

Francesc Rifé Studio

AdH House


这座位于墨西哥城的住宅由西班牙工作室Francesc Rifé设计,深色的墙壁将室外区域与街道隔开。

The dark walls of this house in Mexico City were designed by Spanish practice Francesc Rifé Studio to conceal outdoor areas from the street.


AdH House is a two-storey home in the residential area Lomas de Chapultepec, just west of Mexico City's bustling Polanco area and north of Chapultepec Park.The residence comprises two volumes on a triangular site, organised around several patios and access points.A dark grey wall forms a barrier from the street and lush property inside, and matches the house's grey stone construction.



Black aluminium shutters over windows and allow rooms to be closed off for privacy or opened upfor natural light. When closed, the house has a unified look.


The Barcelona studio extended the concept of clean lines and a monochrome palette throughout the house.Inside, however, the studio chose a paler aesthetic comprising woodwork and cream coloured walls.


"The clean geometry and serene palette of this house sought to balance the vitality of the owners' art collection," said the studio.

除了由当地设计师Simon Hamui定制的家具和Viabizzuno设计的灯具,大部分家具都是由意大利品牌Cassina设计的。

Most of the furniture is by Italian brand Cassina, in addition to custom pieces made by local designer Simon Hamui and some lights are by Viabizzuno.

The emotional quality of the house also comes from the furniture," the studio said.

The two-storey residence comprises two volumes. The first contains a stairwell that provides access to the two levels and a basement with a wine cellar and gym.The stairwell features a black handrail that contrasts with a surrounding off-white aesthetic.


A second, larger two-storey volume contains the remaining functions. Two living rooms, two dining rooms, a kitchen and a terrace are located on the ground floor.Four bedrooms, each with ensuites, and two living rooms are on the first floor. In total, the property measures 1,500 square meters, with 710 square meters of outdoor space.



"The design of the architecture enabled to develop the same language, based on spatial quality and a deep sense of order for both the interior and the exterior," the studio said. "It is a project thought up from the inside out."


“在几乎没有视觉干扰的情况下,无论是形式还是材料,栏杆的上层金属都很好地代表了工作室不断强调细节的不变目标,而建筑物墙壁的细微分隔使该元素成为了焦点。” Francesc Rifé Studio说。

"With almost no visual distractions, neither of form nor of materials, the upper metallic of the railing represents very well the constant aim of the studio to emphasise the details, while a slight separation of the walls of the building makes this element a stage in itself," said Francesc Rifé Studio.



Francesc Rifé Studio

室内和工业设计师Francesc Rife 于1994年在巴塞罗那创建了自己的工作室。受极简主义的影响,遵循与传统工艺相结合,他的作品侧重于处理材料的真实性、空间秩序和几何比例。

Interior and industrial designer, Francesc Rifé (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, 1969) founded his own studio in Barcelona in 1994. Influenced by minimalism and following a familiar tradition linked to craftsmanship, his work focuses on ways of approaching material honesty, spatial order and geometric proportion.

目前,Francesc Rife领导着一个来自多个设计领域的专业团队。团队成员来自国内和国际,范围从室内设计、工业设计和私人定制。在他的职业生涯中,Rife曾获得过来自设计领域的奖项,如Contract World、Red Dot、ICFF编辑、HiP in Chicago、FAD和多个ASCER奖项。

Currently, Francesc Rifé leads a team of professionals from several design fields. His projects, domestic and international, range from interior to industrial design in the commercial and private sectors. Throughout his career, Rifé has been awarded with prizes from the field of design such as Contract World, Red Dot, ICFF Editors, HiP in Chicago, FAD, and several ASCER awards.


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