当别人说put your foot in it时,要注意它的真正意思
当别人说 take a chill pill 的时候,不是真的叫你去吃冷静药丸,它跟药丸没有关系,同样地,当别人说 put your foot in it 时,要弄清楚是不是真的要把自己的脚放在什么里面。
Take a chill pill 跟“药丸”没有关系,它来表达让某人冷静,它不是叫某人去服镇静丸的意思,可以意为“冷静一下,镇定下来,放松一下”等,例如:
Take a chill pill, will you? Panicking about being late won't make me drive any faster.
I sent the student to the principal's office after she told me to take a chill pill.
习语 put your foot in it 常用来比喻无意中说或做某事使某人不安、冒犯或难堪等,通常跟“脚”没有关系,它相当于美式的 put your foot in your mouth,意为“(在语言或行为上)使人不安,冒犯别人,使人尴尬”,例如:
put your foot in it:
Martin put his foot in it today. He was moaning about having no bonuses this year, and the boss was standing right behind him. How awkward!
I really put my foot in it with Ella. I didn't know she'd split up with Tom.
put your foot in your mouth:
The president is always putting his foot in his mouth. He embarrasses himself and his party every time he speaks.
I suggest you that don’t put your foot in your mouth at the party and look stupid.
由此可见 put your foot in it 很像两个单词的结合体,它们是 embarass 和 offend。跟 put your foot in it 让所表示的人感到的尴尬有点类似,embarrass 有的时候所表示出来的尴尬也不是某人有意识的,通常指在社交场合,对应的形容词是 embarrassing 和 embarassed,例如:
I didn't want to embarrass him by kissing him in front of his friends.
His clumsiness embarrassed him.