


2017.04.11 - 2017.05.10

(9696 Geography, 3 hour)

⏳Before the A1 exam, you have 29 days to go.

今天距离地理A1 考试还有:29 天


编码依据为:A level 地理课程号_冬季+年份_评分标准_三卷(每次考试都有三张卷子,一张正式考试用,另外两张备选,以防试题泄漏,难度系数一样)



首先是Section B 自然地理中的第一题:


(a) (i) 所问的定义在IG阶段的课程就有涉及,而且A1教材P7也有介绍,建议结合P8的Hjulstrom curve来学习。


如果这道题稍微加难一点,可能就和(b)问类似,会要求考生通过绘图来表达不同类型的流水搬运过程(river transport process),这次考核的“翻滚吧”和“漂移中”。


Traction is the movement of coarser material (1) in a rolling/sliding motion (1) across thebed of the river. Suspension is the movement of the finer particles (1) within the body of the water (1).


There are a number of causes of deposition such as:

a shallowing of gradient which decreses velocity and energy

a decrease in the volume of water in the channel

an increase in the friction between water and channel



Deposition generally occurs when velocity/energy drops (1). Any two valid reasons for the drop in velocity/energy such as gradient drop; slack water in front or behind major obstructions such as boulders; deposition features – 2 marks.

接下来,我们来看(b)问,是一个非常典型的地理题,从IG paper2开始就熟悉的“地理技能”在这里得到了充分的运用,这也是一道考核“过程性”的题目。所以没有办法绘图,只能找一些网图。

⚠️考试的时候建议只用黑色笔,可以用不同的图例和符号来表示ersoion, deposition, river channel, grassland。因为阅卷时是扫描进电脑阅卷的答题纸是黑白的哟。



Although ideally there should be an equal allocation of marks between the two landforms, allow a 5/3 or 3/5 split depending on the quality. Oxbow lakes will probably be covered better than alluvial fans. Oxbow lakes will be answered quite thoroughly but the river processes leading to the narrowing of the meanders and subsequent cut offs should be covered in detail. Diagrams should show these last points.

The detail on alluvial fans will probably be less, but the main factors of heavy sediment load, sudden change of gradient as rivers leave the confines of a narrow channel and the ability for the flows to spread laterally should be mentioned. The latter is probably more important than the change in gradient. The outward zonation of sediment size is also a crucial aspect of alluvial fan formation, but is difficult to show on a diagram. Diagrams should show the mountain front, narrow channel of the wadi (arroyo, etc.) and fan shape of the deposits with a number of channels (possibly shown by arrows).

No diagram: maximum 4; one diagram: maximum 6.



自然——植被的作用 dense vegetation area, such as rainforest.

人文——工程措施 hard and soft engineering.




