植物雌激素代谢与肠道菌群的双向互作(综述) | 热心肠日报



06-09, Review

Abstract & Authors:展开

Phytoestrogens are a class of plant produced polyphenolic compounds with diphenolic structure, which is similar to 17β-estradiol. These phytoestrogens preferentially bind to estrogen receptors, however, with weak affinity. Recently, many studies have found that these phytoestrogens can be transformed by gut microbiota through novel enzymatic reactions into metabolites with altered bioactivity. Recent studies have also implied that these metabolites could possibly modulate the host gut ecosystem, gene expression, metabolism and the immune system. Thus, isolating gut microbes capable of biotransforming phytoestrogens and characterizing the novel enzymatic reactions involved are principal to understand the mechanisms of beneficial effects brought by gut microbiota and their metabolism on phytoestrogens, and to provide the theoretical knowledge for the development of functional probiotics. In the present review, we summarized works on gut microbial biotransformation of phytoestrogens, including daidzin (isoflavone), phenylnaringenin (prenylflavonoid), lignans, resveratrol (stilbene) and ellagitannins. We mainly focus on gut bacterial isolation, metabolic pathway characterization, and the bidirectional interaction of phytoestrogens with gut microbes to illustrate the novel metabolism capability of gut microbiota and the methods used in these studies.

First Authors:
Ahkam Saddam Seyed Hameed

Correspondence Authors:
Xiangfeng Meng

All Authors:
Ahkam Saddam Seyed Hameed,Parkash Singh Rawat,Xiangfeng Meng,Weifeng Liu

