

所以你就很需要你的Best Friend帮你补补课啦!这篇文章囊括了时尚圈在本月发生的所有大事件,而且都能用最简短的语言来总结概括,堪称时尚圈临时补课秘籍! 


Alright, here we go...


Iggy Azalea邀请了鲁保罗变装皇后Vanjie、Mayhem Miller、Shea Coulee,还有美妆网红James Charles一起拍《Sally Walker》的MV!

在发布前还和James Charles合作美妆视频!

拓展链接👉 被粉丝嘲笑,被新人泼饮料,事业惨淡多年遍体鳞伤的她终于回春了!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

Karlie Kloss真人秀获得续订

《Project Runway》新一集播出,主持人从Heidi Klum变成了Karlie Kloss,但是收视口碑双双Flop!


拓展链接👉 Karlie Kloss新真人秀收视率扑街,口碑极差,进军娱乐圈宣告失败!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

Louis Vuitton秀场上的变性男模走红

在这一季度的Louis Vuitton女装大袖衫,变性男模Krow Kian惊艳登场,引发了许多讨论,频频上热搜!

拓展链接👉 拍摄Louis Vuitton广告的变性男模Krow Kian,一切都是怪美的!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”


美国版《Vogue》杂志公布了四月刊的封面,这次的封面邀请了七位来自全球不同国家的女演员,封面主题是Global Talent,其中包括中国女星Angelababy。

拓展链接👉 Angelababy成为全球首位登上美版《Vogue》杂志封面的中国女明星!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”


中国男模赵磊也因为在这一季度拍摄了Giorgio Armani的2019春夏广告成为了Industry Icons中的行业精英The Establishment,升了一小级,正式成为全亚洲第一,超过了日本超模上田大埔!

拓展链接👉 MDC榜单强势更新!他们三位成为了新的超级男模,赵磊荣升亚洲第一!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”


在这个月,Vogue Homme公布了新一期的2019年春夏刊封面!

封面人物是2018年因病去世的九十年代超模Andre van Noord的十八岁儿子Parker van Noord。

拓展链接👉 新的超模二代来袭,靠关系登国际男士版Vogue封面,居然没人骂!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”


最近Vogue杂志的视频《Go Ask Anna》中,Anna称赞Kendall在模特职业生涯里“干劲十足且有毅力”,称Kendall就是当下的Linda Evangelista。

拓展链接👉 美版Vogue主编大赞肯豆:她就是当代的Linda Evangelista

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

David Gandy来台湾参加活动

前几年风靡时尚圈的超级男模David Gandy来中国台湾参加活动了!这是他首次来中国参加活动。

活动形式可谓超高待遇,仿佛又回到了干爹David Gandy事业巅峰的2012年。

拓展链接👉 中国会成为超模的归宿吗?David Gandy超高待遇来台湾参加活动!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”


这一季时装周最值得瞩目的一场秀便是老佛爷最后一季度Chanel的大秀,而开场模特是算得上老佛爷末代Muse的卡抽Cara Delevingne!

拓展链接👉  卡抽Cara Delevingne为老佛爷最后一季度的Chanel开场!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

Gigi,孙菲菲登Vogue HK创刊号

本月Vogue HK正式创刊,而封面人物是Gigi Hadid以及中国超模孙菲菲。由于Gigi Hadid曾有过的丑闻,导致很多网友对这样的封面人选不满。

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

奚梦瑶回归High Fashion秀场

中国超模奚梦瑶这一季度重回了时装周的High Fashion秀场,走了Balmain在内的多场大秀,台步堪称亚洲顶级,让人拍手赞好!

巴黎时装周 Balmain 2019秋冬

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

Bella Hadid台步再次升段!

三年过去,目睹了Bella Hadid从青铜段位升级到了钻石段位!如今已经如鱼得水。

拓展链接👉 Bella Hadid 台步再次升级,肯德基姐妹正式解散!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

Barbara Palvin成为维密新天使

最近维密宣布Barbara Palvin成为新的签约天使,掌六宫事务!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

Tom Ford或将成为CFDA新任主席

美国时装设计师协会CFDA现任主席Diane von Furstenberg递交辞呈,董事会高层也批准她离宫养老。

而下一任主席的候选人则是Tom Ford。

拓展链接👉  他将成为新一任时尚协会主席,凭什么?

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

男模Brandon Good拍摄牛姐新MV

在牛姐新MV《A No No》里,我们看到了男模Brandon Good,他在这个MV里饰演牛姐的小男宠。

拓展链接👉 从Troye的男朋友到Mariah Carey的小男宠,这个男模找到了新门路!

点评:“There could be 100 people in the room and 99 don't believe in you but all it takes is 1 and You can change your whole life.”

