美添音乐 Everyday music 《Butterfly》



Everyday music



——莎士比亚 《第十二夜》


歌者Jason Mraz

词曲:Jason Mraz




I'm taking a moment just imagining that I'm dancing with you

I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes

You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on

Until I write a song about you

And you have your own engaging style

And you've got the knack to vivify

And you make my slacks a little tight

You may unfasten them if you like

That's if you crash and spend the night

But you don't fold you don't fade

You've got everything you need especially me

Sister you've got it all

You make the call to make my day

In your message say my name

Your talk is all the talk

Sister you've got it all

Curl your upper lip up and let me look around

Ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down

And bend your back and ask those hips if i can touch

Cause they're the perfect jumping up point

Getting closer to your butterfly

We float on by

Oh, kiss me with your eyelashes tonight

Or eskimo your nose real close to mine

And lets mood the lights and finally make it right

But you don't fold you don't fade


(repeat 6x)

And all I need to see you pull your knee socks up

Let me feel you upside down slide in slide out slide over here

Climb into my mouth now


Butterfly, well you landed on my mind

Damn right you landed on my ear & then you crawled inside

And now i see you perfectly behind closed eyes

I want to fly with you, and I don't want to lie to you



杰森·玛耶兹(Jason Mraz),人称男巫,大约因为他出道前的一段经历。

1977年6月23日出生于美国弗吉尼亚州列治文,美国创作歌手。2002年发行首张专辑《Waiting For My Rocket To Come》,2008年发行专辑《We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things》,专辑歌曲《I'm Yours》在美国公告牌单曲榜上停留76周,另一首歌曲《Make It Mine》获得第52届格莱美奖之最佳流行男歌手奖。

在纽约的美国音乐戏剧学院(American Musical and Dramatic Academy)学习音乐剧期间,他以吉他创作歌曲,毕业之后跑到圣迭戈当起街头艺人。在这段时期,杰森和自称是灵媒的流浪汉成为心灵伙伴,他也开始四处流浪探索人生。在这过程中,他遇到了音乐人鼓手Toca Rivera,两人把在街头演出的现场表演内容上传至网络而受到关注 。
这首《Butterfly》歌词够长,节奏很快,不是一般人能唱得起来的。发行与2002年3月,不知道这首歌因何而做。不过,在那一年,他遇到了后来相恋了八年的Tristan Prettyman。两人在2011年分开。





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