Metro English-338 - 世界最美火车之旅 - 多瑙河金鹰快车

The Danube Express Golden Eagle

The Danube Express is a private train operating in central and eastern Europe. It provides a hotel-on-wheels service with sleeping cars of three comfort categories (Superior DeLuxe, DeLuxe and Heritage classes), completed by restaurant, lounge and staff cars. Its operating season is generally from April to October.

The operation of the train has begun in September 2008. Most of the journeys were organized from Budapest to Istanbul via Romania and Bulgaria, and return via Serbia, but there were also frequent tours to Austria, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany.


Since 2014 the train belongs to Golden Eagle Luxury Trains, who has extended the range of tours significantly. Journeys have taken part until 2016 even to and inside Iran, and from Istanbul to Venice through the Balkan states, but then all the tours to and via Turkey are cancelled due to safety reasons. New tours were made in the recent years through Italy - down to Sicily and via Switzerland.

自2014年以来,这趟列车归属予金鹰豪华列车(Golden Eagle Luxury Trains),金鹰豪华列车大大地扩展了旅行的范围。到2016年,甚至还有前往伊朗和伊朗境内的线路,从伊斯坦布尔到威尼斯,途经巴尔干国家。但由于安全原因,所有到土耳其和途经土耳其的旅行都被取消。最近几年,新的旅游线路经过意大利,到达西西里岛和瑞士。

The Danube Express only carries 50 passengers, serving freshly prepared meals using traditional menus and served at a single sitting in the elegant Restaurant car.


A subtle blend of modern technology, décor and fixtures create an ambiance, evocative of a bygone era, when elegance and style were quintessential elements of travel.


Once on board, guests can relax in the knowledge that everything is taken care of - from champagne receptions and delicious regional cuisine to engaging guides and sightseeing at every stop.

踏上火车,客人即可安心下来,因为他们知道旅途将一切都好 — 从香槟酒迎接客人的到来,到美味的地方美食、到引人入胜的导览,以及和每一站迎来的瑰丽观光。

evocative  引起记忆的;唤起感情的
fixtures 固定装置
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2021年2月,是春节假期,也是孩子们的寒假。大家有更多的时间和家人在一起,也有更多的时间来憧憬2021年的美好生活。虽然疫情仍旧在困扰着我们,但是不妨让我们认真了解一下世界上美好的事物。梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢!Metro English将为大家介绍世界上最美的火车之旅,看看乘坐火车除了回家,还可以去看看哪里。“最美火车之旅”将是我们本月打卡群的名称,可扫码加入打卡的小伙伴们。
