经济学人财经 || 货币市场与美联储都受惊了



感谢思维导图作者May Li

May Li,我要去追逐心中的太阳,北大临床心理备考中



Hitting the ceiling


英文部分选自经济学人20190921Finance and economics版块

Money markets and the Fed


Hitting the ceiling



此处hit the ceiling理解为双关,首先货币市场遇到钱荒,repo的隔夜利率飙升碰到了ceiling;其次美联储也被杀了个措手不及,非常鸡冻地赶紧注入流动性(这点的理解也欢迎大家一起探讨)

The Fed intervenes in short-term money markets for the first time in a decade


The federal reserve had plenty to fret about as it prepared to discuss policy interest rates on September 17th and 18th. Trade tensions and wilting global growth have seen businesses cut back investment in the second quarter of the year. In manufacturing, production and capacity utilisation have been falling since the end of 2018. Though the Fed has described jobs growth as “solid”, some analysts worry that the labour market is wobbling. As expected, these concerns prompted the central bank to lower rates for the second time this year, by 0.25 percentage points, to a target of 1.75-2%. But the meeting was overshadowed by turmoil in money markets.


On September 17th, for the first time in a decade, the Fed injected cash into the short-term money market. The intervention was needed after the federal funds rate, at which banks can borrow from each other, climbed above the Fed’s target. It rose as the “repo” rate—the price at which high-quality securities such as American government bonds can be temporarily swapped for cash—hit an intra-day peak of over 10%. On September 17th the Fed offered $75bn-worth of overnight funding, of which banks took up $53bn. The following two days it again offered $75bn-worth. Banks gobbled it up.


1.federal funds rate联邦基金利率


2.“repo” rate回购利率


3.Federal funds rate 和 repo rate的关系



4.overnight funding 隔夜融资







That sent shivers down spines. A spiking repo rate was an early warning sign before the financial crisis. In 2007, as market participants began to doubt the quality of collateral backed by mortgage lending, repo rates jumped as lenders hoarded cash.


The latest jump was unlikely to have been caused by such doubts. Most collateral is now high-quality American Treasury bonds or bills. Even so, there are reasons to worry. America’s banks and companies seem to be short of cash. And during the turmoil the repo rate stopped tracking the federal funds rate. This link is the main way monetary policy influences the economy. A gap opening between the two deprives the Fed of its most important policy tool.


注:Treasury bonds /notes/bills

Treasury bills(短期债券):投资期限短于一年,不支付利息,折价发行。

Treasury notes(中期债券):投资期限1-7年,半年付息一次。

Treasury bonds(长期债券):投资期限7-25年,半年付息一次。

Fortunately, the Fed’s interventions seemed to work. The repo rate returned to its usual level, close to the federal funds rate, which in turn is within the range targeted by the Fed. Even so, the turmoil raised questions about how it plans to handle future cash shortages. The mere prospect of them marks an important shift for America’s financial system. Before the financial crisis the Fed controlled the federal funds rate using a “corridor”, with a ceiling and a floor. Banks with too little cash could borrow at the ceiling rate. But there was no compensation for extra cash held at the Fed (the floor interest rate was zero). To keep interest rates precisely on target the Fed used “open market operations”, swapping Treasuries and cash to control liquidity in the banking system.


注:陆晓明 《美联储利率政策操作体系的变化趋势及未来走向》


Six years of quantitative easing changed all that. To push down long-term interest rates, the Fed bought vast quantities of long-dated Treasury bonds. Its balance-sheet ballooned to $4.5trn. The holders—mainly banks—ended up with mountains of cash. To keep market interest rates at or above the policy rate, the Fed was authorised by Congress to raise the floor from zero, compensating banks for their cash that it held. The ceiling became redundant, as did open market operations. Only the floor mattered.


But banks’ cash piles have dwindled of late. Since late 2017 the Fed has been reducing its balance-sheet by not reinvesting all the proceeds when its assets mature. The balance-sheet shrank from $4.5trn in 2017 to $3.8trn in June this year. Moreover, a wider budget deficit means the Treasury has had to issue more bills and bonds. So far this year it has issued an average of $63.9bn-worth per month, net of repayments. During the same period in 2017 the monthly figure was just $19.6bn. As banks buy Treasuries, their cash piles fall. The surplus reserves banks hold in their deposit accounts at the Fed fell from $2.2trn in 2017 to $1.4trn now.


