
 导语    Janice Sigrist老师是一名资深教育人,曾在美国和中国的多所国际幼儿园担任园长和创始人。在上海生活生活21年的她,于今年7月回美定居。一妍邀请Janice开设一个英文学习专栏,通过Janice的日常故事,激发大家学习英文的兴趣,提升口语能力。
文丨Janice Sigrist




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Halloween is coming!
Hello there.  I am Miss Janice, an educator and lover of life!  I enjoyed my 21 years in China, my 38 years as an educator, and I am back in the US now sharing my US experiences with you.
At the beginning of October throughout the US everywhere you go you see the preparation for Halloween.  Halloween is a children’s holiday that is celebrated on October 31, and came to the US from our Irish and European ancestors.  As you probably know, on Halloween kids dress up in costumes in the evening and go trick-or-treating to neighbor’s homes.  They knock on the door or ring the doorbell and when the door is opened they say, “Trick or Treat”, hold out their bags, and receive candy.
It has been a tradition for a very long time, and it came about in Medieval Europe, when poor children would go door-to-door begging for food and money during the Celtic Pagan holiday of Samhain, celebrated on October  31.  In exchange for the food, the children would promise to pray for the souls of their neighbor’s recently departed loved ones.
October 31 is also known as All Hallows’ Eve, which falls the day before November 1st, which is known as All Saints Day.  This Christian tradition dates back to the 4th Century, and in the 10th Century AD it was extended to the Catholic Church as well.
Today the holiday is not as scary and dour, it is full of much more fun, and it used to be one of my very favorite holidays.  When I was a little girl it was always so exciting.  My mom would decorate our house, and so I took pictures of some of our neighborhood homes to share with you so you can seewhat they look like.  Even the stores have huge displays, and of course pumpkins are a huge draw for everyone, as we traditionally carve out a pumpkin and put a light in it to follow along with the ancient tradition of scaring away the evil spirits  from finding you on the first of November.
One of my very favorite Halloweens ever was spent in Mankato, Minnesota.  My parents had a very good friend who had just returned from Chinese Taiwan, and it was probably in 1967 or 1968.  She brought me back a beautiful traditional Chinese style children’s outfit that I wore for my Halloween costume that year.  My mom helped braid my long hair to help me get ready to go out with my brothers.  As she was fixing my hair she took out a copy of Life Magazine, where they had many spectacular pictures of China.  As she braided my hair I looked through the magazine at all of the amazing pictures of China, and she told me that maybe one day when I was older I would be able to to travel and go visit China.  Little did she know how right she was about that!
For the past 21 years in China I always wore a Cat costume, as it was not too scary for the children, and I will do that as well this year in Wyoming.  I will paint my face, and wear my cat ears and tail.   I have already purchased a great big bag of candy, and will be ready for all of the children who come to Trick-or-Treat at my new home.  In the US, to let the children know that you are home and that you are ready for trick-or-treaters, you make sure that your front porch light is turned on.  Usually the trick-or-treaters come as early as 5:00 pm and generally end by 8:00 pm.
I am looking forward to celebrating Halloween once again back in the US.  I wish you all could be here, too!!!
I wish you all a beautiful day, full of new adventures.  Please come join me next week as I share my US experiences with you.  Have a super week, and smile!
世界太纷繁 我帮你整理
