

Lime wash 石灰水

Calcium Hydroxide-CA(OH)2…IS CHEMICAL FORMULA OF LIME TO BE USED IN LIMEWASH.氢氧化钙- CA(OH)2 ---是石灰的化学式,用于石灰水。

Test on receipt 使用前测试

1.Mix 1 kg lime with 3 litre of water , 50 grammes of milk powder and 50 grammes of sugar and apply on a clean dry surface(e.g. the hatch coamimg or a Masthouse).将1千克石灰与 3 升水、 50 克奶粉和 50 克糖混合,涂抹在干净干燥的表面,如舱口围,桅房。


2.The Lime should be such that after application, the paint surface (or rust stain on the bulkhead) is not visible under it.

The lime should adhere to the surface. It should not come off (as in picture below).在应用后,石灰应该是在油漆表面或在舱壁上的锈斑是不可见的。石灰要附着在表面,不能脱落(如下图-4,5)。

3.The surface of the paint is not visible after a test rub.试擦后油漆表面看不出来。

4.The Lime should be white (not brown) on drying.石灰在干燥时应该是白色(不是棕色)。

图-1 使用前测试

Preparation and Application:

1.First, please mix the Lime with the Milk powder and Sugar. The inclusion of the milk and sugar is because they are both soluble in water and therefore facilitate the removal of the lime coating after discharge。首先,请把石灰与奶粉和糖混合。因为牛奶和糖都溶于水,因此在卸货后有利于去除石灰涂层,所以将其混合在内。

图-2 石灰水混合调配

2.It is suggested that the lime is mixed in a drum with the Milk powder and sugar on a ratio of 30kg of lime to 1 kg milk powder and 1kg of Sugar. For optimum results warm water would be preferable.建议将石灰与奶粉和糖以 30 千克石灰与 1 千克奶粉和 1 千克糖的比例在一个200升桶中混合。为了达到最佳效果,最好是温水。

3.Using the portable pumps onboard please apply a thick layer of lime coating to the sidewalls and bulkheads first.使用船上的便携式泵,请先在侧壁和舱壁上涂一层厚厚的石灰涂层。

图-3 喷洒石灰水

图-4 喷洒完石灰水舱壁效果

图-5 喷洒完石灰水舱壁效果

4.Upon completion of the hold sides and bulkheads the limewash should then be applied to the tank tops.在舱壁和舱壁完成后,应对舱底进行喷石灰水。


1. Holds condition for sulphur as per instruction by Owner. The purpose of Liming is just to protect cargo holds from corroded by sulphur.按船东的指示, 货舱用于装硫磺,LIMEWASH的目的只是为了保护货舱不受硫磺腐蚀。

2. Lime quantity: 150kg - 200kg / per hold is enough.石灰用量:每舱 150 公斤- 200 公斤就足够了。

3. Control the concentration of the lime water, so that lime can be evenly spray to the bulkhead.控制石灰水的浓度,使石灰能均匀地喷向舱壁。

4. If no suitable nozzle, can flatten one end of a copper /or aluminum tube which connect to lime water feeding pipe, take advantage of the height of cargo hold to spray the lime to bulkhead and tank top base on the siphon principle.如果没有合适的喷嘴,可将连接石灰水进料管的铜铝管一端压平,利用货舱高度,利用虹吸原理将石灰喷向舱壁和舱顶底座。

5. In order to facilitate for cargo hold preparation for next employment after sulphur, don't spry the limewater too height, generally 1.0 - 2.0 meters on vertical bulkhead above lower side-ballast water tank on both side,hold's front and rear bulkhead can be appropriate more higher base on the stowage plan.为便于货舱为硫磺后的下次作业做准备,石灰水不要喷得太高,一般在下侧压载水舱两侧上方的垂直舱壁上1.0-2.0米,货舱的前后舱壁可根据配载图适当加高一些。

6. Operation of liming should be well plan and preparation.浸灰作业应做好计划和准备。

Removal of Limewash 石灰水去除

The Citric Acid that will be supplied together with the other materials is to be used for the washing and removing of the limewash after discharge. In the same way that the Limewash was prepared please follow the following instructions for the Citric Acid Powder.草酸将与其他材料一起提供,用于卸货后石灰水的洗涤和去除。草酸粉的准备方法与石灰水相同,请遵循以下说明:

  1. Dilute Citric Acid Powder in big drum with fresh water at a ratio of 15 kgs of Citric Acid to 100 litres of water.使用淡水稀释的草酸粉在大桶中,以 15公斤草酸兑100 升淡水的比例混合。

  2. Apply the diluted mixture onto the holds sides, bulkheads and tanktops where limewash has been previously applied.将稀释后的混合物涂在舱壁、舱壁和舱顶,那些之前喷过石灰水的地方。

  3. After 8 – 10 hours start washing down the citric mixture with water. By this time the lime coating should come away easily.8 - 10 小时后开始用水冲洗草酸混合物,这时石灰涂层应该很容易脱落。

If the crew encounter areas where the limewash has been applied so thickly that the above method doesn’t remove the coating completely please repeat the above method until such time that hold sides are clean (Usually 1 or 2 times more). If the citric mixture runs out when there is still limewash present on the holds sides or bulkheads, please use an air pump to extract the same from the hold bilge well for reuse.如果船员遇到石灰水被涂得很厚,上面的方法不能完全去除涂层,请重复上述方法,直到保持舱面清洁为止(通常是1到2次以上)。如果草酸混合物用完,在舱底边或舱壁仍有石灰水存在时,请使用气泵将其从舱底舱底井中抽出以便重复使用。

