这篇文章基于上实剑桥剑桥教务长Tim Hawkins对新生家长的演讲稿整理而成,经过笔者整理翻译为十条至关重要却总会被一叶障目的箴言,希望能够让即将就读国际学校或出国留学的青少年、青年和家长们少走一些弯路。

This is based on Tim's speech to prospective students' parents this year. Hermione translated and organized ten of these to remind teenagers, young adults and parents in choosing the right way. But we would never say these are universal golden rules. They are all Tim's thoughts (perhaps mixed with Hermione's interpretation) over the over two decades' educational practice in both UK and China.
1. US/UK Top universities' output
1. 美/英 顶尖大学的培养目标是什么
The output from top US universities is leaders. How many Presidents, CEO’s and famous Professors were educated here?
The output from UK universities is increased knowledge. Cambridge is firstly for research.
The students admitted as undergraduates to either US or UK universities are the material for those universities’ outputs. And they will select the best material they can get for their chosen outputs.
1.1 No need to decide at first
1.1 申请美/英大学不用决定太早
Some requirements are the same, for top US or top UK universities. An enquiring, independent mind and a good level of self confidence are strengths, whether you are to become a leader or a fundamental researcher.
And there is no need for our students to actually make a choice, except to the extent that they need to, in order to have enough time for their studies.
1.2 Students to a bigger world
1.2 学生如何走向更广阔的世界
Some of our best applicants to Oxford and Cambridge have also applied to top US universities. A student can’t apply to both Oxford and Cambridge, and can only apply to 5 UK universities in total. But similar restrictions do not apply to top US universities and a student can apply to UK, US, Canada, Australia and Hong Kong.
1.3 2017's offers
1.3 今年录取情况
And this year(2017) we have got offers from Oxford and Cambridge and have a typical number, four, two at each. And we have offers for many at other good UK universities, such as Imperial College.

2 English matters
2 英语为什么重要
English language ability is critical. And that is not just because all admissions have a direct IELTS or TOEFL requirement. Though those requirements themselves are high for top universities. Whether you are expressing depth of subject understanding, for the UK, or whether you are selling yourself, for the US, your English is critical.
2.1 申请中你会遇到的问题
2.1 Questions in your way
The reason for low self confidence in Chinese students is often poor English. And, for top universities, the interview, written personal statement or essay and sometimes other questions that applicants get sent, like “How do you want to change the world?” (from University College London) need excellent English, in order for the student to properly express their independent thinking.
2.2 Speak for yourself
2.2 始终确保我口说我心
We can help with submitted material, but they are on their own in the interview. And, although they may mention their parents, they must not answer questions about what their ideas are, with “my mother says..” or “my father wants me to…” So we do emphasise English.
在学生递交的书面材料时,我们作为老师可以尽可能提供帮助,但到面试现场时学生全部只能靠自己。另外,在面试时,孩子们可以提到父母,但他们却不能在表达自己的观点时以“我妈妈说…” 亦或是“我爸爸想让我…”的方式来回答考官提问。
2.3 90% English at least
2.3 浸润式的语言学习环境
This is an English immersion environment, and our teachers are only permitted to use Chinese for 10% of what they say, in order to explain difficult concepts. Use more Chinese, and their contracts have a habit of not being renewed.
We have a lot of English lessons in the first two years. And we encourage participation in extra curricula activities such as debating and Model United Nations.

2.4 A gift from Oxford
2.4 来自牛津大学的礼物
And, for a student that has been with us for three years, Oxford University has, accepted my statement that our instruction is in English, as the basis for exempting our applicants entirely from their demanding IELTS level requirement (7.5). We cannot rely on this for the future, they often change their rules, but I do mention it as evidence of how seriously we take the English environment
3 UK Education
3 英国大学看什么
Let me be specific about the UK. As I said, it is about depth of subject understanding.
They like traditional subjects. They have a list of 14 such, called the Russell group subjects. It even includes Latin, but doesn’t include Economics and certainly not Business Studies.
If you want to study Finance, Management or Economics at a British university the subject they want you to grasp is Maths. And they actually want Physics more than Economics as a second subject.

