
Surgical anatomy

The pelvic ring is made up of the two innominate bones and the sacrum, articulating in front at the symphysis pubis (the anterior or pubic bridge) and posteriorly at the sacroiliac joints (the posterior or sacroiliac bridge). This basin-like structure transmits weight from the trunk to the lower limbs and provides protection for the pelvic viscera, vessels and nerves.

The stability of the pelvic ring depends upon the rigidity of the bony parts and the integrity of the strong ligaments that bind the three segments together across the symphysis pubis and the sacroiliac joints. The strongest and most important of the tethering ligaments are the sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments; these are supplemented by the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments and the ligaments of the symphysis pubis. As long as the bony ring and the ligaments are intact, load-bearing is unimpaired.

The major branches of the common iliac arteries arise within the pelvis between the level of the sacroiliac joint and the greater sciatic notch. With their accompanying veins they are particularly vulnerable in fractures through the posterior part of the pelvic ring. The nerves of the lumbar and sacral plexuses, likewise, are at risk with posterior pelvic injuries.

The bladder lies behind the symphysis pubis. The trigone is held in position by the lateral ligaments of the bladder and, in the male, by the prostate. The prostate lies between the bladder and the pelvic floor. It is held laterally by the medial fibres of the levator ani, whilst anteriorly it is firmly attached to the pubic bones by the puboprostatic ligament. In the female the trigone is attached also to the cervix and the anterior vaginal fornix. The urethra is held by both the pelvic floor muscles and the pubourethral ligament. Consequently in females the urethra is much more mobile and less prone to injury.

In severe pelvic injuries the membranous urethra is damaged when the prostate is forced backwards whilst the urethra remains static. When the puboprostatic ligament is torn, the prostate and base of the bladder can become grossly dislocated from the membranous urethra.

The pelvic colon, with its mesentery, is a mobile structure and therefore not readily injured. However, the rectum and anal canal are more firmly tethered to the urogenital structures and the muscular floor of the pelvis and are therefore vulnerable in pelvic fractures.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


innominate /ɪˈnɑːmənɪt/adj. 无名的;匿名的

sacrum /ˈseɪkrəm,ˈsækrəm/n. [解剖] 骶骨

symphysis pubis 耻骨联合

symphysis /ˈsɪmfəsɪs/n. [解剖] 联合;合生;骨的愈合

pubis /ˈpjuːbɪs/n. 耻骨;前胸侧部

pubic /ˈpjuːbɪk/adj. 耻骨的;阴毛的;阴部的

sacroiliac /ˌsækroʊˈɪliˌæk; ˌseɪkroʊˈɪliˌæk/n. 骶骼骨关节adj. 骶髂的;骶髂关节的

basin /ˈbeɪsn/n. 水池;流域;盆地;盆

trunk  /trʌŋk/n. 树干;躯干;象鼻;

pelvic/ˈpelvɪk/adj. 骨盆的

viscera /ˈvɪsərə/n. 内脏;内容(viscus的复数)

rigidity /rɪˈdʒɪdəti/n. [物] 硬度,[力] 刚性;严格,刻板;僵化;坚硬

integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正

unimpaired /ˌʌnɪmˈperd/adj. 未受损伤的;没有削弱的,未减少的

the greater sciatic notch.坐骨大切迹。

sciatic /saɪˈætɪk/adj. 坐骨的;坐骨神经的;髋部的

notch.  /nɑːtʃ/n. 刻痕,凹口;等级;峡谷vt. 赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕

sacral plexuses,骶丛

sacral adj. 骶骨的;圣礼的;祭典的

plexuses/ˈpleksəs/n. (血管、淋巴管、神经等的)[解剖] 丛

trigone  /trɪ'gəʊn, 'trʌɪ-/n. 膀胱三角区;三角形体;三棱

prostate /ˈprɑːsteɪt/adj. 前列腺的n. 前列腺

levator ani, 肛提肌

cervix/ˈsɜːrvɪks/n. 子宫颈;颈部

the anterior vaginal fornix.阴道前穹隆

urethra  /jʊˈriːθrə/n. [解剖] 尿道

membranous /ˈmembrənəs/adj. 膜的;膜性的;膜状的

static /ˈstætɪk/n. 静电;静电干扰adj. 静态的;静电的;静力的

grossly  /ˈɡroʊsli/adv. 很;非常

mesentery,  /ˈmesənˌterɪ/n. [解剖] 肠系膜

rectum  /ˈrektəm/n. 直肠

anal canal 肛管









