海外名师精讲牛津树系列2:A day in London (附1300多张牛津树闪卡和音频)
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在讲A day in London之前,我想告诉大家,在英国私校,孩子们放学回家的时候,书包里一般会装2本书。1本书是训练自主阅读用的分级读物,还有1本是孩子自己选的书,喜欢即可,不用管难度。
所以呢,如果你家孩子刚开始训练自主阅读,那么用最简单的分级,比如Floppy Floppy这样的来训练,一级级往上走就可以。你还可以让孩子自己选一本书,随意翻看,或者家长来讲(听的故事级别高于自主阅读的故事级别)。
好,了解这个后,继上次讲解的牛津树1 Floppy Floppy,这次我们讲稍微难一点的,选自level-8的A day in London.
1.首先看封面,封面上的字可以让孩子指着读一读 A day in London. 顺便告诉小朋友,伦敦是英国的首都,就像北京是中国的首都一样。
2.然后看第一页,Gran came to stay. The children ran to meet her.读完这2句话,我们可以提个问题:
Which word tells you that the children were enthusiastic/ excited/ pleased to meet Gran?
安可很快说出了答案:ran! 但是我提醒她:用完整的句子回答。The word “ran” shows that they were pleased to see her.
继续往下读,Hooray! said Kipper, I love it when Gran comes to stay. She’s good fun!
要注意when Gran comes to stay.因为安可会写出Gran come to stay这样的句子,所以我会强调,Gran comes或者Gran came;读到I love it when Gran comes to stay的时候,我会重点强调comes,加了s;
She’s good fun!很多家长想说She’s a good fun!注意这里不要加a,fun在这里是不可数名词,比如:
I really enjoyed your party - it was such good fun.安可班上每个月都有小孩过生日,参加完小朋友party之后,家长会发信息表示感谢。
Gran brought presents for everyone. She gave Mum and Dad an ornament. Kipper had some little golf clubs and Biff and Chip had a keyboard.
然后我会提问:What presents did Gran bring? 回答:She gave Mum and Dad a decoration. 或者我们把decoration换一个同义词:She gave Mum and Dad an ornament. Kipper got some little golf clubs and Biff and Chip got a keyboard.
4.咱们继续看正文:I’ve another surprise for you. (=I have another surprise for you.)继续下面 funny-looking可以替换成odd-looking,如果你用funny-looking 或者odd-looking修饰一个人或者一个东西,就是说这个人或者物品看起来unusual,strange.
Why did Gran shout “look out!”?
Gran shouted because the boomerang was heading for the dog. (head: to go in a particular direction)
whizz: to move or do something very fast(快速移动)
Gran停好车后说,最好的get around=travel的方式就是坐地铁(take the tube)。大家都知道,在大城市,坐地铁是非常方便的,也不用担心停车的问题:
Taking the tube is the quickest way to travel in London and you don’t have to worry about finding a parking space.
There were lots of people waiting on the platform. 就等于There were crowds of people waiting on the platform.
(1)I don’t like heights = I am afraid of heights = I am scared of heights.
(2)There were hundreds of pigeons in Trafalgar Square and Gran bought(买了) some nuts for the children to feed them. They all rushed around. One of the pigeons pooed on Kipper’s head.
(3)Oh, thanks very much! The pigeons just gave me a present.(如果鸽子在你头上拉屎,你可以说这句话,很幽默的说法)
(4)Oh, thanks! The pigeons have just left a present/surprise on the car.(如果鸽子在你的车上拉屎了,你就可以用这句话,也是比较幽默的)
(5)Now you are not allowed to feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square.(现在,特拉法加广场已经不让喂鸽子啦!)
7.咱们继续往下看:奶奶带着孩子们去了有名的“白金汉宫”(Buckingham Palace)
我们可以把文中的enormous换成vast,magnificent:Buckingham Palace is enormous/vast/magnificent!
什么是蜡像馆呢?英文定义是这样的:A waxworks is a wax museum where there are a lot of wax models of famous people for the public to look at.
The waxworks has wax models of celebrities.(celebrities是名人=famous people)
文中有句话:You can tell they are models and not real people. tell是“看得出来”
9.接下来,大家看了维多利亚女王,Biff说女王看起来好严肃哦!Queen Victoria looks very fierce. 我们可以用stern/serious来替换fierce.
奶奶说:Being a queen is a hard job.我们可以用difficult/demanding/tiring来替换“hard”表示“难”“要求高”“累人”。
fall over:倒了(As she bent down she knocked into the waxworks and they began to fall over.这里是说当奶奶弯腰捡钱的时候,撞到了蜡像,蜡像就倒了。)
second: a very short period of time(I let you out of my sight for a second, and this happens.我就让你离开我的视线一会会儿,你就整出这么个事儿!)
A lady ran up. She was very cross with Gran. 这时候,一位女士急忙赶来。她非常生气。这里cross可以换成常见的angry,furious.
11.继续往下,Never mind=No worries表示没关系。Gran didn’t mean to knock them over.奶奶又不是故意想撞倒那些蜡像。(knock over,撞倒)
Kipper说他最喜欢的就是坐船。他的原话是这么说的:I liked the ride on the boat best.这里我们可以用一句很地道的英语来表示:
The highlight of my day today was the ride on the boat even though it was cold.
hightlight:the best, most important, or most interesting part:最好,最有趣的部分
The highlight of our trip to New York was going to the top of the Empire State Building.(我们纽约行最棒的就是登顶帝国大厦。)