TE||High fines, meagre results







High fines, meagre results



High fines, meagre results


Google’s Android fine is not enough to change its behaviour


The European Commission is right to tackle the tech titans, but its remedies are wanting


HOW high can they go? On July 18th the European Commission hit Google with a record fine of €4.3bn ($5bn) for entrenching its dominance in internet search by illegally tying together this service and other mobile apps with Android, the firm’s mobile operating system. A year ago the commission levied a fine of €2.4bn on Google for using its clout in search to steer users away from rival offerings and towards its own comparison-shopping service. At this rate of inflation, the next fine—there is one other case against Google pending in Brussels, with more expected—could reach the maximum allowed: 10% of the firm’s global revenues, or about €9bn.


The size of the fines hides an inconvenient truth, however. The commission deserves credit for scrutinising the behaviour of dominant online firms—its activism stands in pointed contrast to supine American authorities. However, none of its antitrust actions in recent years has done much to strengthen competition. Depressingly, this outcome may suit everyone. High fines win the commission glowing headlines (and boost the chances of Margrethe Vestager, the competition chief, becoming the commission’s next president). Google, for its part, protests loudly but treats the penalty as a cost of doing business. This week’s fine amounts to only 5% of Google’s current net cash balance. Nothing really changes.

然而巨额罚金掩盖了一个难以忽视的真相。委员会因审查互联网巨头而获得赞誉,它的行动主义与美国当局的立场形成鲜明的对比。但是,近年来的反垄断行动并没有对加强竞争起到多大作用。令人沮丧的是,这个结果竟然可能让所有人都感到满意。高罚款让委员会在新闻头条大放光彩,增加了竞争事务专员Margrethe Vestager成为下一届委员会主席的可能性。就谷歌本身而言,虽然大声抗议却也视罚款为做生意的成本,这周的罚金只占了谷歌现金储备的5%。对它没多大影响。

Not that paranoid about Android


If that sounds cynical, look at the Android case more closely. Google requires smartphone-makers and mobile operators to sign strict agreements if they want to use any of its apps. For instance, if device-makers want to install Google’s app store—which in most markets they must in order to make their gadgets attractive to users—they also have to install all of Google’s apps, including the one for its search service. They must give these apps top billing on users’ screens, too. And if they use Google’s apps and its version of Android on any of their models, they have to do so on all of them .


Unsurprisingly, Google argues that these restrictions are for the good of consumers. They ensure, for instance, that people always have a familiar set of apps on their home screen and that Android does not splinter into incompatible versions. Yet what Google calls “fragmentation” is actually competition, as China’s vibrant mobile market shows. Because Google Play is not available there, device-makers that use Android are not compelled to install the firm’s apps but can pick and choose. The web of rules elsewhere is designed above all to protect Google’s search service and its moneymaking advertising business. The commission is right to find Google guilty.


Yet its remedies fall short. The commission wants Google itself to come up with remedies, which in effect means dropping all the restrictions it imposes on device-makers. But that alone is unlikely to be enough to restore competition quickly because of the dominance of Google’s version of Android, which powers 80% of smartphones in Europe. A similar approach in the market for comparison-shopping services has been ineffectual. Rivals still appear in only 6% of the slots available on the European version of Google’s search engine. Tougher remedies would include compelling Google to allow competing app stores to distribute its apps, which would make it easier for other firms to launch competing app stores. Another option would be to give consumers a choice, when they first boot up their phone, over which apps they want to use as defaults (much as the commission once required for browsers on PCs).


If it really wants to merit the accolades it gets for tackling the tech titans, the commission needs not only to be more forceful but also to act more swiftly. The comparison-shopping case was seven years old by the time it was decided; most of Google’s rivals had already succumbed. Gearing up for a set-piece antitrust battle is a mistake in such a fast-moving industry. The commission should instead go for quicker wins, for example by rapidly knocking down any new limitations on rivals’ services and apps.


Europe is a less friendly environment than America for the tech giants. But it has not so far achieved much more in terms of promoting competition than the regulators across the Atlantic. That is a disappointment as big as any fine.



Yao,男, 英专本科生,北大苗子




Neil,  男,外贸民工,经济学人铁粉






在北京回龙观买两万套小复式;狂入三万多辆顶配迈巴赫S600;或者去大溪地包船住五星深度游20万次……等等这些的价格都大约在128.13亿欧元——这是从 2013年至今,包括谷歌、苹果、微软、高通、英特尔在内,欧盟依据反垄断法向全球多家科技巨头企业罚款的总计。

欧盟在科技届的地位一贯令许多大公司闻风丧胆,“科技圈警察”当之无愧。这次谷歌栽跟头主要是因为“全家桶“。依照协议,制造商要是想获得Google Play商店许可,就必须预装包括谷歌搜索、Chrome浏览器、谷歌地图和Gmail在内的全套软件。此外,欧盟还说谷歌为了不让人们使用非官方版本的安卓系统,上下打点了手机制造商和网络运营商,实现在手机上对谷歌搜索应用的预装。这就是垄断了。

谷歌CEO在回应声明中提出反驳,并且打算上诉。反驳意见大致两点,一是本来就免费的你还想咋地?二是不喜欢预装的你删了重下啊!2007年开始,安卓系统研发上市以来一直是免费的,尽管很多人诟病它不太安全而且增加缓存,但确实比较方便。CEO在声明里甚至加了一个GIF动图,以展示删除谷歌预装软件,并通过Google Play商店安装一个竞品是多么容易。

好多钱,好多人,好多正的反的话,我也不知道谁对谁错。不过据报道,谷歌正在悄然开发的手机和平板电脑操作系统Fuchsia,可能会在5年内取代Android和Chrome OS。Fuchsia团队的工程师认为,可以先让Fuchsia系统在3年内登陆Google Home智能音箱等智能家居设备,随后再进军笔记本,最后才是手机。




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