

1952 生于河北省唐山市

1989 毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系


Kong Zi

1952 Born in Tangshan City, Hebei Province

1989 Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the PLA Academy of Art

Professional painter of the Chinese National Academy of Painting, a national first-class artist, a committee member of the Senior Professional Title Evaluation Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Researcher of Chinese Painting Academy of Chinese National Academy of Arts, the sixth, seventh, and eighth directors of the Chinese Artists Association, the chairman of the Chinese Women Painters Association, a director of the Chinese Painting Society, Executive Committee Member of the All-China Women's Federation

戈壁滩之一  纸本设色  2020

Gobi Desert No.1

Ink and color on paper


戈壁滩之二  纸本设色  2020

Gobi Desert No.2

Ink and color on paper


秋深  纸本设色  2018

Fall deep

Ink and color on paper


Kong Zi is a very accomplished artist in contemporary times. The works have an important influence in society.
Her paintings have a peaceful atmosphere and poetic quality, which have formed a very distinctive personal characteristic in the artistic language.
The valuable thing about the painter Kong Zi is that she pays attention to the truth of life details and captures the taste of life, and expresses it delicately and calmly with passionate enthusiasm and strong humanistic feelings. She often uses the kind heart of ordinary people to show the true emotions and beautiful sentiments of ordinary people, and draws her own unique feelings with her eyes and emotions. The characters she creates have spiritual and emotional power. Has the basic characteristics of contemporary painting.
It should be said that Kong Zi made her own thinking and contributions in the development of contemporary new figure paintings.
Text/Lu Dong

记忆-秋野  纸本设色  2011

Memory - Autumn fields

Ink and color on paper


草原之一  纸本设色  2012

Grassland No.1

Ink and color on paper


新兵日志--冬训  纸本设色  2007

Recruit logbook - Winter training

Ink and color on paper


三伏  纸本设色  2004

Dog days

Ink and color on paper


她的画中没有驾轻就熟的自我重复,那种生涩感却给人别样的视觉感受,永不满足是孔紫在艺术上不断前进的原始动力。在人们普遍将个人风格看作一种成熟标志或个人 “商标”的时代里,突破与出新往往只会停留在画家的口头上或愿望里,真正关注、研究并在实践中有所作为的人并不多见,因为这需要具备诚实的精神,淡定的心态和清醒的认识。而孔紫显然是具备上述三方面素质的,她的作品也为她的追求与探索提供了有力的注脚。孔紫的每一幅新作都能带给人欣喜和亮点,她具有一双发现的眼睛和心有灵犀的悟性,善于在常态的生活景象中捕捉动人的细节并转换成颇具意味的图像,同时在技术上不断挑战新的难点,在创作中提出问题,并在解决问题的过程中获得创造的快感、积累突破的心得。
Kong Zi's paintings are not conceptual, every painting has new pursuits and ideas.
There is no familiar self-repetition in her paintings, but that kind of jerky feeling gives people a different visual experience. Never satisfied is the original driving force of Kong Zi's continuous advancement in art. In the era when people generally regard personal style as a mature sign or personal "trademark", breakthroughs and innovations often only stay in the painter's verbal or desire, and really pay attention to, research and make a difference in practice are rare. because this requires an honest spirit, a calm mind and a clear understanding. Kong Zi obviously possesses the above three qualities, and her works also provide a powerful footnote for her pursuit and exploration. Each of Kong Zi’s new works can bring joy and highlights. She has a pair of discovering eyes and a clear understanding of mind. She is good at capturing moving details in normal life scenes and transforming them into meaningful images. At the same time, she is technically Constantly challenge new difficulties, ask questions in creation, and gain the pleasure of creation and the experience of accumulating breakthroughs in the process of solving problems.
Text/Xu Xiangqun

喀什阳光-兄弟  纸本设色  2010

Kashgar Sunshine - Brother

Ink and color on paper


早春  纸本设色  2009

Early Spring

Ink and color on paper


新兵连  纸本设色  2007

Recruit company

Ink and color on paper




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