使用服务器M1-1-2-1查看到的所有故障记录,所有事件类别分为I/W/F/EIInformation信息WWaring警告FFault错误EElite - Visible only in the ALL Menu Event TracesavedRuns从上次送电到现在的运行次数savedMins从上次送电到现在的时间(单位:分钟)

故障代码故障名称类别故障相关设置Operating System0000Task TimingW内部命令在规定时间内没有被调用,软件已经重启。0001S/W ResetWGECB 监控回路启动,软件重启。0002Illegal IntW非法中断/停止服务0003CanTxFullWCAN 总线信息不能发送0004CanBusOffWCAN 总线通讯重启。0006StackCheckF芯片的插槽错误,软件重启。0007SCN ErrorF软件版本错误——>定制一个新的正确的软件版本0008TimerSyncF软件内部时钟没有正确升级,软件重启0009Task FailF应用软件运行错误,软件重启0010McbCommErrFCAN 总线连接驱动器时通信错误0011SpbCommErrWCAN 总线链接SPB 通信错误0012Power OnI电子板供电正常0013Event FailW事件记录错误0014PowerOffOnI供电的瞬间错误0016S/W RestartW软件未知原因重启0017Trace ErrorF事件跟踪控制缓冲值错误0018Bad E2PWDifferent addresses found for “mirrored I/Os” (e.g. IO0032 and IO3000)Check all level- and opening-related I/OsI/O0019MissedLvIntFLV1 和LV2 信号错误未得到 L V1 和 LV2 信号0019MissedLvIntFlv1 and lv2 edge was missed0020RemoteResetISystem was reset by Elite Service expert0021Time AdjustITime was changed using SVT function0022Time SummerITime was adjusted for summer time0023Time WinterITime was adjusted for winter time0024Time NotSetWTime has not yet been set0025ExternResetWThe external watchdog caused a reset0026Time NmsAdjETime was adjusted by NMS0027PowerReturnIPower returned after ARO0028CcanSndFailWSending car bus CAN message failed0029CcanPubFailWPublishing car bus CAN message failed0030CCanErrorWDisturbances on the car CAN bus have been detected.Check termination, wiring, shielding0031GcanTxFullWGroup bus CAN messages cannot be sent0032GcanBusOffF群控CAN 通讯失败0033GcanSndFailWSending group bus CAN message failed0034GcanPubFailWPublishing group bus CAN message failed0035GCanErrorWDisturbances on the group CAN bus have been detected.Check termination, wiring, shielding0036GwCommErrWGateway communication failureREM-TYP=6,7,80037Time FaultWThe real time clock was corrupted and has now been reset to 01.01.2004.Use M-1-3-8-1 to set the correct date/time0038Time Nms>1hWTime synchronization between NMS and Controller greater than 1h0039ZKIP Div0WNumerical division by 0 during ZKIP au- thentication0040CarioComErrFNo CAN communication to CARIO board (i.e. TOCB, COPG, CSPB)Check CAN termination, wiringEN-CARIO>00042TimAdjByRTCIThe GECB time was adjusted by the RTC0043Bad ParamsWSome parameters are out of rangeUse M-3-2 to set the default valuesOperational Control Sub System0100OpMode NAVF由于驱动错误,OCSS 不可用。NAV 这个模式通常同样会发Th在检修NIS 之后和寻址COR 启动之前。0101EPO shutd.W处于 EPO 时电梯不能运行;恢复后容许电梯运行。NU (017)NUSD (018)NUSG (019)0102OpMode DTCW电梯门不能关,超时保护(丢失DCL,DFC,DW 信号时出现)DCL RDCL DOOR,DTC-T(694)(695) REAR0103OpMode DTOF电梯门不能开,超时保护(丢失DOL 信号时出现)DOL RDOL DOOR,DTO-T(000)(544) REAR0104OpMode DCPW在设定的时间内,电梯不能响应呼梯信号超时保护(例如:当有人用手长时间挡住门时)DCP-T0106PDS activeI隔开的门锁开关是断开的PDD(784)0107DS bypassF门锁继电器损坏带来的消防功能故障DDSRC (970)0108EEC bypassF救援门触点损坏带来的消防功能故障DEMERC (971)0109Stuck DCBF关门按钮触点损坏一直处于关门状态,不能复位DCB (003)0110Stuck RDCBF后门关门按钮触点损坏,一直处于关门状态,不能复位RDCB (547)0111Stuck CBI指令按钮一直动作0112Stuck HBI呼梯按钮一直动作0113NoCarLightFThe light within the car has failed.0114OLD > 30sEThe elevator is overloaded for more than 30 seconds.0115LNS > 30sEThe elevator is full for more than 30 sec- onds.0116COR > 2minEThe elevator is attempting to correct posi- tion for more than 2 minutes.0117INI > 2minEThe elevator is initializing after a power on for more than 2 minutes.0118PRK > 2minEThe elevator is performing a park run for more than 2 minutes.0119WCO > 5minEThe elevator is performing wildcar opera- tion for more than 5 minutes.0120NOR > 5minEThe elevator is in NOR operation for more