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日前,在NIWEEK 2018上,NI共同创始人、Fellow、有着LabVIEW之父称号的Jeff Kodosky做了主题演讲,他畅谈了未来LabVIEW的软件架构。



NI共同创始人、Fellow、LabVIEW之父Jeff Kodosky











另外软件架构同样可以通过组织和限制设计遵循帮助认证过的Patterns,例如,LabVIEW中的Project templates和Actor Framework就是这种方法。

当然,工具和开发环境的改进也有帮助。例如,通过LabVIEW NXG与DAQmx驱动程序和DAQ硬件的集成更加紧密,使交互式探索和自动化测量变得更加容易。




两年前,我们在LabVIEW中引入了Channel Wire,提高了通信并行处理设计的抽象级别。相比低级语言设计起来更容易,更明显也更易于理解。实际上还有更多的工作可以进一步提高LabVIEW的抽象级别。

采用Channel Wire,上位机与FPGA之间的通信只需要简单的连线即可实现

























正如Alan Kay所说,“预测未来的最好方法就是创造未来。




The original goal for LabVIEW was to make it easier for scientists and engineers to automate their test and measurement systems without requiring a team of programmers— similar to the way spreadsheet programs helped financial analysts.

LabVIEW successfully accomplished that goal.  

There have been countless examples where domain experts: engineers, scientists, test technicians, and even medical researchers, have successfully automated their measurement systems.  

They have sped up their research and discovery, reduced test times and costs, and reduced time to market for new products.

LabVIEW has a long history of continuous improvement and innovation.  Each version introduced new capabilities while preserving backward compatibility.  

Among the most notable advances was the introduction of real-time and FPGA support.  Without having to be a VHDL expert, a LabVIEW user can address higher performance requirements by building diagrams that run on an FPGA.

The complexity of systems being built today continues to increase.  There is need for more parallelism, more physical I/O, tighter timing and synchronization, and more distributed components.

So, how can we deal with this complexity?

One way is to institute good policies and processes, and maintain thorough test suites and documentation.  

Large test systems are successfully being built today using these software engineering practices.

Frameworks can help too, by organizing and constraining designs to follow approved patterns.  Project templates and the Actor Framework in LabVIEW are examples of this approach.

Improvements in tools and development environments help also.  

For instance, LabVIEW NXG has a much tighter integration with the DAQmx driver and DAQ hardware, making it much easier to explore interactively and then automate your measurements.

Specialized tools can deal with complexity by reducing the need for custom development.  

A purpose-built tool like TestStand can handle the standard parts of your application while you develop only the custom test steps you need.

Another powerful way to deal with complexity is to raise the level of abstraction we use for designing systems.  

There is inherent complexity in the system being built, as well as artificial complexity of the tools being used.  

Raising the level of abstraction reduces artificial complexity. 

Think about driving your car.  If you want to accelerate and merge into highway traffic, using the higher level abstraction of an automatic transmission is simpler than a standard transmission, where you need an extra arm and leg for the gear shift and clutch.

Two years ago, we introduced the Channel wire in LabVIEW, raising the level of abstraction for designing communicating parallel processes.  

It is easier, more visible, and more understandable than using lower level language elements.

There is more that can be done to further raise the level of abstraction in LabVIEW.

Historically, we have focused first on making difficult things possible, and then later making them easier.  

We made it possible to create measurement applications that span across processors and FPGAs.  

Now it’s time to raise the level of abstraction and make it easier.

Suppose we could represent the FPGA as a box in LabVIEW.  The diagram inside gets deployed to the FPGA and the diagram on the outside runs on the processor.  

A Channel between them represents the communication path, and the compiler uses the underlying FIFO and DMA resources to implement the connection.

The Target structure shows great promise for simplifying cRIO applications, and FlexRIO peer-to-peer communication applications, and even for networked distributed applications.  

It is one example of the research we are doing to raise the level of abstraction, and it will be a major advance in the state of the art, if we can actually make it work. 

Let me describe another, more ambitious, and fuzzier, research effort underway, and illustrate with a short storyboard.

Imagine we want to build a measurement system to test microphones.  

We go to the whiteboard and sketch our design idea, showing a microphone to test, a speaker to provide a stimulus signal, a waveform generator to drive the speaker, a digitizer to measure the response signal, and some computation which produces a graph of the gain versus frequency.

This high level sketch often gets lost, but even if it’s preserved, it almost never gets updated, when, for instance, we decide to measure the stimulus signal too, for better accuracy.

If we could drop an abstract design node in LabVIEW and edit its icon to represent a microphone, and another to represent a speaker, add some clip art for the sound waves, we could quickly build up a sketch similar to the whiteboard version.  

Preserving this as part of the project would at least provide some useful documentation, but it could also be a launching point for implementing the whole system.

If we could annotate the wire to show the stimulus signal is a continuous stepped-frequency waveform, and annotate the acquisition output to show a stream of waveform chunks to analyze, that would make the abstraction clearer.  

We could also show the time interval information that’s needed to split the acquired signal into chunks.

We can mark this abstraction level and continue to refine the design by expanding the generate node into waveform calculation and waveform output.  

And expanding the acquisition node into analog inputs feeding nodes that split the data into chunks.  

Now we realize that this will work only if we have the same time reference so we introduce a start time which synchronizes the start of generation and acquisition. 

At this point we discover that we’ve overlooked an important issue.  

The signal from the microphone is going to be significantly delayed compared to the stimulus signal because of the acoustic propagation.  

We decide to fix that by generating a special pulse at the beginning of the waveform and using it to align the acquired signals.

When we semantically zoom back out to a higher level abstraction to add this, we see a dimmed connection showing the common start time we added.  

We deem it important enough to show at this level so we enable it.  Then we add the connection to pass the pulse for aligning and show how it appears at the start of the waveform.

Zooming back down, we see the new connection that needs to be implemented.

We continue to refine the waveform output node and show how the sync pulse is sent it to the acquisition node.  

And we refine that node to show the sync pulse being resampled and used to match the acquired signals and align them.

We continue in this manner all the way to a working application, semantically zooming up and down as desired, editing at one level and having those edits reflected at other levels to maintain consistency.

Such a rich design environment, as envisioned here, would enable users to create systems that are much easier to understand and maintain over time.  

Working at multiple levels of abstraction is a powerful way to tame complexity.  It enables the progressive disclosure and abstraction of semantic detail, so you can better design your measurement system, and confidently evolve it as requirements change.

Our built environment is getting more complex, requiring more complex test and measurement systems.  

These in turn require more sophisticated tools that reduce artificial complexity and support higher levels of abstraction.  

As we further develop this vision, we continue to deliver advances in current products.  

By empowering you with innovative tools to build the systems you need, we know the future is in good hands.



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