No one knows how much surplus cash banks need to feel comfortable. That depends partly on regulations, which have increased the amount of cash banks must hold as a buffer, but also on business sentiment. Banks’ near-death experience in 2008-09 has left them with a strong desire to hold plenty of extra cash. Economists have attempted to estimate the level at which banks would start to squirm, most coming up with estimates of $1.2trn-1.5trn.


Usually banks have at least this much on hand. But they may not have had on September 16th, for quite benign reasons. That was the deadline for quarterly corporate-tax payments, meaning companies asked banks for more cash than usual. The Treasury had issued $77bn-worth of bills the previous week. The buyers, mostly banks, also had to pay on September 16th. The Fed expected these events, said Jerome Powell, its chairman, but not such an extreme reaction. As banks’ cash piles shrank, they grew reluctant to lend to companies and other counterparties. The repo rate spiked. Some banks stepped in, lending to companies at elevated rates. But then those banks tried to borrow from other banks in the federal funds market, pushing up the rate. This prompted the Fed to intervene.

通常银行手头至少要有这么多钱。但由于一些良性原因,银行可能在9月16日时没有那么多现金。(一方面,)这是缴纳季度公司税的最后期限,这意味着企业会要求银行提供相比平常更多的现金。(另一方面,)美国财政部上周发行了价值770亿美元的短期债券。买家主要是银行,也必须在9月16日付款。美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)表示:美联储曾预料过这些事件,但没想到(市场)会做出如此极端的反应。随着现金储备的缩水,银行越来越不乐意向企业和其他交易对手提供放贷;故而,回购利率飙升。一些银行通过向企业不断提高贷款利率入场,但随后这些银行试图从联邦基金市场的其他银行借款,最终推高了利率。这促使美联储出手。

Cash would have become scarce sooner or later, says Bill English of Yale University. In a growing economy—especially one with a rising government deficit—the demand for bank cash increases over time.

耶鲁大学的比尔·英格利希(Bill English)表示:现金迟早会变为稀缺资源。在经济增长的背景下——尤其是还伴随着持续增长的政府赤字,对银行现金的需求会随着时间的推移持续增长。

The Fed now faces a choice. It could return to conducting frequent open market operations to pin down interest rates, as before the crisis. Or it could keep the current system and avert future cash shortages by expanding its balance-sheet enough to keep the banking system permanently saturated with liquidity, even as demand for cash grows. On September 18th Mr Powell suggested that the Fed would opt for the latter, saying it wanted reserves to be ample enough to avoid operations of the sort carried out in recent days. He also announced technical tweaks that will mean banks are compensated a little less handsomely for cash deposited at the Fed, which might encourage them to lend a little more in the repo market instead.


It is unclear how quickly balance-sheet expansion might be resumed. This week’s events suggest it may be soon. As Mr Powell said after the Fed’s meeting, “I think we’ll learn quite a lot in the next six weeks.”






May ,男, 跨界财经、法律、政治,热恋越野跑,迷恋经济学人



Jessie Lulu, 金融从业者,爱阳光,爱细雨,爱经济学人








1) 公开市场操作

2) 再贴现率

3) 准备金率

美联储影响利率和货币的方式确实是这三种,其他各国央行调控的方式各有各的不同(毕竟书都是美国大牛写的)。美联储影响利率的方式还有一种,也是最最重要的一种,就是federal funds target range,是一种同业拆借利率,因为银行有储备一定现金的最小比例,所以每天结束核算账目的时候有的银行缺钱有的银行多了钱就会相互借来借去,本质是一种银行间借贷资金的成本,美联储会给一个上下限upper limit lower limit,俗称利率走廊。每天会有大大小小的银行间同业拆借业务的往来,每笔业务的拆借利率都不同(两家银行协商而来,只要利率在这个利率走廊里就可以),每天这些拆借利率的加权平均求和会得到一个effective funds rate,基本上这个利率可以衡量每天同业拆借资金的松紧状况。

美联储委员会(FOMC,federal open market committee)每年会开8次会,基本上每隔7周一次,基本上会宣布关于货币政策的调整。而美联储的工具箱,如上文提及的,有这几种方式,这一次在9.18,选择了降息,也就是降低利率走廊的上下限各25bp。






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