than 5 minutes. Could be the result of a stuck reversaldevice.0121OpMode AROFAutomatic Rescue Operation was activat- ed due to a power failure or via OFT test menu.0122SP:en.Feat!IOne of the following features is pro- grammed in the E2PROM but not yet en- abled by Service Panel:EFOEPOCLRHBPUse “Startup-Enable Features” to acti- vate these features.EFO-POS EPO- POS IO1000 CLR HBP-POS0123NAV > 30sEThe elevator is in NAV mode for more than 30 seconds. This event is only logged when the systemis in NAV mode and no OOS Blockage is detected for 30 seconds..0124Stuck WDCBFWheel Chair Door Close Button contact permanent activeWDCB(1167)0125Stuck RWDCBFRear Wheel Chair Door Close Button contact permanent activeRWDCB(1171)0126EEQF ActiveIDetected Earthquake Flash from external system0127EQOR > TimeWEQO restart condition active, but not ar- rived to the nearest floor within 4 minute 10 sec.0128EQOR Hi-galIEQO restart condition active with high- gal, but not run to the nearest floor within 10 sec.0129EQAR StartIStarted EQAR after EQO operation with just low-gal active0130EQAR AbortWEQAR aborted by causes like EFO or EFS active, PFO active, other earthquake sensor active except for low-gal, discon- nected remote service under defined condition which EQAR allowed with re-mote service connectionEQAR-O0131EQAR FailFEQAR start was not permitted by drive for 60 sec after completion EQO general operation.0132EQAR OKIAllowed to return to normal operation af- ter completion of temporary serviceable check thrufloor-to-floor, top to bottom and bottom-to-floor running.0133EQAR > TimeWNo maintenance since EQAR for defined timeEqrTrg-T0134OpModeEQOIEarthquake is occurred.EqoAlarm0135Event RFSISelected events (max: 3) by SVT is de- tected for pre-determined time.RfsEvU-TRfsEvT-TRfsEvC-T RfsEvxGr RfsEvxIdRfsEvOpxMotion Control Sub System0200DrvPosInvalWDrive set the position invalid, resulting in COR run0201Correct.RunI修正寻址运行(在NIS,NAV 恢复正常后)复位运行0202/ES in FRW快车运行时ES动作安全回路或者突然断开0203/ES in SRW慢车运行时ES动作安全回路或者突然断开0204TCI/ERO onITCI 或 ERO 检修开关曾动作ERO-TYP0205SE-FaultF由于 SE 信号丢失,电梯不能运行→可以检查门的安全链触点0206OTS activeFOTS input has been activatedEN-OTS0207DDP in FRFno hoistway signals have been detected during Fast Run (missing DZ)DDP0208DDP in SRFduration of Slow Run is longer than 3P- time (i.e. no stop signal has been detect- ed)3P0209DDP in RSFduration of Rescue Run is longer than 3P-time (i.e. no stop signal has been de- tected)3P0210/DZ in NSTF门区信号丢失,直到电梯停止也未能找到信号停车时DZ 信号丢失DZ-TYP0211/DFC in FRW快车运行时,电梯轿门没关或者突然断开0212/DFC in SRW慢车运行时,电梯轿门没关或者突然断开0213DrvPrepErrW驱动器准备好了运行时发Th错误(例如:缺少了称重信息时)0214DrvStuckPtrW处于准备启动状态时驱动卡死0215DrvStuckRtrW已经准备好启动时驱动卡死0216DrvBrakeErrF驱动抱闸没有打开,因此报错0217DrvCreepErrF驱动爬行时间太长(抱闸制动速度太慢)0218DrvShutdownF驱动器报告了一个急停故障(可以查看 MCB 的故障记录)查看变频器故障0219DrvStartErrF驱动启动时发Th错误0220DrvServiceW驱动器要求REM 服务,可以查看驱动器故障记录0221DrvStopErrFIt was detected that the drive was stopped while it was supposed to run (so called “Running but Idle lockup”).To avoid a blockage, a correction run is initiated.DRV-TYP=002221TH-FaultW抱闸继电器 1TH 未接通,驱动器电力断电降温钢带检测连至 ITH 的 DBR 触点打开,变频器关闭并冷却热敏开关02232TH-FaultF连接 2TH 的继电器触点断开0224DrvEndRunF驱动器没有终止这次运行变频器不能终止运行0225110VAC deadF110V 交流供电中断 5 秒以上报错缺少110电压或者电压低于110V0226LS-faultF--> see description for blinking message0227110Vac OffOnFPower supply (110VAC) died and came back before complete power down02281LS+2LS onF下减速开关1LS 和 下减速开关2LS 信号同时被激活(检查涉及到此位置的供电线路)0229ACS operat.F€ see description for blinking message 'ACD Fault!”ACD/UXT0230TCI Adr ChkF一些RSL 的 I/O 接口被设定为 00-0 和 01-0。