你在害怕什么:病毒,死亡还是其他事? ——2020.3.4 歧视,没有疫苗,也从不消亡


Hi there,


You are witnessing me trying to practice my patience, instead of jumping to different topics, I would like to stay in the 'hole' I dug yesterday, not changing the title, just adding the date and subtitle. Everyday I will use green for my new writings, and if any of my reader has a comment on the content I wrote and I will try to reply with the colour you like (if you told me). Writing daily post in this way, for me, is a process of building a house. To be honest,  no one knows how long it will last, it may depend on me and the coronavirus outbreak.


Available colours here at wechat public platform



To reach more readers, speak in a louder voice, and make one step to promote my perspective of the world,  I will try to write post in two languages, and also update in my new blog since 3rd March 2020, starting from this post: https://hermionegeo.wordpress.com


Actually I realise another advantage of bilingual writing, I have to think twice whether it is appropriate and accurate:can my writing provide an opportunity for readers who can only speak one of the two languages to know the others who speak another language? And it is not through the translator machine, but through the writer as a bridge for conversation. All of a sudden, Rabindranth Tagore came to my mind, he translated his poems, originally written in Bengali to English. I am not comparing myself to a poet, just realising my good fortune in expressing myself in two languages. I admire the translators, and appreciate the computer scientists' development on machine translation, but I still consider that I understand myself a bit more.


Choosing “What's your fear: virus, death or something else?" as the title is triggered by two news today: firstly, the NHS England categorised coronavirus as 'highest level of emergency'; secondly, a coronavirus hate attack victim Singapore student punched by thugs on Oxford street.


Before I post this at the evening of 4th March 2020 in London, 87 cases have been confirmed in UK. I do not want to comment too much on the policies and reactions of what is being done. Probably the historians in 2120 will give fair statement.  BUT I do feel VERY disappointed at the posts I saw on wehcat and some highly-liked comments when they seem to look down on the efforts other countries are doing, just shouting "copy what has been done”. There are too many things to consider, how can there be only one solution? I would use 'demonise' to say my feelings about their behaviour, to some extent, it is like doing the same thing we feel uncomfortable when some unkind comments we received at the beginning of coronavirus outbreak in China.

source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51741001

我有一个朋友曾经问我为什么不作恶?我说因为知道我不喜欢那样被人对待,所以选择践行孔子说的”己所不欲,勿施于人“。所以还请看到这里的你看见国内疫情得到控制,国外病例增长的时候,不要竟然萌生出一种莫名其妙的优越感。生而为人有移情能力是好,但你不是那个人,很难准确 知道对方走了多远。至少你可以选择不横加指责,更别轻易用自己的尺度,不理性思考就去评价对方的行为。人是有言论自由,但也要想想语言的力量再说话。

My friend once asked why I do not do bad things? I said it is because I do not want to be treated badly, that is why I choose to act upon what Confucius say " What you do not want to done to yourself, do not do to others". So when you look at the situation get into control in China and  increase cases outside China, do not feel superior. It is a good thing to have empathy but you are still not the person, very difficult to know how far one has gone.  At least you can choose not to blame, not use your ruler to judge others' behaviour without thinking critically. People do have speech freedom, however, speak after you take into consideration of the power language can have.


As an international student from China and live in London, it is time to share my thoughts and attitudes, otherwise no one is likely to know my ideas because they do not live in my brain. Since I choose to speak up with my words, I would like to try to write as clear as I can.

  1. 阻断病毒的传播,先从注意个人卫生习惯开始
    To stop the spread, start by paying more attention to
    personal hygiene habits
    I see no need to emphasise as there are a lot materials available. All I want to say is that: washing your hands not only protect you but also protect the family and friends you care when you spend time together. My recent habit is to take off coat and wash hands thoroughly when get indoors.
  2. 阻断病毒带来的歧视与犯罪,需要教育与科普
    To stop the discrimination and crime, education is needed


Discrimination to me, is more terrible than virus, because there is no vaccine, and it does not stop spreading when the host is dead. Therefore, comparing to the violence in the street, I am more afraid of the stubborn discrimination one can have.  This kind of discrimination always comes with superioirty (an ignorant narcissism).


Perhaps some reader may feel I am writing this as I am feeling superior, I can even imagine someone would consider writing bilingually is a proof. What can I say? People who choose to build the house, bridges or roads, are more likely to make more mistakes and face risks than those who stay in comfort zone and pretend to be deep in thought. As long as I see myself as a diligent worker, and I learnt to articulate myself, I do not care some misunderstandings.


I am a bit cautious about connecting the racial discrimation with the street violence and crime. The coronavirus hate attack, from my perspective as someone whose speaciality is education, would argue that they have misconceptions of virus, their panic expands to people who they assume may be affected by the virus. There is a possiblity that these people who use the violence to let off their emotions are ill-informed of the fact: in this time and age, only paying attention to what a person look like cannot provide enough information to know where they are from.


Of course it is likely that the hate attacks are carried by racist who need a new reason to go violent. But even someone is a racist now does not mean they are born in this way. Before the seterotype, it would be helpful to realise that the different cultures and countries are existing in our planet earth. When a person perceives his/her identity by not feeling superior due to "my culture" and "my race", would reduce discrimination, add some respect and understandings.


In the last few days, I was chatting with one of my friends about the panic caused by the virus, we both feel it is horrible to be not aware of whether I have caught the virus or not. If we are asymptomatic carriers, we would feel very guilty because we may pass on the virus without intention. And coming back to oneself, we both said we are not afraid of death as it is inevitable, but disappear forever without any known reasons would be a more terrifying event, which is, die without any meaning.


Because this is the first blog, and I hope to continue writing, so here we are, the question for you to think:


In the Foundation by Isaac Asimov , there is a framed statement: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent(P77). To what extent do you agree with this statement?



On the 4th March 2020, some ideas about discrimination are shared, after my update, I would like to ask one more question for you to think:

How did you overcome some discrimation you once had?


Best wishes( have a good health both physcially and mentally)



