







表1 获得适宜食物摄入的干预措施


  • 购买食物有困难:帮助购物

  • 准备食物和规律饮食有困难:家庭帮助、按规律进食、按个人准备食物

  • 忘记吃饭:监督吃饭

  • 记住吃饭、辨认食物和独立吃饭的能力下降:口头督促鼓励、喂养助手、增加进食时间、增加饭的密度



  • 漫游癖:特殊行为与交流策略

  • 吞咽困难:结构调整

表2 引起老年痴呆患者营养不良的常见原因与干预措施

  • 咀嚼问题:口腔护理,牙齿治疗,结构调整

  • 吞咽问题:吞咽功能评估,吞咽锻炼,组织功能调整

  • 口腔干燥:核实药物副作用、停药或换药,确保合适的液体摄入,使用口腔清洗液和明胶

  • 活动受限:心理治疗,群体锻炼,阻力训练,帮助购物与烹调,规律饮食

  • 精神疾病(抑郁症、焦虑症):合适的医学治疗,与他人一起进餐、分享,愉快的进餐氛围

  • 急性疾病、慢性疼痛:群体活动、专业治疗、适宜的医学处理

  • 药物的副作用(口腔干燥、恶心、淡漠):核对药物、减药或停药

  • 社会问题(缺乏支持、家庭冲突):帮助购物、烹调、进食,缓解冲突


Clin Nutr. 2015 Dec;34(6):1052-1073.

ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in dementia.

Volkert D, Chourdakis M, Faxen-Irving G, Frühwald T, Landi F, Suominen MH, Vandewoude M, Wirth R, Schneider SM.

Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece; Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; Krankenhaus Hietzing, Vienna, Austria; Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy; Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; Medical School, University of Antwerp, Belgium; St. Marien-Hospital Borken, Borken, Germany; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France.

BACKGROUND: Older people suffering from dementia are at increased risk of malnutrition due to various nutritional problems, and the question arises which interventions are effective in maintaining adequate nutritional intake and nutritional status in the course of the disease. It is of further interest whether supplementation of energy and/or specific nutrients is able to prevent further cognitive decline or even correct cognitive impairment, and in which situations artificial nutritional support is justified.

OBJECTIVE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to cover these issues with evidence-based recommendations.

METHODS: The guidelines were developed by an international multidisciplinary working group in accordance with officially accepted standards. The GRADE system was used for assigning strength of evidence. Recommendations were discussed, submitted to Delphi rounds and accepted in an online survey among ESPEN members.

RESULTS: 26 recommendations for nutritional care of older persons with dementia are given. In every person with dementia, screening for malnutrition and close monitoring of body weight are recommended. In all stages of the disease, oral nutrition may be supported by provision of adequate, attractive food in a pleasant environment, by adequate support and elimination of potential causes of malnutrition. Supplementation of single nutrients is not recommended unless there is a sign of deficiency. Oral nutritional supplements are recommended to improve nutritional status but not to correct cognitive impairment or prevent cognitive decline. Artificial nutrition is suggested in patients with mild or moderate dementia for a limited period of time to overcome a crisis situation with markedly insufficient oral intake, if low nutritional intake is predominantly caused by a potentially reversible condition, but not in patients with severe dementia or in the terminal phase of life.

CONCLUSION: Nutritional care and support should be an integral part of dementia management. In all stages of the disease, the decision for or against nutritional interventions should be made on an individual basis after carefully balancing expected benefit and potential burden, taking the (assumed) patient will and general prognosis into account.

PMID: 26522922

PII: S0261-5614(15)00237-X

DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.09.004