当前只有一个 I/O 接口被检测了.(TCI 的 I/O 是 691,确保此接口为一个有效地址)IO 地址不正确,不允许设置为 00-0 和 01-0检修IO地址TCI(691)0231Drv SC ErrFIndicates that ADO is enabled and the conditions were met to begin an ADO run, but the DriveSpeedCheck signal did not toggle on this runCheck CAN bus connectionEN-ADO=10232UCM WeldedFThe UCM relay is stuck. Check hardwareSee also Feature Setup Description.轿厢意外移动EN-UCMK=10233PowerSaveI驱动模块已经供电PDR-D0234UCM DetectFUnintended Car Movement (leaving the door zone with open doors under motor) was detected by the GECB or by the Drive or both.轿厢意外移动For more information, see the Feature Setup Description.UCM-TYP=1,2,30235ABL AbortWAdvanced Brake Lift was aborted be- cause the door was not fully closed 10 seconds after thebrake was lifted.EN-ABL=1,DRV-TYP=10236Learn RunIThe OVF20 has started its Learn Run.DRV-TYP = 1020237/DW in FRW快车运行中厅门锁突然断开0238/DW in SRW慢车运行中厅门锁突然断开0239/ES with ][EThe TES or PES button was pushed without seeing a prior “/DW in FR” or “/DW in SR” event. If a prior “/DW in FR” or “/DW in SR” event is seen, then that would be an indication of the normalpro- cedure to enter the hoistway, so is not reported.0240/DW > 5minEThe DW signal is missing for 5 minutes, but no HAD and no DTC was detected.0241/DFC > 5minEThe DFC signal is missing for 5 minutes, but no HAD and no DTC was detected.0242ETSC FaultF终端减速回路失效PX2.1=2 UP(576)DN(577)0243ETSC BlockF在发现终端减速回路失效后系统被锁,防止再次运行PX2.1=2 UP(576)DN(577)02442SE-FaultFThe input 2nd Start Enable opened (e.g. active BID).0245/UIB/DIB FRW安全回路在UIB/DIB 加速或恒速运行中被断开0246/UIB/DIB SRW安全回路在UIB/DIB 减速运行中被断开0247No UIB DIBF安全回路断开超过 5 秒0248ES WiringF安全回路接线错误(PES 未接入)0249SAF WiringF安全回路接线错误(DS/GS 未接入)02506LS-TYP!WGECB 和变频器的 6LS-TYP 设置不一致6LS-TYP0251DrvOverHeatFWhen the drive overheat signal is re- ceived from Drive thru CAN bus.Check GDCB eventsEN-JIS0252UCMCommErrFCAN communication fault between GECB and UCM boardCheck CAN line between GECB and UCM boardUCM-TYP0253FSO Rly ErrFWhen the inconsistency is detected for front SO relay Check SO relay for front doorCheck IO FDZ(1195), FSO(1197) and CHK_SO(1196)EN-SO0254RSO RlyErrFNot implemented0255No RLV/ABLFAn error occurred during releveling on a system with EN-required UCM. Further relevel runs will be prevented at the floor where the problem occurred. Relevel runs will be re-enabled when thecar moves to another floor.UCM-TYP=30256EtsdCommErrFThe ET_S1-4 expectation message from the Drive was not received for 3 seconds. check CAN-wiringcheck CAN-LEDsPX2.1=4 or 5 ET_P1(1257) ET_P2(1258) ET_S1(1259) ET_S2(1260) ET_P3(1261) ET_P4(1262) ET_S3(1263)ET_S4(1264)0257x Etsd BlockFETSD with reed switch monitor function has detected a problem. This is the case if the ET_P1-4 signals do not match their expected value in a doorzone, or if the ET_S1-4 signals do not match their ex- pected values during the run, or if the configuration of the parameters and Ios is inconsistent.check relayscheck configuration and IosSee subcode 'x’ for detailsPX2.1=4 or 5 ET_P1(1257) ET_P2(1258) ET_S1(1259) ET_S2(1260) ET_P3(1261) ET_P4(1262) ET_S3(1263)ET_S4(1264)0258/UIB/DIB ETWThe safety chain opened between DFC and UIB/DIB within the first step ETSD zone, as indicated by ET_P1 and ET_P2.verify Drive ETSD settings, “ETP Spe %DutySpe” and “ETP2 Spe %Duty”verify ET_P1-4 sensor adjustmentPX2.1=4 or 5 ET_P1(1257) ET_P2(1258) ET_S1(1259) ET_S2(1260) ET_P3(1261) ET_P4(1262) ET_S3(1263)ET_S4(1264)0259LateET_S2/4WThe ASCB-controlled relays, ET_S2 and/or ET_S4 switch open too late during acceleration in