Whatshould you do if you cannot fall asleep at night?
If you have difficulty falling asleep at night, you should never liethere and attempt to fall asleep using various techniques. The more that youlong for sleep, the further you will be from attaining it. Only when you stopmaking an effort to sleep will it naturally come to you. In fact, the reasonyou struggle to fall asleep at night is only that you are not ready, or notsleepy enough at that moment. When you are drowsy enough, you will naturallyfall asleep. Now that we are aware that trouble falling asleep is a result ofnot being drowsy enough, the question at hand is what you should do when youhave trouble falling asleep?
The answer to this depends on the situation.
Before 10 p.m., if you are unable to fall asleep, then you should avoidlying in bed. You should get up to read a book, work, do housework, or donothing at all and remain idle.
After 10 p.m., if you are still unable to fall asleep, then youshould avoid lying in bed. You should get up from the bed and find a place tosit and meditate.
While meditating, it is better to sit on a chair with soft cushions,because by doing so you will be more comfortable and thus able to meditate fora longer period of time.
While meditating, you do not need to worry about attaining thecorrect posture or method of meditation. You do not need to clear your mind ofyour thoughts, rather all you need to do is sit there. Think about whatevercomes to your mind. If you are happy then embrace your happiness. The same goesfor anxiety, you should not try to rid yourself of your feelings ofanxiousness. If you feel tired, you can stand up and walk around while movingyour body. After that, you should continue to meditate, but do not overlyrestrict yourself.
You need not worry that meditating will take up your time to sleep.I assure you that you will not wake up feeling tired and exhausted the nextday. Meditation is a higher form of sleep, and it is also more effective thansleep. If you meditate for the whole night without sleeping, you will stillwake up feeling livelier and more energetic than if you had slept the wholenight. Therefore, you only need to focus on meditating as instructed, and youshould not worry about losing any sleep time.
You shouldcontinue sitting and meditating until you fall asleep, at which point you canlet yourself sit and sleep for a while. After you wake up, you should stopmeditating. However, you should not go to bed immediately after you finishmeditating. You can stretch your body and take a walk for 10 minutes. Afteryour walk you can go to bed and lie down. You should lie awake and avoid tryingto rush to fall asleep. Continue to lie in bed awake with your eyes naturallyopen. Think about whatever thoughts come to your mind. If you want to adjustyour sleeping position, then feel completely at ease to do so. When you lierelaxed and at ease you will fall asleep before you even realize it.
This method forcoping with insomnia is very simple and effective. When you are unable tosleep, you can try it. I believe that after you try it, you will fall in lovewith it. You will not know its effectiveness if you do not try it first.
Some people say that while this method helps to cope with difficultyfalling asleep at night, the method itself is still not natural. It requiresone to meditate, while others want to sleep each night without the use ofmeditation. Is there are way to do this?
Youneed to live right in order to sleep naturally. This requires no other methodand is the simplest way to fall asleep at night.
Sleep is theresult of living right. If you live right every day, then you will sleepnaturally. How does one live right?
1. Get up at 6a.m.
2. It is bestnot to sleep, lie down, or nod off during the day. Of course, if you arefeeling particularly exhausted, you can lie down during the day, but not fortoo long.
3. Do not remainidle during the day. Try to find as many things to do as you can.
4. Go out towork or to participate in activities during the day. Try to stay at home aslittle as possible. (Of course, if you are unable to go outside then you canremain at home).
5. Go to bed at10 p.m. in the evening and sit on your bed for thirty minutes. While sittingallow your mind to wander. At 10:30 p.m. when you lie down, your eyes should benaturally open, allowing your mind to wander. If you feel anxiety allowyourself to be anxious. If you feel sadness then let yourself be sad. If youfeel pain let yourself feel hurt. If you feel joy then you should be happy.Feel free to adjust your sleeping position. If you are awake then let yourselfbe awake. If you are asleep then let yourself be asleep. Let everything just gowith the flow. Lying awake is sleep. You are already asleep. Do not seek sleepanymore.
6. If you followthe five points above then you will fall asleep most of the time.
Some people believe that this method is only effective for thosewith insomnia that stems from psychological issues. Those with insomnia due toproblems with their sub-health find that this method is ineffective.
That is correct. If you possess sub-health related issues, themethod above may help to improve your sleep. However, it will not be able toresolve your insomnia symptoms or provide you with better sleep.
What is the solution to this?
1.Perform an hour of prostration every morning for one month. The practice ofprostration, also known as the “long kowtow,” was originally a special form ofworship found in Tibetan Buddhism. Prostrating is a good way to improvesub-health. It should always be done calmly, without rushing or setting atimer, and you only need to make sure to do it for an hour. If you feel tired,just take a break before starting again. If you have trouble fitting an hour ofprostration into your weekday schedule, a half an hour will also suffice. Onweekend mornings the more time you can devote the better, therefore you shoulddo it for three hours.
2. Meditate for an hour every morning and evening for one month.When you are meditating, your eyes should be naturally open. Think aboutwhatever comes to mind. Do not try to limit your thoughts or control yourbreathing. You do not need to use any other method; you only need to try tomeditate. When you feel tired of meditating, take a break before continuingagain. You can meditate for half an hour during busy weekdays. On weekends tryto devote at least three hours a day. If you are not familiar with themeditative posture, you should be able to learn it online within ten minutes asit is very simple.
3. Go for a brisk walk for an hour every morning and stick to thishabit for a month. When walking, hold your head up, smile and maintain a speedslightly faster than your usual pace. When you are crunched for time onweekdays, you can get away with walking for only half an hour. However, onweekend mornings, you can walk for a longer period of time, perhaps two hours,but do not walk for too long.
4. Strive to live right for a month. Poor life habits can negativelyaffect your health, therefore one major way to restore your health is to makepositive changes to your lifestyle. In order to live right, you can begin bygetting up at 6 a.m. Stay active by going out for work and other activitiesduring the day, as opposed to taking naps and lying around. From 10 p.m. to 6a.m. you should lie awake in bed. You do not have to fall asleep, as you willbe aware when your body is ready to sleep. These tips are essential to livingright. If your body is very weak, you can lie down for an hour during the dayto recharge, but do not lie down for too long.
If people with insomnia can follow and stick to the four pointsabove for a month, then their sub-health problems will improve, and possiblyeven return to their original healthy state.
Somepeople ask what they should do if their insomnia is not due to sub-healthrelated issues, but rather because of a serious illness. In this case, youshould visit the doctor to cure your illness first. After your illness iscured, you need only live correctly and sleep will come naturally.