
前篇《Head and Neck Anatomy》(可点击浏览)我们学习了头颈部解剖,本篇在前篇基础上介绍 颈静脉孔区 耳后经颞入路,其为处理颈静脉孔区病变最常用的入路。笔者学习后在标本上尝试发现该入路可方便地寻找面神经,降低面神经的损伤几率,并可保留迷路等优点。本文的讲述者是Jon Robertson教授。共118张图片。



The Postauricular Transtemporal Approach to the Jugular Foramen

本集视频将展示颈静脉孔区手术入路,以及一则左侧颈静脉球瘤的病例分享,并同步结合尸头解剖,详解颈静脉孔区手术入路 解剖要点。

This presentation, to illustrate the approaches to thejugular foramen surgically, includes a case presentation of a left glomus jugularetumor with surgical footage of the case itself, as well as a cadaver dissection that demonstrates the specific anatomical landmarks inthe approach to the jugular foramen region.


Surgical accesses to the jugular foramen is difficult because of its deep location and surrounding neurovascular structures blocking its exposure, such as the internal carotid artery anteriorly, the facial nerve laterally, and vertebral artery inferior to the posteromedial marginof the jugular foramen.


Therefore skull base lesions of jugular foramen should be approached as a surgical anatomist would to preserve the complex neurovascular structures of this region.


Rhoton has categorized approaches to the jugular foramen into three groups, a lateral group directed through the mastoid bone, this will be the postauricular transtemporal approach, a posterior group directed through the posterior fossa, this will include a retrosigmoid, or a more extensive far lateral or transcondylar variant approach, and finally an anterior group of approachs directed through the tympanic bone, this will be the preauricular subtemporal infratemporal fossa approach or variations of that. In each of these approaches, a neck dissection can be included as needed to manage the specific pathology that one is dealing with.


The goal of this video is to demonstrate the surgical anatomy of the postauricular transtemporal approach to the jugular foramen region. Combined with a neck dissection, this is the most common surgical approach chosen for management of lesions involved in the jugular foramen.


The labyrinth is usually preserved in the exposure,


but depending on the pathology, the surgical field may be extended anteriorly by transposing the facial nerve and sacrificing the middle ear structures and external auditory canal, or medially by removal of the labyrinth or cochlea.


We're viewing the inferior aspect of the right skull base in the region of the jugular foramen. The postauricular transtemporal approach combined with a neck dissection allows a 270 degree exposure of the jugular foramen at the skull base.


This would include anteriorly exposing the internal carotid artery to the level of the carotid canal,


laterally, the styloid process, and the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen,

后方,则可显露 头外侧直肌 于颈静脉孔后缘的全部附着范围,附着处即为枕骨的颈静脉突。

and posteriorly, the full extent of the rectus capitis lateralis muscle's attachment to the posterior margin of the jugular foramen, which represents the jugular process of the occipital bone.


The case that we're presenting for illustration of the technique is that of a 65-year-old lady who presented with pulsatile tinnitus, normal lower cranial nerve and facial nerve function, her hearing was also intact on the left side. Neuro-diagnostic studies included MR scan as well as CT scan revealing a 3-cm glomus jugulare tumor


with destruction of the mastoid bone primarily and the region of the jugular bulb by the glomus jugulare tumor.


The cerebroangiogram demonstrated significant blood supply from both the left external and vertebral arteries, typical of a glomus jugulare tumor. There was no blood supply to the tumor from the internal carotid artery at the skull base.


Preoperatively the patient underwent embolization the day prior to surgery.


The patient was placed on supine position with an ipsilateral shoulder roll, and the head turned away from the surgeon. The postauricular area is exposed along a C-shaped incision.


Our cadaver dissection begins with the sharp dissection of the sternocleidomastoid muscle from the mastoid tip. The sternocleidomastoid muscle is carefully mobilized posteriorly.


Care is taken to preserve the accessory cranial nerve, which enters the posteromedial aspect of the superior sternocleidomastoid muscle at the level of the tip of the C1 transverse process.


This Rhoton dissection shows the relationship of the anatomy of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the posterior belly of digastric, facial nerve, and styloid process. These anatomical structures are viewed clearly in this particular dissection because the parotid gland has been removed.

