【高中外语】1词汇选取四大原则在正式进入换词大法69招的学习之前,我们先来了解一下书面表达词汇选取应遵循的四大原则:1. 难词优先only--->merelyenough--->adequate2. 短语优先join--->take part inuse--->make good use of3 . 具体词优先a good teacher-->a kind, patient and knowledgeable teacherlearn--->pick up(偶然学会)/ master(掌握)I am good at English.--->I won the second prize in the English speech competition.4. 大纲词汇衍生词优先He must be a doctor.--->He is undoubtedly a doctor.He is very tall.--->He is surprisingly tall.2经典换词大法69招为了方便同学们记忆,老师已经分类整理出五大专题,评价事件/描述个人/行为动作/逻辑关系/语法关系通通都有。Tips: 标红色的最为常用,需要优先、重点记忆专题一:评价一件事1. 好的 good优秀的 outstanding,perfect,brilliant,remarkable,distinguished,excellent教育性的,启发性的 instructive,educational,enlightening建设性的,有益的 constructive,helpful,valuable,useful有意义的 meaningful2. 极好的,惊人的 great,surprising难以置信的,惊人的,令人震惊的 fantastic,incredible,unusual,unbelievable,exceptional,extraordinary,marvelous,notable,noteworthy,striking,amazing,shocking,astonishing3. 坏的bad糟糕的terrible不理想的undesirable不令人满意的unsatisfactory4. 无趣味的,无聊的 uninteresting令人厌倦的 boring,dull,annoying5. 难于理解的 difficult to understand抽象的,深奥的 abstract复杂的 complicated,complex费解的 mysterious,incomprehensible,unintelligible混杂的,不清楚的,迷惑的 confused,bewildered,perplexed6. 好处 good side=好处,优点 advantage,merit,benefit7. 坏处 bad side=坏处,缺点 disadvantage,defect,drawback,deficiency8. 必要的 necessary=必要的,不可缺少的 indispensable,essential9. 很大 very big=巨大的 tremendous,immense,huge,gigantic,giant,enormous10. 很多 many=不计其数的 countless,endless,unlimited,innumerable,immeasurable,incalculable,numberless,numerous11. 增长 grow=提高 improve,increase,enhance,raise,12. 越来越(多)1)more and more+n. → students in growing numbers2)more and more +adj→ increasingly important13. 很难difficult= 有挑战性的challenging14. 很重要important= 至关重要的vital,significant15. adj.=of+n.important → of great importance different → of great differencebeautiful → of amazing beauty wise → of outstanding wisdomuseful → of great use16. 特殊的,特别的 special=具体的,明确的 concrete,specific,particular,definite17. 和……有关 be related to=与……相联系 be connected with,be linked to,be relevant to,have something to do with18. 注定 it is decided that...=注定 be doomed to,be destined to19. 乐趣 fun=娱乐,乐趣 entertainment,amusement专题二:描述一个人20. 朋友 friend熟人 acquaintance伙伴 associate,companion密友,知己 intimate,confidant21. 勤奋的hardworking=勤奋的,勤勉的 diligent,studious,industrious22. 坚决的 decided adj=坚持不懈的 perseverant,persistent,relentless不屈服的 unyielding坚持的 insistent有决心的 determined,resolute,resolved坚决的 firm23. 聪明的 clever=聪明的,有才智的 intelligent,bright,wise,brilliant24. 诚实的 honest真诚的,诚实的,正直的 sincere,truthful,genuine,upright25. 美丽的 beautiful,pretty迷人的,吸引人的 enchanting,charming,appealing,fascinating,attractive26. 累的 tired=精疲力尽的 exhausted,worn-out27. 开心的Happy →joyful / delighted28. 不开心的 sad=沮丧的,失意的 frustrated,discouraged,depressed,downhearted,disheartened,low-spirited29. 担心的 be/feel worried=忧虑的,不安的 anxious,uneasy,troubled,concerned,restless30. 失业的 out of work=失业的 unemployed,jobless31. 进步 progress=进步,成就,成绩 advancement,achievement,accomplishment,fulfilment32. 遇到(事) meet=碰到,遇到 come across,meet with,confront33. we =We high school studentsWe teenagersWe ChineseWe Chinese young generation专题三:描述各种行为34. 使用 use =make good use of35. 学习 learn =pick up (偶然或轻松学到) master(掌握)36. 适应 be used to=适应 be adapted to,be accustomed to,be adjusted to37. 参加 join, enter=参与 participate in,attend,take part in,go in for38. 注意 pay one’s attention to=集中精力于 focus on,center on,concentrate on 专心于 set one’s mind on39. 考虑 think about sth/consider sth=take into account +sthtake into consideration +sth【例】take into consideration other people's opinion.40. 做 do =开展,实施,做 practice,carry out,perform利用好时间精力去做make good use of your time and effort to do完全有理由去做have every reason to do忍不住做can't help doing 41. 能够做 can do sth =will do sthbe able to do sthbe capable of doing sth42. 完成 finish=实现,完成 achieve,accomplish,fulfill,complete43. 花时间做 spend time doing sth=抽出时间做set aside time to do sth,put aside time to do sth,spare time to do sth44. 尽力做 try to,work hard=努力做,尽力做 attempt to,make efforts to,endeavor to,manage to do45. 决定做 decide to do=决心做 be determined to do,make up one’s mind to do46. 想要做 want to =等不及,渴望 tend/intend to do sthbe longing for doing sth.be thirsty for doing sthlook forward to doing sthcan't wait to do sthdesire to do have the desire to do/for sth47. 喜欢做like =love\ enjoy\ prefer...be fond of + 物be crazy aboutI appreciate your sense of humour.48. 应该做 should do=Had better doBe supposed to do Why not doIf I were you, I would doIt is beneficial/helpful/meaningful for you to do Doing sth is another possible choice for you.Close attention should be paid to that…49. 有机会做 have a chance to/of=有机会的 stand a chance of,have an opportunity to50. 重视value =珍爱,珍惜,重视 cherish,treasure,have a high opinion of51. 把……看作,当作 see…as=把……看作,当作 regard as,consider as,look on…as,treat…as,view…as52. 解释 explain=解释 account for,illustrate,clarify53. 想 think=想出,想到 sb come up with,sth/it cross one’s mind,sth/it occur to somebody54. 认为 think = guessharbor the idea that...take the attitude that...hold the view that...55. 相信 believe =sb insist on sth 坚持(某种观点)sb insist that... 坚持做某事be sure that56. 需要 need =需要 call for,require,demand57. 知道 know =熟悉,知道 be acquainted with,be familiar with,be informed of58. 我们都知道 we all know =It is widely shared that...It is universally acknowledged that...59. 意识到 realize=意识到 become/be aware of,become/be conscious of专题四:各种逻辑关系词60. not = by no means ,at no time61. 因为because= ...,for... ...,considering that...62. 所以so= , as a result,... ....therefore,... ...consequently,...63. 尽管although= ...admitting that,...64. 因为 because of=因为 due to,owing to,thanks to65. 反复again and again=重复地 repeatedly,over and over,time and time again66. 最后 finally,at last=迟早,最终 eventually,sooner or later,ultimately67. 在我看来 In my opinion=在我看来,就我而言 in my view,in my belief,as far as I can see,in my mind,as far as I am concerned68. 事实上 in fact=事实上 in reality,in effect,as a matter of fact,practically,virtually,actually