
直径:39mm 重量:26.8G
Diameter: 39mm weight: 26.8G
近代机制币以其精湛的铸造工艺、丰富的品种以及浓厚的货币历史文化底蕴,成为中国钱币最热门的收藏板块,藏品 价值较十年前已是今非昔比 ,数倍翻升,珍稀品种于拍卖会的成交价屡创新高。其中最具代表性的孙中山像机制银币:民国二十一年孙中山金本位币壹圆·下三鸟,此币因为特殊的历史背景,甚为珍贵。
Modern machine-made coins, with their exquisite casting technology, rich varieties and strong historical and cultural heritage of currency, have become the most popular collection plate of Chinese coins. The value of the collection is different from what it was ten years ago, and has increased several times. The transaction price of rare varieties in the auction has repeatedly reached new heights. One of the most representative is Sun Yat Sen's silver coin: Sun Yat Sen's gold standard coin in the 21st year of the Republic of China, which is very precious because of its special historical background.

In the 18th year of the Republic of China, the national government invited American financial expert Gamal to China to investigate the financial and monetary system, and suggested that China should implement the gold standard system, but only the unit of monetary value should be specified, and there was no need to cast gold coins. At the same time, the new Shanghai Mint has been completed and the design of the new national currency is under way. The portrait of Sun Yat Sen on the obverse of the new national coin is based on the pattern engraved by the Italian sculptor modi in the 18th year of the Republic of China. The back is changed to a double masted sailboat, and the mold is made by cinnock, the chief sculptor of Philadelphia mint. The original design of the gold standard one yuan was similar to that of the later mass-produced ships, but the national government wanted to engrave it on the coin with the blue sky and white sun as the National Party emblem, so it added the rising sun and the three seagulls, which symbolized the three people's principles. Later, the Ministry of Finance asked to mark the gold standard on it, so the seagulls were moved to the water. However, Gamal's gold standard currency plan was opposed by all walks of life because it was not suitable for China's national conditions.

In the 21st year of the Republic of China, Sun Yat Sen's gold standard coin is one yuan and three birds below. The silver coin has a profile of Sun Yat Sen's costume on the front, the character 'the 21st year of the Republic of China' on the top of the portrait, and a three sailboat sailing on the sea on the back. There are three flying seabirds on the wavy pattern under the boat, implying 'national transportation', 'smooth sailing' and deep casting. The picture and text are clear, and there is no trace at the bottom of the plate Scratched, sharp horse teeth on the side of the coin, after the influence of history, it has a unique charm. This kind of silver coin is extremely rare in the world, especially those with good quality, so it is very popular with collectors.