




Cleopatra. This is my treasurer. Let him speak, my lord,

Upon his peril, that I have reserved

To myself nothing. Speak the truth, Seleucus.

Seleucus. Madam, I had rather seal my lips than to my peril

Speak that which is not.

Cleopatra. What have I kept back?

Seleucus. Enough to purchase what you have made known.

Caesar. Nay, blush not, Cleopatra, I approve

Your wisdom in the deed.

Cleopatra. See, Caesar! O, behold,

How pomp is followed! mine will now be yours, 150

And, should we shift estates, yours would be mine.

The ingratitude of this Seleucus does

Even make me wild. O slave, of no more trust


Than love that's hired! What, goest thou back? thou shalt

Go back, I warrant thee; but I'll catch thine eyes,

Though they had wings: slave, soulless villain, dog!

O rarely base! (beats him)  (5.2.139-57)


