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1. far~away It's not far~away from here.
2. in~an~hour I should be there in~an~hour.
3. later~on I'm going to see a movie later~on .
4. put~it~on Here's your sweater. Put~it~on.
5. stand~up Stand~up and stretch for a while.
6. take~care~of I'll always take care~of you .
7. take~it~easy Take~it~easy! Everything is going to be fine.
8. take~off Please fasten your seat belt. we will take~off shortly.
9. there~are There~are forty students in my class.
10. work~out I work~out every day to keep fit.

3.never give~up!
4.I mean~it.
5.I've got~a lot~of work to do.
6.May I have~a cup~of milk?
7.What do you think~of~it?
以[u:]或 [əʊ] 结尾的元音+[w]+元音
What do you do for a living?这句话怎么连读?

1.active=a(c)tive [k]+[t]
Students are encouraged to be active in class.
2.blackboard=blac(k)board [k]+[b]
Our class has a large blackboard.
3.dictation=di(k)tation [k]+[t]
We'll have dictation today.
4.football=foo(t)ball [t]+[b]
There is going to be a football match tonight. Shall we watch it together?
5.goodbye=goo(d)bye [d]+[b]
She waved me goodbye.

1.Stop talking!=Sto(p)-talking!
2.I don't care.=I don'(t) -care.
3.I had a bad cold.=I had a ba(d)-cold.

1. Britain [tn]
Britain is made up of England, Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.
2. certain [tn]
They are certain to agree.
3. frighten [tn]
The high prices frighten off many customers.

1. admire=a(d)mire [d]=[m]
I really admire your enthusiasm.
2. admit=a(d)mit [d]+[m]
She admits to being strict with her children.
3. goodness=goo(d)ness [d]+[n]
Thank goodness!

1、Good morning!=Goo(d)-morning!
2、Let me take a look.=Le(t)-me take a look.
3、I don't know what to say.=I don'(t)-know what to say.

1.battle [t]+[l]
Any soldiers were killed in the battle.
2.gentle [t]+[l]
His soap is very gentle on the hands.
3.little [t]+[l]
I'm a little tired.
4.settle [t]+[l]
The company has agreed to settle out of court.
5.title [t]+[l]
Give your name and title.

1.heartless=hear(t)less [t]+[l]
The decision does seem a little heartless.
2.lately=la(te)ly [t]+[l]
Have you seen him lately?
3.badly=ba(d)ly [d]+[l]
Things have been going badly.
4.needless=nee(d)less [d]+[l]
Banning somking would save needless deaths.

1.Good luck!=Goo(d)-luck!
2.I would like to have one.=I woul(d) like to have one.
3.At last, we made it to his party.=A(t) last, we made it to his party.

1.advance=a(d)vance [d]+[v]
We live in an age of rapid technologcical advance.
2.bookshop=boo(k)shop [k]+[ ʃ]
The bookshop opens at 7 o'clock in the morning.
3.helpful=hel(p)ful [p]+[f]
A: Sorry, I can't be more helpful.
B: Thank you. You're been very helpful.
4.lecture=le(c)ture [k]+[tʃ]
Mr Li is giving a lecture to first-year students.
5.object=o(b)ject [b]+[dʒ]
The object is to educate people about road safety.

1.You look fantastic.=You loo(k)-fantastic.
2.I'll get there by ten.=I'll ge(t) there by ten.
3.Let's have a good chat.=Let's have a goo(d)-chat.
4.I haven't read the book.=I haven'(t)-read the book.
5.Wish you a great success!=Wish you a grea(t)-success!
6.Put the book on the desk.=Pu(t)-the book on the desk.
7.She is one of my old friends.=She is one of my ol(d)-friends.
8.I'd like a room with a good view.=I'd like a room with a goo(d) view.
9.I am quite sure that you will win.=I am qui(te) sure that you will win.
10.Don't judge people only by appearance.=Don'(t) judge people only by appearance.
例1:Repeating after tapes is very inportant for beginners.
意群:Repeating after tapes | is very inportant | for beginners.
例2:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, happy, and wise.
意群:Early to bed | and early to rise | makes a man | healthy, happy, and wise.睡得早,起得早,健康、快乐、头脑好。
例3:Liu Xiang, who's a brilliant runner,represented China at Olympic Games.
意群:Liu Xiang, | who's a brilliant runner, | represented China | at Olympic Games.优秀的跑步运动员刘翔代表中国参加了奥运会。
例4:But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense.
意群:But | the most important argument | for a broad education | is that | in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, | we improve our moral sense.但普及教育最重要的原因在于通过学习前任所凝结的智慧结晶,使我们的是非道德观得以改善。