Rainbow《Temple Of The King 》



Everyday music





名:《Temple Of The King 》


词曲 Ronnie James Dio  Ritchie Blackmore

流派 摇滚



One day, in the year of the fox

Came a time remembered well

When the strong young man

Of the rising sun

Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox

When the bell began to ring

It meant the time

Had come for one to go

To the temple of the king


There in the middle of the circle he stands

Searching, seeking

With just one touch of his trembling hand

The answer will be found

Daylight waits while the old man sings

Heaven help me!

And then like the rush of a thousand wings

It shines upon the one

And the day had just begun

(Uh uh uhh...)

[Verse 2]

One day, in the year of the fox

Came a time remembered well

When the strong young man of the rising sun

Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox

When the bell began to sing

It meant the time had come for the one to go

To the temple of the king


There in the middle of the people he stands

Seeing, feeling

With just a wave of a strong right hand, he's gone

To the temple of the king

[Guitar Solo]


Far from the circle, at the edge of the world

He's hoping, wondering

Thinking back from the stories he's heard of

What he's going to see

There, in the middle of a circle it lies

Heaven help me!

Then all could see by the shine in his eyes

The answer had been found


Back with the people in the circle he stands

Giving, feeling

With just one touch of a strong right hand, they know

Of the temple and the king

(Uh uh uhh...)



今天分享一首Rainbow(彩虹乐队) 的《Temple Of The King》。

这首歌来自他们1975年8月发行的《Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow》,这是他们的首张专辑,受到外界一致好评。

这首歌的作者是主唱Ronnie James Dio和吉他手Ritchie Blackmore。首先来看下这支乐队。这支乐队的创始人是之前我们推过的乐队 Deep Purple(深紫)乐队的吉他手。其他成员还包括前Elf主唱Ronnie James Dio,贝斯手Craig Gruber,鼓手Gary Driscoll和键盘手Micky Lee Soule。乐队1975开始组建,1999年解散。

乐队名字的灵感来自于彩虹酒吧和烧烤,那是一家位于加州洛杉矶的餐馆,为摇滚明星、流行乐队迷和摇滚爱好者提供服务。正是在这里,Ritchie 度过了远离深紫乐队的一段休息时间,遇到了Ronnie James Dio。Dio的Elf乐队曾经作为深紫乐队的开场表演过。意气相投的他们就一起录制了歌曲,就自然的形成了乐队。这张专辑便是这波人录制的。接下来Ritchie是每张专辑换一波人,换到最后解散了。就像他们乐队的名字一样,彩虹,美好却容易消散。

回到这首歌,《Temple Of The King》描述了一段通往神秘的国王寺庙的精神之旅,在那里他找到了自己的答案。Blackmore早在瑜伽流行之前就迷上了它,他说他是在看一个名为“健康瑜伽”的节目时产生创作这首歌的想法的。