3.1 为什么这么“传统”?
3.1 Why this "tradition"?
They argue that the academic rigour in the traditional subjects provides a good test of the student’s ability to deal with the analytical initiative needed to get the best out of the university courses. Economics at Cambridge does not require previous study of Economics, but the ability to grasp the subject deeply during the university course is considered evidenced by Maths and other academic subjects.
3.2 个人陈述到底需要有写什么
3.2 What to be included in PS?
The personal statement must be specific to the course applied for. If a student is applying for a subject studied at A level, then that subject is most of the personal statement. If applying for say Finance, the personal statement has to tell a story linking the desire to study that university course with a good depth of A level subject knowledge.
3.3 LSE 需要你的特殊对待
3.3 LSE needs special care
For one excellent British university, the London School of Economics, the personal statement is enourmously important. And must show specific preparation for the chosen course at that university, maybe disadvantaging a student’s other four applications. Moreover, it must show independence and initiative. LSE is a popular choice among Chinese students. And this year we have three students starting there, but it does require special care, or I advise against.
3.4 Interview's objective
3.4 英国大学面试的目的
And the interview for a top university will be similar, with the content depending on the sort of course being applied for. And the objective of the interview for the university is to determine whether the student will be easy to teach and good at learning. Some discussion about leadership, character, sports and extra curricula activity will take place, but it is less important than for the US.

4 US Education
4 美国大学看什么
Turning to the US, the basic requirement, in addition to the TOEFL English test is the Scholastic Aptitude Test, SAT. The alternative ACT test also works but is now less popular in the US, though we have two students taking that route this year.
SAT consists of an easy Maths test and a two part English test. One part is supposed to involve reasoning, but is really mostly an advanced vocabulary test. Students who might wish to go to the US must practice the SAT English, or if they take the ACT alternative slightly different English.
4.1 A Level works in US
4.1 英美课程并行不悖
We offer SAT and ACT courses, in addition to IELTS and TOEFL courses in the first year of our two year A level programmes, for that purpose. Taking SAT lessons does not commit a student to choose the US, though the student probably should not take it unless there is some chance of a US application.
Otherwise, a US application for a top university is well supported by A levels. Cambridge actively sells A levels to non-British universities and a good proportion of US universities now recognise them.
4.2 The inner coherence
4.2 课程之间的融会贯通
The subject material for academic subjects is very similar whatever education system is involved. The syllabuses for Physics for the Chinese Gow Kow and A level are identical, for example. US universities, because they do not focus on subject grades in the same way as British universities, do require to see a report of the grades achieved by a student by subject over all of his time with at High School. So internal exam grades are reported with a US application, and summarised into a grade average, a GPA.
因为A-level的学科内容与其它的教育体系都非常相似。 拿物理科目来说,该科目的教学大纲不仅与美国是一致的,与中国高考也是一致的。 美国大学对于成绩的要求与英国大学相对更关注A Level考试成绩不一样的地方是,申请美国的大学需要提交学生的高中各阶段成绩。因此美国大学的申请需要学生提交学校内部的考试成绩,并将考试成绩换算成平均分,也就是GPA。
4.3 US's focus on leadership
4.3 美国大学更为关注领导力
For the US as I have mentioned, our recommendation letter and reference assessments, the student’s own essay or personal statement and interview must demonstrate leadership potential and self confidence – to a greater extent than is necessary for the UK universities.
4.4 Flexible in AP and A Level
4.4 双A课程同步开启的优势
We consider our flexibility on destinations a strength. As I said earlier, our top students often apply to both the US and UK. We leverage the similarities between the syllabuses and our courses for the American AP exams are top-ups to the A level courses, where possible.
You may consider this a competitive edge – we do. Some other good schools in Shanghai currently specialise in UK, US or Canadian programs, at different campuses. I know one well respected school is thinking about how to be flexible, we already do it.
我们认为这种灵活性是一种优势。如前所述,我们最好的学生既申请美国大学也申请英国大学。我们在安排教学大纲和课程时会尽量平衡AP考试和A Level课程。

