雅思口语 7+短语 take in

1 take in 使留宿
如:My sister took me in. 我姐姐让我留宿。(去旅行相关的话题可以使用哦)
2 take in 理解
如:It's a lot to take in. 这个东西很难理解。(英语课这个话题哦)
I could hardly take in what the old man said. 我几乎听不懂老人说了什么。(和陌生人的谈话这个话题哦)
3 take in 裁剪衣服
如:I took in the waist on the pants. 我缩短了裤腰。(clothes 或者 gift话题)
4 be taken in 被欺骗
如:She's taken in by his charm, which soon vanished.她被他的魅力欺骗了,而这种魅力很快就消失了。(不同意的决定这个话题哦)
5 take in 吸收 (养分等)
如:Plants take in carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis [,fəʊtə(ʊ)'sɪnθɪsɪs],the process of changing light energy to chemical energy. 植物吸收光合作用(就是把光能转化为化学能的过程)需要的二氧化碳。
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