这条绿茵走廊让我想起了小时候,和妈妈一起在她老家庄稼地里采集槐花的情景,军人以服从命令为天职,无本之木,无源之水,实践没有哲学数学语言学的指导,便无所谓商政路,学海涯,寡谋少断,便不晓进退得失,便不能忆逝者,畏将来,失去了掌控感,选择权决策权和主动权,不能扬长避短,趋利避害,求同存异,互利共赢,共同体。This green corridor reminds me of when I was a child, collecting Sophora japonica flowers with my mother in the crops of her hometown. Soldiers regard obedience to orders as their bounden duty. They have no roots, no source of water, and no guidance in philosophy, mathematics and linguistics. , There is no such thing as business and politics roads, learning from the world, being indifferent to making decisions, not knowing the gains and losses of advancing and retreating, not remembering the deceased, fearing the future, losing the sense of control, choosing the right to make decisions and initiative, not exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, seeking advantages and avoiding Harm, seek common ground while reserving differences, mutual benefit and win-win, community.