初中英语每天学一点(2021.4.5)good start is half success





1. Pandas are kind of _______(interest) and cute.

2. There are a lot of ________(animal) in the zoo.

3. These giraffes are from _________(African), not Australia

4. -- Where _______ the lions ______(come) from?

-- Sorry, I don't know.

5. -- Why not ______(go) there with us?

-- I'd love to, but I am busy now.

6. The tigers in China are in great ________(dangerous).

7. My _______(one) book is about children.

8. Jenny wants _________(sleep).

9. One of the boys _______(be) from Australia.

10. People can call Mr. Smith when they get ________(lose) in the city.

参考答案:interesting, animals, Africa, do come, go, danger, first, to sleep, is, lost



1. She ________(sleep) at the time of the rain yesterday.

2. There was a ________(heavy) rain just now and it beat against the window _______(heavy).

3. The children _______(play) chess at five o'clock yesterday afternoon.

4. The workers ______(work) when it began to rain.

5. When I called Mary at this time yesterday, she ______(play) volleyball.

6. When he got up, the sun ______(rise).

7. The rain ________(beat) the trees while the wind was blowing.

8. From seven o'clock to nine o'clock yesterday evening, he ______(report) that football game.

9. After a rainstorm, the _______(fall) trees and ______(break) windows were everywhere.

10. The baby is _______(sleep), and don't make any noise.

参考答案:was sleeping, heavy, heavily, were playing, were working, was playing, was rising, was beating, was reporting,fallen, broken, sleeping



1. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen _____ we speak.

A. as twice much as    B. twice as much as

C. as much as twice    D. as much twice as

2. -- How was your weekend?

-- Good! It was my grandmother's _____ birthday. We had great fun.

A. seventieth    B. seventy    C. the seventieth    D. seventeenth

3. The volunteers sent ____ books to a mountain village school on Children's Day.

A. two hundreds of    B. two hundred

C. two hundred of    D. two hundreds

4. Now, everybody, please turn to Page ____ and look at the _____ chart.

A. Twelfth, fifth    B. Twelve, fifth    C. Twelve, five    D. Twelfth, five

5. May is the _____ month of a year.

A. fifteen    B. fifth    C. fifty    D. five

6. The chairperson received about three ____ applications to join the swimming club.

A. hundred of    B. hundred    C. hundreds of    D. hundreds

7. --Shijiazhuang is a beautiful city, isn't it?

-- Yes. There are about two _____ visitors here every week.

A. thousands    B. thousands of    C. thousand



