Exo-srIκB对内毒素血症和CLP诱导的脓毒症的保护作用参考文献:HojunChoi, Youngeun Kim, Amin Mirzaaghasi, Jaenyoung Heo, Yu Na Kim, Ju Hye Shin,Seonghun Kim, Nam Hee Kim, Eunae Sandra Cho, Jong In Yook, Tae-Hyun Yoo, EunjooSong, Pilhan Kim, Eui-Cheol Shin, Kyungsoo Chung, Kyungsun Choi and ChulheeChoi. Exosome-based delivery of super-repressor IκBα relievessepsis-associated organ damage and mortality. Science Advances08 Apr 2020: Vol. 6, no. 15, eaaz6980