




  • 一般过去式:


  • 一般现在时:


  • 通篇都用一般现在时


  • 主要使用主动语态


  • 要写为什么做以及什么没做

  • attribute to

  • is superior to

  • diseases are increasingly causing devastating losses in….

  • the development of …. for…. can….through the use of…

  • the emergence of….has provided unprecedented insight into….

  • … is recognized as key components of …, but how to steer these microbiomes to obtain their beneficial functions is still unknown

  • poorly understand

  • however,few studies….


  • we established/determined whether/identified/apply/attempt/asess/used/

  • account for different among…..

  • whether … can  be applied in…. to ….


  • 聚焦于Discussion所讨论的结果而写结果

  • To……,we built…

  • To……,… was sampled/showed

  • 一般现在时(呈现结果):

    always true

  • 一般过去时(完成的试验):

    what was done/found

  • 情态动词:


  • we demonstrate(~ed) that/present/find tha

  • as compared to

  • notably 明显的

  • Using genetic approaches,we provide evidence that….

  • …. reveals that …

  • 也可以什么都不加,然后描述结果

  • a….method identified…..


  • These results suggest that

  • while…..,…also….

  • the link between…and …established in this study will inform breeding strategies  to improve nitrogen use in crops.

  • we conclude that these ways/modles can be applied to ….by revealing……

  • yield a general conclusion

  • 描述比较的结果

    ……,when compared with sterilized soil

  • 例如:

    Soil inoculation consistently induced resistance against the thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, but not against the mite Tetranychus urticae, when compared with sterilized soil.

    …. as compared to ….

  • 例如:

    We demonstrate that fewer numbers of leafhoppers (Circulifer tenellus) settle on tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) grown using organic management as compared to conventional.

    …. was lower in…..than in …..

  • 例如:

    The abundance of Gram-positive Actinobacteria and Firmicutes phyla was lower in diseased rhizosphere soil (DRS) than in healthy rhizosphere soil (HRS) without changes in the causative Ralstonia solanacearum population.

…. in comparision with….

  • 例如:

    A synthetic community comprising these four strains displayed greater immune activation against R. solanacearum and extended plant protection by 4 more days in comparison with each individual strain.

…..have lower….. compared to…..

  • 例如:

    We demonstrate that tomatoes grown using conventional management are preferentially settled by leafhopper pests and have lower salicylic  acid (SA) levels compared to tomatoes grown using organic management.


  • 目的意义:



  • 方法:


  • 结果:


  • 结论:


  • 也不能完全依靠,还是得看rusults.


… was negatively correlated with ….

  • Plant height was negatively correlated with eight bacterial phyla and with unclassified Ascomycota. #### … was positively correlated with….

  • Only one fungal class was positively correlated with plant height.

  • The bacterial groups with strongest correlation were Chloroflexi, Fibrobacteres, FCPU426, Nitrospirae, Planctomycetes and Saccharibacteria.

    …. was positively correlated with …. but negatively correlated with ….

  • Thrips pupation was positively correlated with plant height but negatively correlated with chlorogenic acid and total phenolics.

    …. correlated negatively with ……

  • Most bacterial phyla (and only two fungal classes) correlated negatively with thrips and positively with chlorogenic acid concentrations.


    no difference in…. were observed between ..and ..

  • 例如:

    No systematic differences in insect abundance were observed between organic and conventional fields at the other sites

    there were no differences between.. and ..

  • 例如:

    there were no differences between organic and conventional fields at Farms F and M

    No main effect of…on…was observed

  • 例如:

    No main effect of soil management on JA levels was observed


To determine if …..,we measured…….

  • 例如:

    To determine if changes in SA or JA may be mediating leafhopper preference, we measured leaf-hopper settling on tomato leaves that had been induced with SA or methyl jasmonate (meJA) compared to uninduced leaves in settling bioassays.

    no difference

  • 例如:

    Although nitrogen is one of the most limiting plant nutrients for insect herbivores and often drives patterns of insect preference, there was no consistent difference in C:N ratios in leaves between organic or conventional fields。

    We examined if observed

  • 例如 We examined if differences in rhizosphere communities were associated with observed differences in plant defence  hormones in plants from the different farms

    To examine if …..,we performed/conducted..

  • 例如 To examine if any specific microbial orders were associated with variation in plant SA concentrations, we performed a differential abundance analysis.

  • To determine if changes in SA or JA are responsible for differences in insect preference, we performed additional soil slurry experiments with NahG tomatoes.


  • Copper concentrations were higher

  • nitrogen content in leaves was reduced

  • leaves from organic fields had higher SA levels

  • 倍数描述

    xx times as many …..
  • Roughly 1.5 times as many leafhoppers  settled on plants inoculated with conventional slurries compared to organic slurries consistent with laboratory and field experiments .

    be xx times higher….
  • Leafhopper survival rate was about three times higher by day 6 on plants inoculated with slurries from the conventional fields, despite a sharp decline in survival over time in both treatments


….., possibly due to ….

  • Differences were not as large for the def1/castlemart experiments (Fig. 4e), possibly due to cultivar differences or due to these experiments being conducted over a year after soil collection.

This analysis revealed ….

  • This analysis revealed that the structure of the microbial community, in particular the fungal community, was significantly associated with variation in plant traits including nutrient content and SA concentration, even when variation in soil nutrition was considered *

    Our results demonstrate /suggest/

  • Our results demonstrate that fewer leafhopper pests settle on tomatoes grown on long-term organic farms compared to conventionally grown plants.

根际互作生物学研究室 简介

根际互作生物学研究室是沈其荣教授土壤微生物与有机肥团队下的一个关注于根际互作的研究小组。本小组由袁军副教授带领,主要关注:1.植物和微生物互作在抗病过程中的作用;2 环境微生物大数据整合研究;3 环境代谢组及其与微生物过程研究体系开发和应用。团队在过去三年中在 isme J, Microbiome, PCE,SBB,Horticulture Research等期刊上发表了多篇文章。欢迎关注 微生信生物 公众号对本研究小组进行了解。

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