雅思口语 part3 sport
1 strenuous sports 很耗体力的运动
e.g. After doing strenuous sports, I feel ill with exhaustion. 做完耗体力的运动之后,我筋疲力尽。
2 dominate sth. 在体育比赛中占上风
e.g. This team completely dominated the first half of the match. 这个队伍在上半场的比赛中完全占了上风。
3 a cliffhanger 一场充满悬念的比赛
e.g. The match is very likely to be a cliffhanger. 这场比赛很有可能充满悬念。
4 spectator sport 观赏性的运动
e.g. The most popular spectator sport is football. 足球是最吸引人的体育比赛。
5 develop a sense of good sportsmanship 培养运动员精神
e.g. The game aims to develop a sense of good sportsmanship. 这个比赛是为了培养运动员精神。
6 football hooligans 足球流氓
e.g. The government should sort out the problem of football hooligans. 政府应该解决足球流氓的问题。

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