Daily Inspiration④0④

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


Instead of spending time dealing with an unsatisfactory life, take time to make the life you want. Kind people always feel like they have done something wrong by refusing others, but some people think you owe her three points when you help her seven points.


I have such a heart, you save a little play, leisurely injury. The world lacks not perfect people, but sincere, just, fearless and compassion from the bottom of the heart. You must have had such a time, want to talk, but found no one around, so you are used to loneliness, learned to be strong.


May you be self-disciplined. Timing and luck are always temporary. Self-discipline, perseverance and diligence are the only reliable ways to achieve something. If you can't control your mouth, don't expect to be thin; if you can't control your mobile phone, don't expect efficiency; if you can't control your time, time can only forget you mercilessly.


Never show your weakness to others. Never tell others about your woes. Because no one will think you are pitiful at all, only that you are useless. Some roads can only be traveled by one person. The hardships on the road are only known to oneself.


Understanding that life is a passer-by, gathering and splitting a process, undertaking a crisscross of joys and sorrows, does not mean that life is passive, the complexity and complexity of the world, just need a kind of plain and gentle in our hearts, not to live a sad fate, since it is those ordinary days, it is first to live a peaceful, indifferent, natural.


I want to retain that beautiful time, that time belongs to you and me. Want to reach out to touch that dream with you, but like a bubble crash, the broken moment in the time is particularly gorgeous.


A person's life is a process of knowing people. Some people start from meeting and end from getting along with each other; some people have been in the eye, but now they are out of the heart. Life will give you candy and scars, and then those wounds will fade away and become the most poisonous place on your body.


Sometimes, a strong heart is often defeated by a simple comfort, and then tears flow down its face. Perhaps everyone has an impossible person in his heart, you dare not disturb, you pretend to press the delete key smartly, but no one knows how much courage you have used.


When I was young, I never thought I was with her. It was probably parallel. But somehow there is intersection, and then fate is so irreversible forward. I began to become reliable and intolerant, which is what is called change for love.


Only when you have a firm mind can you walk steadily. When you are happy, be happy; when you are waiting for happiness, be patient. See through but don't say through, many things, as long as you have a few in mind. Many times, it is because we think too much about ourselves that we can make ourselves so miserable.


The cruelest thing in the world is not that you don't meet the person you love, but that you meet and eventually miss it. The saddest thing in the world is not that the person you love doesn't love you, but that he doesn't love you after he loves you.


When the weather is clear, you can feel the height of the mountains, the floating clouds and the white snow. Clouds are connected with the sea and air, the wind is accompanied by tides, falling trees and mountains are vast. Sometimes snow is scattered. More white is hidden in higher mountains and deeper pine forests. So I like to pace alone and calmly, while the cold wind is blowing on my face. When you are alone, you will always be there.



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