14.1 General
14.1.1.P If lead forming is performed, is there a procedure for lead forming in accordance with J-STD-001 and/or customer specification? YES/NO/N/A
14.1.2.P Is there a process to ensure the component assembly height is in accordance with J-STD-001 and/or customer specification? YES/NO
14.1.1.C If pre-formed parts are being used, does the lead form meet the requirements for shape, distances and damage in accordance with procedure? YES/NO/N/A
14.2 Manual N/A
Is there a procedure for manual part placement which defines:
a.P - Guidance in the kitting? YES/NO
b.P - Part placement method (including part orientation and alignment)? YES/NO
c.P - Parts packaged and transported? YES/NO
14.2.1.C Are the manual assembly personnel trained for the task being performed and are training records available and up to date? YES/NO
14.2.2.C Are all drawings, written instructions, product specific fixtures under configuration control and do they match the Assembly traveler? YES/NO
14.2.3.C Are the parts packaged and transported per the procedure? YES/NO
14.2.4.C Is the manual part placement procedure being followed? YES/NO
14.2.5.C If the assembly instructions detail an assembly sequence, is it being followed?
14.2.6.C If the assembly instructions state the use of optical magnification tools, are they being used? YES/NO/N/A
14.2.7.C Are moisture sensitive parts being handled in accordance with the procedure? YES/NO/N/A
14.3 Operator-Assisted N/A
14.3.1.P Is there a procedure for operator assisted part placement which defines:
a.P - Initial issue and the revision control of program? YES/NO
b.P - Control the override of programs on semi-automated pick and place machines (if allowed)?
c.P - Parts package and transport? YES/NO
d.P - Part placement method? YES/NO
Operator-Assisted COMPLIANCE
14.3.1.C If allowed, are overrides of programs controlled on semi-automated pick and place machines? YES/NO/N/A
14.3.2.C Are all drawings, machine programs, written instructions, product specific fixtures under configuration control and do they match the Assembly traveler? YES/NO
14.3.3.C Are the parts packaged and transported per the procedure? YES/NO
14.3.4.C Is the part placement procedure being followed? YES/NO
14.4 Automated Part Placement N/A
14.4.1.P Is there a procedure that defines:
a.P - Initial issue and the revision control of programs? YES/NO
b.P - Control the override of programs on automated pick and place machines (if allowed)? YES/NO/N/A
Automated Part Placement COMPLIANCE
14.4.1.C If allowed, are overrides of programs controlled on automated pick and place machines?
14.4.2.C Is verification performed to ensure that the machine is loaded or staged with correct components in the correct location and orientation? YES/NO
14.4.3.C Are moisture sensitive components handled in accordance with the procedure including the logging of the time of exposure? YES/NO
14.4.4.C Are all drawings, machine programs, written instructions, product specific fixtures under configuration control and do they match the Assembly traveler? YES/NO
14.4.5.C Is the maintenance of the feeders and nozzles being performed? YES/NO
14.4.6.C If the pick and place equipment includes means of electrical verification, is it calibrated?