
我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持1年多了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~


网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~

1 One of the most traditional tea-growing cultures in the area is that of the Kejia people.
这一区域里最传统的种茶文化之一, 就是客家人

2 Every morning, goats are let loose among the tea terraces, a centuries-old tradition.
每天早上, 山羊会被放到茶树梯田间, 一个有数百年的传统

3 This might seem surprising, given goats’ reputation for eating anything green, but tea isn’t as defenceless as it looks.
这似乎是非常不可思议的, 考虑到山羊喜欢吃任何绿色的东西, 但茶并不是像它看起来那样毫无防护

4 Tea leaves are loaded with bitter chemicals designed to repel browsing animals.
茶叶充满了苦涩的化学物质, 能够把啃食的动物赶走

5 It works on the goats, who leave the tea untouched and instead eat up the weeds, fertilising the tea plants with their droppings.
它对羊很起作用, 它们完全不碰茶叶, 而是吃杂草, 它们的粪便提供了茶树的肥料

6 The surprise is that we humans should find the same bitter chemical cocktail utterly irresistible.
真正不可思议的是, 我们人类会对这些苦涩的化学物质毫无抵抗力


1 One of the most traditional tea-growing cultures in the area is that of the Kejia people.
这一区域里最传统的种茶文化之一, 就是客家人

超喜欢这集的配乐! 特别古风~
tea-growing=adj 种茶的
合成词总是会造成障碍, 那么每次见到合成词都留意一下
试试模仿它造个词, 比如rice-growing

people=n 民族
Kejia people=客家族 /keɪˈdʒjɑː/
注意大写K, 小写p

is that of the Kejia people vs is out of the Kejia people
我去听了5遍, 单从耳朵层面讲, 我也可以听成out
但是out of Kejia people这个搭配不能表示你要的意思
that指代上文出现的tea-growing culture
如果把that还原, 那句子就是…is the tea-growing culture of the Kejia people

