【社区公园】高差设计,住宅里的线性公园 / S&P Architektura Krajobrazu
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Thanks S&P Architektura Krajobrazu for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by S&P Architektura Krajobrazu.
S&P AK:Shyshymska Gorka项目位于俄罗斯斯维尔德洛夫斯克地区有着200万居民的叶卡捷琳堡南部,是其主要城市改造计划的第一阶段工程。该城超级项目的规划设计由荷兰建筑事务所KCAP及当地开发商布鲁斯尼卡(Brusnika)共同开发,旨在将过去50年间各种风格杂乱无章的破旧木屋和砖房公寓楼,以及部分泥土街道改造成一个有凝聚力的城市结构,为当前和未来的居民提供所有必要的便利设施,以及大量的绿色基础设施,从而弥补该地区大多数独栋房屋周围没有私人花园的现状。该计划还建立了另一套同样雄心勃勃的目标,如果如期建成,将使得该地区在气候、经济和社会方面更具弹性。
S&P AK:Shyshymska Gorka project is the implemented first stage for a major urban transformation scheme of Uktus, the southern district of Ekaterinburg – the 2 million inhabitant capital of the Sverdlovsk region, in Russia. The ambitious urban scheme, developed together with a Dutch architectural office firm KCAP, for local developer Brusnika, sets up to transform a mix of dilapidated wooden and brick houses, lining partially dirt covered streets, with haphazard blocks of flats constructed during the last 50 years in various styles, into a cohesive urban structure. The aim is to provide all necessary amenities to current and future inhabitants, including a substantial green infrastructure component that will partially compensate for loss of private gardens that surround most of the single family houses in the area. The scheme also establishes an equally ambitious set of goals that if met, will at least partially, make this area of the city more climatically, economically and socially resilient.
The scheme has been a good illustration of the client’s motto – “we do not build flats, we build cities”. The first stage, still under construction, consists of four parts. Designed by various architects as urban blocks, with traffic free central courtyards that form green hearts for each of the four neighborhoods. The scheme also includes a major transformation of streets between and around the blocks. When completed, the first stage will be a showcase for the proposed urban transformation.
All four blocks are constructed on underground carparks, freeing internal courtyards and surrounding streets from disorderly carparking that has been a major problem of many world cities. The impact of car parks that will be still left at the street level, has been carefully mitigated with use of planting and thoughtful planning. Courtyards, constructed on top of a multistorey, underground carparks have been turned into communal gardens, with 75% of these areas being covered by planting with the use of multilayering for different functions and skillful interpretation of strict local planning norms. With children’s playgrounds, sport facilities, water features, shrouded in densely planted shrub and perennial beds and large tree specimens, courtyards provide shelter from the heat of continental summers with temperature rising to +30 centigrade, as well as the gusty winds of Ural winters – with temperatures plunging below -25 centigrade.
The streets have also been planted with a mix of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, all mitigating the heat island effect and organizing public areas into zones clearly divided between different user groups. Wide bicycle lines constructed along the streets create the core of a future district-wide bicycle system that will be integrated with the planned city network.
One of the major challenges while working on the design for district transformation, was a steep change of levels going down eastward towards the Iset river. In some places, the central West-East avenue was climbing at a 12% steep slope – making it practically unusable for elderly or disabled. Potential lack of attention to the ease of access to commercial places designed at the street level could have resulted in difficulties with their commercialization. The problem has been solved by turning the street into a pedestrian green boulevard/linear park.
With a path zigzagging through, at a pleasant maximum incline of 3%, all groups of potential users are allowed access to the area, making a former problematic zone into the new center neighborly activities. Dotted with children’s playgrounds, benches, small water features and lawn areas, the central avenue has been transformed into a green axis; a linear neighborhood park providing such needed public green amenities for the area. With a strong geometry, dictated by functional needs, the avenue provides a no-fuss, bold design statement, strengthened by a mass planting scheme of shrubs and modern perennial border mixes.
Perfectly suited to the climate of the Ural region, a mix of evergreen pines, spruces and eastern hemlock with deciduous limes, birches and acers, creates a strong structure for the space, twelve months of the year. Moreover, during winter (which in Ekaterinburg can be 6 months long) the steep grass slopes of the boulevard function as a winter wonderland for tobogganing children and their parents.
此外,为了激活新社区及其绿色轴线,“Brusnika”与艺术基金会“Kulturnyi Tranzit”一起在其中一个商业空间创建了一个艺术住宅区。许多艺术家开始使用中轴线作为艺术装置或事件的展览场所,主要目的是让该地区的所有居民,新居民和在Uktus生活了几代的人们参与进来。到目前结果表明,即使在最具挑战的环境中,巧妙地运用景观、商业技术以及文化和社会活动,也能从一开始就创造出充满活力的空间。
Additionally, to help activating the new neighborhood and its green axis, “Brusnika” together with an art foundation “Kulturnyi Tranzit” created an art residency in one of the commercial spaces. Various artist started using the central axis as an exhibition place for art installations or happenings with the main aim of involving all residents of the district, the new ones and people that have been living in Uktus for generations. So far the results show that a skillful use of landscape and commercial techniques together with cultural and social activism can, from the very beginning create vibrant, lively spaces even in the most challenging circumstances.
At the landscape level the project demonstrates how with the right use of levels, topography and a bold planting scheme, a potential design problem can be turned into an asset. The scheme uses landscape as a unifying feature in the otherwise varying architectural environment, with simple repetitive components, some of them uniquely designed and developed for the scheme, that bring clarity to the public realm.
Shyshymska Gorka是Uktus地区改造的第一阶段,它为该地区的其他地方提供了大胆的示范。如果继续这样走下去,它将有潜力创造一个独一无二具有强烈城市特色的活力友好社区。
The first stage of the Uktus district transformation, on Shyshymska Gorka in Ekaterinburg, provides a bold footprint for the rest of the area. If carried through it has the potential to create a vibrant, friendly neighborhood with a strong and unique urban character.
项目名称:Shyshymska Gorka
客户:LLC Brusnika
景观总体规划/景观概念/设计/施工图:S&P Architektura Krajobrazu,华沙,叶卡捷琳堡 (www.sztukaipartnerzy.pl)
城市规划/建筑街区1和2:KCAP,鹿特丹 (https://www.kcap.eu/en/)
摄影:S&P Architektura Krajobrazu 和 LCC Brusnika
艺术装置摄影:Art Residency “Shyshymska Gorka”
Location: Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Name of the Project: Shyshymska Gorka
Client: LLC Brusnika
Landscape Masterplan, Landscape Concept, Design & Construction Documentation: S&P Architektura Krajobrazu, Warsaw, Ekaterynburg (www.sztukaipartnerzy.pl)
Urban Planning, Architecture Block 1 & 2: KCAP, Rotterdam (https://www.kcap.eu/en/)
Design: 2012-present
1st Phase completed: 2019
2nd Phase completed: 2020
3rd Phase to be completed: 2022
4th Phase to be completed: 2024
Concept masterplan: KCAP
Photographs: S&P Architektura Krajobrazu and LCC Brusnika
Photographs of art Installations: Art Residency “Shyshymska Gorka”
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