5 学习之余做什么
5 Life is more
In addition to English, Extra curricula activities including sports are a good way for students to develop their self confidence, leadership and team-work skills. As long as they do not compromise their studies, we encourage participation. And they should not leave it late.
除了英语外, 我们也应当重视包括体育运动在内的各种课外活动,因为它们能够帮助提高学生的自信,领导力和团队合作能力。在不影响学习的前提下,我们鼓励学生尽可能的多并且及早的参加课外活动。
5.1 将兴趣爱好落地成自己的经历
5.1 from interest to experiences
Students need to have their interests, abilities other than academic, and examples of projects, clubs, students’ union organising work, developed over two or three years by the time they apply for university early in the final year. As I have said, particularly for any US application – and also for Management courses in the UK – evidence of leadership potential is valuable.
在申请大学的前两到三年中,学生需要在学习之外拥有自己的兴趣爱好,培养各种能力,拥有丰富的实践经历,如实践项目经历,社团工作,学生会工作经历等。 正如我前面提到过的,尤其是如果学生要申请美国大学,或者申请英国的管理类专业,具体的能证明学生领导力的证据是很有价值的。
5.2 西式教育对大学申请更有帮助
5.2 Western education fits in
Making the transition to a Western Education style is important. I am not saying that Western culture is right or wrong, better or worse than a traditional Chinese approach to education. I am saying that the Western universities – British and American - are looking for evidence that Chinese applicants will fit their culture. Understanding subjects in depth is part of it, independent thought and initiative another part.
5.3 Educate for what?
5.3 我们教是为了什么?
As teachers, we need to set the right role model, as part of both the transition to Western education and the development of students’ self confidence and initiative. Teamwork and collaborative openness are vital.
The students, of course are quite aware of the school’s management style and the working relationships in the school. We are student-centred, not a factory. We treat each student as an individual and aim to maximise their potential.

6 Students' own business
6 学生为什么得为自己做主
Above all, students must develop their own overview of where they are, what they are trying to do. It has to be flexible, they need to learn that, on the one hand they can’t force the future to be what they want, and might not succeed with everything.
But on the other hand, they must focus, prioirise, push on with confidence and know the value to them of the different achievements they could aspire to.
6.1 self-discipline
6.1 培养自律意识
We will help them develop that approach. They need to depend less on “who said..” and “I didn’t have a choice…” and more on the real reasons why. A high degree of self-discipline is needed. And increasing their self-discipline is worthwhile for most of our students. They cannot choose subjects just because they enjoy them, and equally drop subjects just because they find them difficult.
6.2 Willing to communicate
6.2 乐于与不同国家的人交流
All universities in the US and the UK are concerned about the increase in the number of Chinese students. They don’t want students to only stick together with other Chinese, for a number of obvious reasons.
This is another reason why they are looking for evidence of self confidence – and again a use of a student’s English ability. Students should assume that they will actively mix with local and other nationalities – and certainly must give the universities the impression that they will, when applying.
6.3 成为主动学习者
6.3 Active learner
The second problem they will have – in either the UK or the US – is to find the initiative needed to get the best out of the subject courses. The general understanding of the point is the same, as I have already mentioned about Western education style.
Whatever subject courses they are taking at university they will need to develop a depth of understanding which means they can make an intellectual leap themselves. The US universities will give emphasis to leadership on recruitment, but when students are there, they will need the same subject approach as in the UK.

去英国留学要考雅思,学A Level,英国大学更看重勤思善学、懂得表达自己想法的学生,去美国留学要考托福和SAT,学A Level和AP都可以,美国大学更看重理性推理、善于与人沟通交流的学生。


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