【建筑-住宅】颠覆传统住宅模式 CARRIZAL / Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados

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Thanks PPAA(Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PPAA.


PPAA:Located south of Mexico City, Carrizal is a project that is part of the client’s needs to develop eight residential houses on the same site.


The residential design break through the traditional residential type, and the overall space is more private, with a sense of luxury in private houses.


The master plan seek to create access to homes through a common main axis. Looking to move away from the scheme of housing attached to homes, the social part and garden of each house is worked with a lattice that allows transparency from side to side of the property. As a result; a sense of openness between two solids and long views throughout the project.

可渗透的网格墙由混凝土块制成,与覆有黑色石材的住宅墙体形成对比, 后者给每栋房子营造出了统一协调的整体外观。

The permeable grid wall is made of concrete blocks, which is in contrast to the residential facade covered with black materials. The latter gives each house a monolithic appearance.


The program of the houses includes developing public activities on the ground floor, with connection to the private garden, on 1st level private spaces such as bedrooms and TV room and the last level with a terrace.

▼顶层露台空间 The terrace

▼底层公共活动空间 The public space on the ground floor

▼住宅内部 Interior

▼项目各层平面 Plan

设计团队:Pablo Pérez Palacios, Miguel Vargas, Álvaro Morales, Lucía García
摄影:Rafael Gamo

Location: Lomas Quebradas, Mexico City
Year: 2020
Construction: 2,022 m2
Team: Pablo Pérez Palacios, Miguel Vargas, Álvaro Morales, Lucía García
Photography: Rafael Gamo

更多 Read more about: PPAA (Pérez Palacios Arquitectos Asociados)

