

RPA Case in Financial Industry:A European Bank
The bank now has hundreds of business outlets in Europe and provides financial services to 1 million customers. In its early days, the bank had to follow the same rules as large banks although it was small in scale,so the operating cost was very high.
Along with the increasing development of the bank's business, the growing number of customers has caused a shortage of manpower, and operating costs also increased. After investigation, the bank began to consider RPA as a solution to optimize its operations and reduce costs.
Once the decision was made, the bank started the proposal with an initial POC,and then deployed it. In addition, in order to ensure the smooth deployment of the RPA project, an RPA Center of Excellence (COE) was established in the bank.
Application Business
Asset business, payment collection, etc.
Before the RPA deployment
1. When recommending products for customers, it took long time for bank employees repeatedly enter customer information in different systems, and the low efficiency led to poor customer experience.
2. With the time-consuming and labor-intensive manual operation,their employees hope to free themselves from a plenty of heavy and repetitive work.
After the RPA deployment
1. The flexible and scalable RPA can not only connect multiple applications and banking systems, but can also connect external databases, automatically process data information across systems, and shorten response time.
2. RPA has high execution efficiency. Alarge number of business can be handled quickly and timely evenduring the peak hours,the bank can easily clear all backlogs from work without hiring new employees.
By the RPA deployment, manpower shortage problems have been alleviated and the business processes have been optimized, at the same time, the bank's operating costs significantly reduced. With the high rate of executions, now the bank can handle a large workload quickly and timely and it has the ability to serve more customers, the operating costs have been reduced ang thus increasing customer satisfaction.
At present, nearly 1/3 of the bank's daily work can be done by RPA in collaboration with employees. The bank saves nearly 30,000 workhours per year.