue sky. All things were woven on it to fabricate an everlasting vivid and expanding story which I cannot see its end.


A few slim safflowers under the dead willow trees on the shore should be planted by the village girls. The mirrored crimson blossoms and spotty crimson blossoms were floating in the water. Suddenly they were broken into pieces, elongated, tinting the water with streaks of rouge without halo. Hut, dogs, towers, village girls and cloud...... all were also floating. Crimson blossoms were all stretched, turning into the waving red silk belt. The belt was woven into the dogs, which were woven into the clouds. And the clouds were woven into the village girls...... At this moment, they all retreated. However, the shadows of spotty crimson blossoms were broken, scattered and stretched, ready to be woven into the towers, village girls, dogs, huts and the clouds.


The story I saw now was clear up in my mind, beautiful, elegant, interesting and distinct. On the blue sky above, there were numerous beautiful people and beautiful things. I saw them and knew them one by one.


I was going to gaze at them......


When I was about to gaze at them, I was stunned suddenly. Opening my eyes, I found the brocade had been wrinkled and messy, as if ruined by a stone that someone had thrown into the river to tear up the entire shadow into pieces. I unconsciously held tight the book of 'The Beginner’s Story’ that almost fell onto the ground. A few rainbow-colored broken shadows left behind were still floating in front of me.


I truly love this good story. While broken shadow was still there, I should catch up it, accomplish it and keep it. Putting aside the book, I bowed to reach for the pen, -Oh, where has been any trace of the broken shadow, I only saw the dim light and I wasn’t in a boat.


But I always remembered seeing such a good story at a drowsy night......


February 24, 1925




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