
1. 勤奋 diligence
2. 耐心 patience
3. 成功 success
4. 机遇 opportunity
5. 挑战 challenge
6. 节约 thrift
7. 创新 innovation
8. 坚决果断的 determined
9. 奉献 dedication
10. 自信 self-confidence
11. 诚实 honesty
12. 谦虚 modesty
13. 奋斗 strive
14. 团队精神 & 合作 teamwork spirit &cooperation
15. 激烈竞争 fierce competition
16. 实事求是 seek truth from facts
17. 公共道德 public morality
18. 礼貌 politeness
19. 提高综合素质 enhance one’s overall quality
20. 贪婪 greed n. / greedy adj.
21. 承担责任 undertake the responsibility of
22. 内心美 inner beauty
23. 相互理解 mutual understanding
24. 和谐社会 harmonious society
25. 打好基础的重要性 the importance of fundamentals/basic skills
26. 可持续发展 sustainable development 27. 美德 virtue
28. 谨慎的 prudent adj.   prudence n.
29. 尊老爱幼 respect the old and care for the young
30. 美德道德 virtue and morality
31. 挫折与坎坷 twists and turns
32. 逆境 setback/adversity/hardship
33. 成功无捷径 there is no shortcut to success
34. 终身学习 life-long/lifetime study
35. 从小事做起 start from small details/ things
36. 人生处处面临选择 We are always faced with various choices.
37. 幽默感 a sense of humor
38. 欲速则不达 Haste makes waste.
39. 身心健康 physical and mental health/fitness
40. 捐献 donation
41. 树立积极榜样 set positive examples/ models
42. 业余爱好 hobbies
43. 爱国主义 patriotism
44. 熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.
45. 读书的快乐 the pleasure/delight of reading
46. 感谢对手 expressing thanks to ourrivals/opponents
47. 欣赏 appreciation
48. 独立 independence
49. 信念 conviction/faith/belief
50. 持续追求 constant pursuits
51. 理智的 rational/intellectual
52. 规则 rules and regulations
53. 适应社会发展 adapt to the social development
54. 奉献 contributions
55. 依赖 dependence n./depend v.
56. 自助者天助之 God helps those who help themselves.
57. 充分准备 full/adequate preparation
58. 追求 & 收获 pursuits & rewards
59. 有志者事竟成 Where there is a will, there is a way.
60. 乐于助人 be happy to help others
61. 缩短距离 shorten the distance
62. 提升效率 improve the efficiency
63. 雄心勃勃的 ambitious
64. 中华文明 Chinese civilization
65. 悠久的历史 the time-honored history
66. 就业机会 employment opportunities
67. 虚假广告问题 the issue of false ads
68. 过度包装 excessive packaging
69. 诱惑 lures/temptation
70. 享受孤独 enjoying solitude
71. 没有后悔药 There is no medicine/ recipe for regret.
72. 财富和人口 wealth and population
73. 坚持梦想 hold fast to my dream/stickwith my dream
74. 放弃 give up
75. 侵权 copyright infringements
76. 看相 fortunetelling
77. 崇拜偶像 adoring idols
78. 沉重的医疗负担 a heavy burden of medical care
79. 城市交通堵塞 urban traffic jams/congestions
80. 住房问题 housing problems
81. 就业与失业 employment and unemployment
82. 诚信和不诚实 honesty and dishonesty
83. 私人汽车 private cars
84. 环境污染 environmental pollution
85. 能源危机 energy crises
86. 假日旅游 traveling on holidays
87. 大众传媒负面影响 the negativeinfluence of mass media
88. 一次性塑料袋 disposable plastic bags
89. 代沟 generation gap
90. 娱乐活动 recreational activities
91. 占座 holding a seat
92. 节食 on diet
93. 快餐 fast food
94. 交通规则的重要性 the importance oftraffic regulations
95. 素质教育 quality-oriented education
96. 应试教育 test-oriented education system
97. 消除贫困 get rid of/alleviate poverty
98. 白费力气 effort in vain
99. 面试前的准备 preparation for the interview
100. 助学贷款 students’ loans
101. 尖子生 top students/Straight-A students
102. 学业成就 academic achievement
103. 为人师表 to be a model
104. 理论与实践 theory and practice
105. 发挥潜能 fulfill one’s potential
106. 科技 science and technology
107. 作物 crop
108. 小麦 wheat
109. 面粉 flour
110. 面包 bread
111. 馒头 steamed bread
112. 面条 noodles
113. 社会家庭和谐 social and family harmony
114. 亲人、亲戚 relatives
115. 缺乏爱心 lacking of love/be lack oflove
116. 古迹 historical sites
117. 全球化 globalization
118. 区域一体化 regional integration
119. 一带一路倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
120. 豆浆 soybean milk
121. 豆腐 bean curd, tofu
122. 瓷器 china (请注意China是中国,china 是瓷器)
123. 丝绸 silk
124. 丝绸之路 the Silk Road
125. 人工智能 AI = Artificial Intelligence