这里特别需要注意的结构是从 茎乳孔(下图箭头)穿出的面神经,其恰位于二腹肌后腹的前方,二腹肌附着于二腹肌沟

Aspecific anatomy to be noted in this view is the facial nerve exiting the stylomastoid foramen immediately anterior to the posterior belly of the digastric attached to the digastricgroove.

茎突(下图)也已清晰显露,面神经 沿 茎突的后外侧缘 穿出于 茎乳孔(下图箭头)。

Also note the styloid process can be seen clearly, and the facial nerve exiting the stylomastoid foramen along the posterolateral margin of the styloid process.


Note also in this view the accessory nerve crossing the anterior margin of the jugular vein to enter the posteromedial aspect of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.


The posterior belly of the digastric has been mobilized with a right angle, and isolated with application of a vascular loop.


The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is sharply dissected from the digastric groove of the mastoid tip and mobilized inferiorly.


Removal of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle from the digastric groove allows the exposure of the facial never at the stylomastoid foramen.

同时也可触及 茎突 及 三块附于其上的茎突肌群

This also allows palpation of the styloid process and three small muscles attached to the process.


Stylomastoid foramen is found at the posterolateral margin of the styloid process base.


The parotid gland must be mobilized anteriorly, until expose the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen.

这里,茎突舌骨肌 已被牵开以显露 茎突

In this view, the stylohyoid muscle has been retracted to expose the styloid process.


The muscles attached to the styloid process are sharply dissected. Here the stylohyoid muscle has been reflected inferiorly along with the posteriorbelly of the digastric muscle.


The soft tissue is carefully dissected to expose the facial nerve as it enters the stylomastoid foramen, along the posterolateral aspect of the styloid base.


The styloid base can be palpated anteriorly and posterior to the facial nerve as it enters the stylomastoid foramen.Here the facial nerve is retracted anteriorly to expose the extent of the styloid process.


We also see the facial nerve entering the posterior aspect of the parotid gland which has been partially removed for exposure.If the parotid gland is entered, it is important to close the capsule of theparotid,with an interrupted vicryl suture.This will help to prevent a postoperative seroma.


Here one sees the stylomastoid artery, which typically arises from the posterior auricular artery. The stylomastoid artery should be preserved because of its blood supply to themastoid segment of the facial nerve.


Removal of the styloid process is necessary to expose the internal carotid artery immediately below the skull base. This should be done when the internal carotid artery is encased by the tumor, or provides arterial blood supply to the tumor. The internal carotid artery was not involved by the tumor in the case we're preventing today.Therefore the step was not necessary.



The styloid process is removed with a rongeur.


Attention is turned to the lower neck to expose the jugular vein and the common carotidartery. Removal of the facial vein allows exposure of the carotid bifurcation.


The hypoglossal nerve is identified typically at the level of the bifurcation or immediately above the bifurcation, as it courses medially to the base of the tongue.


It is noted that the accessory nerve can typically be found at the level of the tip of the transverse process of C1.


The accessory nerve can pass either anterior or posterior to the jugular vein at this level.

枕动脉 被游离并切除,以利于上颈部结构的暴露。

The occipital artery is mobilized and removed in order to gain exposure of the upper cervical region.


The jugular vein is mobilized superiorly exposing the carotid bifurcation, the vagal, and the hypoglossal nerves.


The superior thyroid artery is seen at the base of the external carotid artery.


The external carotid artery is retracted to allow exposure of the internal carotid artery.


The internal carotid artery is exposed immediately below the skull base. The 9th cranial nerve can be seen at this level crossing the anterior margin of the internal carotid artery. In this view, one can see the 9th cranial nerve exiting the medial aspect of the jugular foramen.


This view also shows the fusion of the hypoglossal and the 10th cranial nerves as they approach the jugular foramen. The fusion of the lower cranial nerves can occur immediately below the skull base as they approach the jugular foramen. This may be true of any combination of the 10th, 11th, or 12th cranial nerves.


Attention is turned at this stage of procedure to the mastoidectomy. The anatomical landmarks to be identified include the supramastoid crest superiorly,


posteriorly the asterion, which provides localization of the junction of the transverse sigmoid sinus, and exposure of the sigmoid sinus


anteriorly the spine of Henle should be noted, to provide the location of the lateral semicircular canal.



As mastoidectomy proceeds, it is noted that there's a small mastoid air cell space in the specimen.


