
Coronavirus; it remains the topic of the day. People stock up on hand soap, use mouth masks and wear gloves. What are you doing to protect yourself from the virus? This article discusses 12 foods to boost your immune system and keep your body as healthy as possible.
1. the topic of the day:每天的话题
2. stock up on :囤积
3. hand soap:洗手液
4. mouth masks:口罩
5. gloves:手套
6. protect yourself from:保护自己不受...(侵害),等于下文的 protect...against。
7. boost:提升,等于下文提到的“give...a boost” 和 build up。
8. immune system:免疫系统
9. as healthy as possible:尽可能健康。as... as possible:尽可能...

12 Foods to Boost Your Immune System
12. Chilli Pepper(辣椒)
The health benefits of chilli pepper are often underestimated. Chilli pepper is high in antioxidants and packed with vitamin C. It contains even more vitamin C than a lemon. You naturally wonder why they always say that vitamin C is so healthy. Well, vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which in turn ensures that your body builds up resistance.
1. benefit:好处
2. underestimate:低估。由under(下)+estimate(估计)结合而成。
3. be high in:在...(含量)高,等于下文的 be rich in。
4. be packed with:充满。等于be filled with
5. contain:包含。亦有“控制”之意。
6. naturally:自然地。natural的副词形式。
7. stimulate:刺激,促进
8. production:产生,产量。是produce的名词形式,另一个名词:product则是“产品”的意思。两者须注意辨别。
9. white blood cells:白细胞
10. in turn:从而
11. ensure:保证。( en + n. / adj. = v.) 例如: enlarge (扩大),enrich(丰富),enjoy(使开心),encage(把..关进笼子),encourage(鼓励)。
12. build up:增强
13. resistence:抵抗力
11. Carrots(胡萝卜)
Carrots are not only good for your eyes, but they also give your immune system a boost. Carrots are the best source of beta carotene. That is an antioxidant that is converted into Vitamin A in your body. This vitamin ensures that you always have enough white blood cells in your body.
1. be good for:对...有好处
2. not only...but also...: 不但...而且...
3. source:来源。区别:resource(资源)
4. beta carotene:beta 胡萝卜素
5. antioxidant:抗氧化物
6. be converted into:被转化为
10. Oysters(生蚝)
You have to love it, of course, but oysters work great to boost your immune system. They are packed with minerals like magnesium and zinc, which is essential for a well-functioning immune system.
 1. work great to:对...有好处
    2. mineral:矿物质
  1. magnesium and zinc:镁和锌
  2. be essential for:对于...来说是基本的
  3. well-functioning:运转良好的。复合形容词,后面的ing表主动。被动则加ed,如:well-dressed(穿着合适的),well-educated(受过良好教育的)。
9. Kale(羽衣甘蓝)
Kale is a real superfood, but much cheaper than goji berries and chia seeds. By eating 125 grams of kale you achieve 90 per cent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C and 350 per cent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A. We always think fruit is packed with vitamin C. Still, kale contains much more vitamin C than the same weight of an orange.


  1.  superfood:超级食物
  2. much cheaper:便宜多了。much是用来修饰比较级cheaper,表示比较的程度。除此之外还有 far,rather,even,still,a lot,a little,a bit,这些单词在考试中,都是要用比较级的标志。
  3. goji berry:枸杞
  4. chia seed:奇亚籽(见下图),实物我也没见过。

