比利时画家 Bernard Van Orley(1487-1541年)


Altarpiece of Sts Thomas and Matthias 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1512

Christ Among the Doctors 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1513

Virgin and Child 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1515

The Martyrdom of John the Baptist 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1515

The Birth and Naming of Saint John the Baptist 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1515

Trompe-l\\\'oeil with painting of the Man of Sorrows 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1515

Portrait of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1516

Portrait of Charles V Holy Roman Emperor 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1516

Virgin and Child with Angels 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1518

The Annunciation 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1518

Marie Haneton 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1519

Lady Holding An Heraldic Shield Within a Painted Niche 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Portrait of Margaret of Austria Duchess of Savoy 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Portrait of Margaret of Austria Duchess of Savoy 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Portrait of Margaret of Austria 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Portrait of a Young Man 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Polyptych with Death of the Virgin 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Thomas Und Matthias Altar 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Preaches of Saint Ambrosius 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

The Virgin of the Milk 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Virgin with the Child and St. John 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1515-1520

The Lovaina\\\'s Virgin 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1520

Triptych of Virtue of Patience (closed) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1521

Triptych of Virtue of Patience 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1521

The Holy Family 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1522

Portrait of Charles V 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1525

Madonna and Child (Madonna lactans) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1525

Last Judgement and the Seven Acts of Mercy 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1525

The Last Supper 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1528

Johan Iv Van Nassau and His Wife Maria Van Loon-Heinsberg 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1530

Roman Warrior in Armor and Kneeling Servant 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1530

Portrait of Jean Carondelet 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1530

Passions of Christ 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1530

Presentation of Christ 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1530

Before the Crucifixion 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1530

Holy Family 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1531

The Adoration of The magi 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1533

Altarpiece of Calvary 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1534

Altarpiece of Calvary (closed) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1534

Sharing out the Game 作者:Bernard Van Orley 1535

Portrait of Margaret of Austria 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Hl. Maria Magdalena (Margarethe Von Österreich) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Portrait of King Louis II of Hungary (posthumous) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Haneton Triptych (central part) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Haneton Triptych (right wing) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Haneton Triptych (left wing) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Haneton Triptych (detail) 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Haneton Triptych 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

The Virgin and Child in a Landscape 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Virgin and Child near a Fountain 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Madonna and Child Holding a Pear 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Christ on the cross between Mary and John 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Agony in the Garden 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Triptych with Christ on the cross and the seven sorrows and joys of Mary 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Triptych (middle panel) Christ Falls with the Cross Before a City Gate 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

Four Scenes from the Passion 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

The final judgment and the burying of the dead 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

The Annunciation 作者:Bernard Van Orley 年?