comparison to the GECB- controlled relays, ET_S1 and/or ET_S3.readjust ASCB settingsPX2.1=4 or 5 ET_P1(1257) ET_P2(1258) ET_S1(1259) ET_S2(1260) ET_P3(1261) ET_P4(1262) ET_S3(1263)ET_S4(1264)02608LS2 oper.F8LS2 input was activatedNote: Hydraulic controllers only0261PLS1 activeFPLS1 input has been activatedEN-PLS0262Mot.Vlv timFmotorized valve got stuck0263DZ missedFUIS & DIS have been detected without DZ. This happens when one of LV relays is defect.EN-RLV0264J-RelayFThe LCB_IIC detected a fault at the 3- line-power-supply (i.e. phases missing or turned)EN-J, J-T026brake-faultFThe brake current (hydro: valve current) was missing during run.BON-D, BFLT-T,BOFF-D0267LSVF-W: /DRFLSVF-W reported an error (Drive Not Ready)DRV_TYP=102 C-TYPE(see MCB)0268LSVF-W: /SCFDuring deceleration the speed of the car was too high to perform ADO or Relevel- ing. ThereforeADO and RLV are not al- lowed any more(see MCB)0269LSVF-W:P-ONFLSVF-W has been powered onP-OFF-D P-ON-D0270OP lostFOVF10 announced a drive problem by switching off the OP signal.Look into Event Logging on OVF10.DRV-TYP = 1030271BTI NG 3rdIBTI result is no good at every 3rd trial.0272BTI OK 3rdIBTI result is good at 3rd trial.0273BTI FaultIBTI is not available or aborted.0274UCM Prot FFThe UCM Safety Valve (RSL output SVC 1304) cannot block the downward move- ment. It couldbe a wiring failure near the RSL i/o’s 1304 – 1307.DRV-TYP ≥ 2000275CR-FSO FltWPhysical address of additional front PRS input for COR rescue is invalid or ab- normally detectedat the inter-floor or the unnecessary landing.CR-OPTCR_FSO0276CR-RSO FltWPhysical address of additional rear PRS input for COR rescue is invalid or abnor- mally detectedat the inter-floor or the unnecessary landing.CR-OPTCR_RSO0277/MD in FRWThe safety chain opened at MD/AES dur- ing a run while accelerating or at constant velocity.LCB_IICMD/AES=10278/MD in SRWThe safety chain opened at MD/AES dur- ing a run while decelerating.LCB_IICMD/AES=10279/MD > 5minFThe MD/AES signal is missing for 5 minutes, but no HAD and no DTC was detected.LCB_IICMD/AES=10281MPDFMotor Protection Device was activeLCB_IIC0282/SCO in FRWThe safety chain opened at SC_OUT dur- ing a run while accelerating or at constant velocity.LVA0283/SCO in SRWThe safety chain opened at SC_OUT dur- ing a run while decelerating.LVA0284No SCOFThe safety chain stayed open at SC_OUT for longer than 5 seconds.In Low Overhead Installations (OHLOW), check KS contactLVA0285/SCO ETSDWThe safety chain opened between DFC and SC_OUT within the first step ETSD zone, as indicated by ET_P1 and ET_P2.verify Drive ETSD settings, “ETP Spe %DutySpe” and “ETP2 Spe %Duty”verify ET_P1-4 sensor adjustmentLVA PX2.1=4 or 5ET_P1(1257) ET_P2(1258) ET_S1(1259) ET_S2(1260) ET_P3(1261) ET_P4(1262) ET_S3(1263)ET_S4(1264)0286MroDirHeavyIDuring MRO, a rescue run into the heavy directino was started (Penthouse Rescue)MRO-DIR0287BSR FaultFThe brake switch relay is stucksee description for blinking message 'BSR/RR Flt'LVA-TYP0288COR CountFToo many consecutive correction runs occured. After 4-5 unsuccessfull correc- tion runs, the GECB prevents futher runs.Check 1LV/2LV sensorsCheck parameter DZ-TYP0289No 48VdcFPower supply is dead for 5 seconds. This event is logged when only the 48VDC is dead and alsowhen the controller is powered off.029048Vdc OffOnFPower supply (48VDC) died and came back before complete power down注:删除单个故障:服务器 GO ON 或者 GO BACK 选中将要删除的故障SHIFT(蓝健) + 1 (ON) 然后 SHFIT + CLEAR (ENTER) 当前单个故障删除新版本有 M1-1-2-7菜单,代替了SHIFT(蓝健)+UP(2 )