It's very important that exposure is wide to include the transverse and sigmoid sinus to the level of the jugular bulb. This requires exposure of dura posterior to the sigmoid sinus as well as in the presigmoid space.


The antrum has been exposed in the mastoidectomy.


Noted in this specimen is a high jugular bulb, which is important to recognize because of its relationship to the facial nerve, as well as internal carotid artery anteriorly.


The mastoid segment of the facial nerve is skeletonized.


Here we're drilling along the posterior semicircular canal.


The chorda tympani is identified.


One now sees the facial recess to find between the superior aspect of the mastoid segment of the facial nerve and the chorda tympani. A drilling through the facial recess opens the middle ear space.


The superior aspect of the mastoid segment of the facial nerve can be seen turning below the lateral semicircular canal anteriorly.


The superior semicircular canal is further defined.


After ligation and division, the jugular vein must be mobilized to the level of the skull base, in order to have full exposure of the jugular foramen.

可在寰椎横突尖显露 副神经

The 11th cranial nerve is found at the level of the tip of the transverse process of C1.


If the 11th cranial nerve passes over the anterior margin of the jugular vein as in this case, the jugular vein must be transposed anteriorly to allow dissection of the jugular vein to the level of the jugular foramen.

于颈内静脉后缘松解 头外侧直肌(下图)。

The rectus capitis lateralis muscle is dissected from the posterior margin of the jugular vein.


This Rhoton dissection shows the relationship of the rectus capitis lateralis muscle as it arises from the superior surface of the transverse process of C1, to project superiorly attaching to the posterior bony margin of the jugular foramen.


The vertebral artery surrounded by the venous plexus exits the foramen transversarium, immediately posteromedial to the rectus capitis lateralis muscle.


The transverse process of C1 is defined. This muscle is sharply dissected from thesuperior margin of the transverse process of C1, and then removed in a piecemeal fashionto the posterior margin of the jugular foramen.

切除头外侧直肌 是暴露颈静脉孔后缘的必要步骤。

Removal of the rectus capitis lateralis muscle is necessary in order to expose the posterior margin of the jugular foramen.


As one removes the rectus capitis lateralis muscle, one must be careful to avoid the vertebral artery, which exits the foramen transversarium, posteromedial to the rectus capitis lateralis muscle.


The lower cranial nerves are separated from the jugular vein, to the level of the jugular foramen.


Residual bone and the fibrous ring of the jugular foramen are removed.


The jugular vein is opened though the jugular foramen into the jugular bulb area


followed by the removal of the lateral wall of the sigmoid sinus.


In an actual case where tumor would involve the jugular foramen or jugular bulb region, one must isolate this region initially by ligating the jugular vein immediately below the skull base


followed by ligation of the sigmoid sinus distal to the junction of the transverse sigmoid sinus and the entry of the superior petrosalsinus into that junction.This isolation of the sigmoid sinus in jugular bulb region by ligation of the respective venous structures,is very important in order to preserve the superior petrosal sinus and avoid potential thrombosis of the vein of Labbe.


The technique of ligation of the sigmoid sinus involves individual 4-0 silk sutures that pass from the outer wall of the sinus, attaching it to the inner wall of the sinus. And this is done in a serial fashion to cause occlusion of the sinus.


In order to prevent bleeding during this procedure, the proximal portion of the sinus can be occluded by using bone wax packed underneath the edge of bone extending over the junction of the transverse sigmoid sinus.


The reason that the technique of placing individual sutures to ligate the sigmoid sinus as I've described, is to prevent opening the posterior fossa dura, and with a potential of having a cerebrospinal fluid leakage from opening the dura.


You must remember that in this case as in a significant number of glomus jugulare tumor cases, this tumor is an extradural tumor, and the posterior fossa is not violated, unless the tumor has significant extension into the posterior fossa, which in these days is really quite uncommon because most of these tumors are identified when they're typically median size or smaller tumors.


In this specimen, the contents of the sigmoid sinus, jugular bulb and jugular vein are removed. The last portion of the latex material removed is from the condylar emissary vein coming into the posterior margin of the jugular bulb region.


Exposure of the medial wall of the jugular bulb, reveals the multiple venous channels representing the inferior petrosal sinus drainage. In removing tumors involving the jugular foramen or jugular bulb region, it is very important to leave the medial wall of the jugular bulb intact, to protect the lower cranial nerves.


