
Look!A street fair!It looks fun!Ok,Let's go!看!一个集市!看起来很有趣!好的,我们去看看!

Balloons for sale!Balloons for sale!卖气球啦!卖气球啦!

Biff,there is a juggler.Chip,do you like juggling?Biff,那里有人耍杂技,Chip,你喜欢玩耍杂耍吗?

I wish I could do it too.我希望我也可以耍杂耍。

Candy for sale. 卖糖果喽。

Yummy candy.好吃的糖果。

Listen to the music.听这音乐。

A trumpet,a tambourine and a harmonica.是小号,非洲手鼓和口琴的音乐。

And lots of yummy food,too!还有好多好吃的。

Chip,look at those boys!Brenda's face painting.Chip,看那些男孩儿!布伦达画脸彩绘。

Look!That girl looks like a tiger.看!那个女孩看起来像一只老虎。

And that boy looks like a clown!那个男孩看起来像个小丑!

Right! It looks fun!对,真有趣。

Chip, I want to have my face painted.Chip,我想把我的脸彩绘了。

Oh my gosh!哦,我的天呐!

What happen to you?你们怎么了?

We got our faces painted.我们做了脸部彩绘。

Surprise! Surprise!太惊喜了!太惊喜了!

Wow 哇~哦

Smile everyone! Say“cheese”大家都笑一笑!说“茄子”


Ready? One,Two,Three!准备好了吗?一二三。