  5. by eating:通过吃...。by + doing表示“通过做某事” 来达到什么目的,一直都是考试的重点。
  6. gram:克
  7. achieve:取得
  8. recommend:推荐
  9. amount:量
  10. still:原意是仍然,置于句首表示“然而”,等于 however,on the other hand,on the contrary。
  11. same weight:同等重量
8. Mushrooms(蘑菇)
Mushrooms are very healthy because they are low in calories and fat and rich in minerals, vitamins and fibre. Therefore, they also count as the recommended two ounces of vegetables per day.
1. be low in:...含量低
2. calorie and fat:热量和脂肪。“卡路里”一词就是calorie音译而来。
3. fibre:纤维
4. therefore:因此
5. count as:被当成
6. ounce:盎司。关于国外常见的重量单位,可以看我之前的文章。
7. per day:每天,等于every(single)day
7. Oranges or Orange Juice(橙和橙汁)
Oranges are known to be packed with vitamin C. as early as the sixteenth century, sailors knew that citrus fruits could prevent scurvy. Vitamin C has an antioxidant function in the body and is necessary to maintain resistance. It protects our body against free radicals.
1. be known to:被认为是
2. as early as sixteenth century:早在十六世纪
3. sailor:水手
4. citrus fruit:柑橘类水果
5. prevent:防止
6. scurvy:坏血病
7. be necessary to:对...来说是必需的
8. maintain:保持
9. radical:辐射物质
6.  Chicken soup(鸡汤)
Chicken soup is a real classic when it comes to food when you are sick. Hot liquids such as herbal teas and soup make you feel a lot better when you are sick.
  1.  classic:经典,传统
  2. when it come to:当提到...,高考常考,后面接名词或者动名词。
  3. liquid:液体
  4. such as:例如,用于列举。
  5. herbal:草本
  6. make you feel better:使你感觉好点儿。make sb do不管中考还是高考,都是重点哦,但是,高中的你还要注意另一个用法:make sb done,前者表示主动,后者表示被动。
5. Broccoli(西兰花)
As mentioned before, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables of all. It contains many essential substances like sulforaphane, which activates antioxidants and enzymes in our immune cells. These immune cells prevent free radicals – aggressive substances that damage body cells – from doing their destructive work.
  1.  as mentioned before:正如以前提及的,as是重点,如as we know,as is known to us(众所周知)。
  2. one of:...之一,后面接名词复数。
  3. healthiest:最健康的。healthy的最高级。
  4. of all:所有
  5. sustance:物质
  6. sulforaphane:萝卜素
  7. activate:激活。active的动词形式,注意词尾是辨别词性的重要手段。
  8. enzyme:酶
  9. aggressive:侵略性的
  10. damage:破坏 = do damage to
  11. destructive:破坏的。destroy的形容词,名词为destruction,反义词是construction。
4. Sweet Potatoes(甘薯)
Sweet potatoes are not only very nutritious but also very healthy. Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamin A, and a right amount of vitamin C. Besides, sweet potatoes contain beta carotene which can easily be transformed to vitamin A by our bodies.

1. nutritious:营养的

2. right:适量的

3. besides:而且,还有。注意区别 beside(在...旁边)

4. easily:轻易地。easy的副词

5. be transformed to:被转化为,等于上文的 be converted into。

6. by:被

3. Ginger(姜)
Ginger has been used for thousands of years. Not only because of the specific taste but also because ginger has medicinal purposes. Modern scientific research has proven that the beneficial effect of ginger comes from more than 100 bioactive substances.
1. for thousands of years:几千年以来
2. because of:因为。与becaus区别在于:前者后接名词或者动名词,后者接从句。
3. specific:特别的,与special同义。
4. taste:味道
5. medicinal:医药的。medicine的形容词。
6. purpose:目的
7. modern:现代的
8. scientific:科学的。science的形容词,高考考过哦!
9. research:研究。阅读理解高频词。
10. prove:证实
11. effect:作用。动词为 affect。
12. come from:来自
13. more than:超过
14. bioactive:生物活性的。由active加前缀bio(生物)构成。
2. Garlic(大蒜)
While garlic is not so beneficial for your breath, it is super useful for your immune system. Garlic can fight bacteria, fungi and infections. It is said to contain even the most critical antioxidants in existence.
  1.  while:当;然而;虽然(置于句首)
  2. fight bacteria:对抗细菌
  3. fungi:真菌。是fungus的复数形式。
  4. infection:感染
  5. It is said to:据说
  6. critical:关键的,重要的
  7. in existence:存在
1. Almonds(杏仁)
The almond is now at the top of the lists of superfoods. It is one of the healthiest nuts you can get. Technically, almonds are not a nut, but rather a seed. This nutritious tree nut, from the same family as peaches and apricots, is known for its many health benefits. A handful of almonds every day, about 24 pieces, can help lower 'bad’ cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
1. at the top of:位于...之首
2. list:名单
3. nut:坚果
4. technically:技术上
5. but rather:而是
6. the same family as:与...相同家族
7. peaches and apricots:桃与杏
8. be known for:因...出名
9. a handful of:一手...,一把...
11. lower:降低,同时它还可以作为low的比较级
12. cholesterol:胆固醇
13. reduce the risk of:降低...的风险
14. cardiovascular disease and diabetes:心脏病和糖尿病