One also notes the condylar emissary vein immediately inferior.


Once we've ligated the sigmoid sinus, the next stage of the operative procedure is to approach the tumor, which in this case is primarily involving the mastoid bone and the region of the jugular bulb.The labyrinth as well as the cochlea are not involved with tumor, nor is the middle ear invaded by the tumor mass. At this level we're removing a tumor involving the mastoid bone.


The bleeding that one sees is obviously significantly reduced because of the preoperative embolization.


But bleeding that is encountered should be controlled with either application of bone wax, cottonoid pledgets, or surgicel, until the anatomy is defined. We tend to avoid using bipolar cautery because majority of the bleeding that is encountered is actually venous as opposed to arterial.


At this stage of operative procedure, you see the jugular vein containing a tumor which has been ligated, at the level of the transverse process of C1 roughly. The dissection is carried along the posterior margin of the jugular foramen to the level of the fibrous ring.


As we dissect along the posterior margin of the jugular vein to the level of the fibrous ring, we encounter significant arterial vessels which have been embolized. This represents the ascending pharyngeal artery, which is a significant blood supply to the glomus jugulare tumor.


Here we are mobilizing and cutting the fibrous ring to open the jugular foramen along the lateral and posterior margin.


At this stage we're opening the jugular vein which you can see, is filled with glomus tumor, which is typical of this particular pathology as you recall. Glomus jugulare tumors typically arise at the dome of the jugular bulb and can be found both extra- as well as intra luminal.


This is the case in this particular situation,where tumor fills not only the jugular vein extending below the skull base, but completely fills that region of the jugular bulb with invasion of the mastoid bone at the level primarily below the labyrinth as well as the middle ear space and cochlea.


As the tumor is removed at the bulb level, there is attachment of the tumor primarily at the region of the dome of the jugular bulb, as well as partially on the medial wall superiorly in that region.


The tumor is removed in a piecemeal fashion extending up into the region of the bulb.


The bone involvement above the level of the bulb and below the labyrinth, is carefully removed following definition of that tumor that has been removed from the bulb as well as the jugular vein itself.

肿瘤切除后,瘤腔贴覆 速即纱 防止渗血。

The tumor has been removed and the tumor bed is packed with surgicel for hemostasis.


This Rhoton dissection in a normal specimen shows the medial wall of the jugular foramen and bulb region


and the lower cranial nerves that are covered by the medial wall,


with the various venous channels that represent the inferior petrosal sinus and condylar emissary drainage into the jugular bulb.


Closure of the cranial defect is accomplished by utilizing a fat graft taken from the anterior abdomen.


The graft is held firmly in place by titanium mesh cranioplasty,which closes the cranial defect.


The sternocleidomastoid muscle can be attached to the titanium mesh, and the soft tissue of the neck dissection closed in a layer fashion.


Post-op the patient's hearing, lower cranial nerve and facial function were normal. The pulsatile tinnitus was no longer present.


A two-month post-op follow-up MR scan of head showed no residual glomus tumor.


Benign tumors of the most common pathology effecting the jugular foramen region the majority are chemodectoma,neurinomas, or meningiomas. Rarely chordomas and chondrosarcomas may involve the jugular foramen,as well as other malignant tumors.



The type of pathology and extent to which it involves the neurovascular structures of the jugular foramen region will determine the selection of an approach to the jugular foramen. A preauricular subtemporal infratemporal approach will be necessary for management of tumors involving the internal carotid artery and the anterior jugular foramen.


The retrosigmoid approach involving a far lateral transcondylar exposure is needed for jugular foramen tumors occupying the posterior fossa or foramen magnum.


Our presentation is focused on the most common approach to the jugular foramen, the postauricular transtemporal approach combined with a neck dissection.


This presentation has emphasized a thorough understanding of the surgical anatomy of the jugular foramen region and the carotid space.The concept of exposing the jugular foramen below the skull base in an 270 degree fashion has been shown in a stepwise fashion.


Skull base lesions in the jugular foramen should be approached as a surgical anatomise to preserve the complex neurovascular structures of this region, and improve one's surgical outcome.


For further study of this region in order to understand the complex anatomy, please review Dr.Rhoton's lecture on the jugular foramen.
