正好7 & 8 年级班在学怎么写描述文(Description)。读的范文正好有狄更斯《圣诞颂歌》的一段描写雾霾的。
浓的雾霾怎么写? 狄更斯笔下:‘palpable brown‘;帝都可以是 palpable gray。
雾霾无处不在,仿佛从每个缝隙钻进来。狄更斯笔下:“The fog came pouring in at every clink andkeyhole...”,帝都改成从门缝,窗户缝,车缝钻进来就行。
雾霾中的人和物都看着像一个个幽灵,狄更斯笔下:“The houses opposite were mere phantoms...”;脑补下昨天疯传的那张雾霾中大妈们跳广场舞的景象,可以直接套用狄更斯这个暗喻了。
Fog everywhere. Fog up the river, where it flows amonggreen aits andmeadow; fog down the river,where it rolls defiled among the tiers of shipping, and thewaterside pollutions of a great (and dirty) city. Fog on the Essex marshes, fog on the Kentish heights. Chance people onthe bridges peeping over the parapets into a nether sky offog, with fog all around them, as if they were up in aballoon, and hanging in the misty clouds. Fog creeping into the cabooses of collier-brigs; fog lying out on the yards, and hovering inthe rigging of greatships; fog drooping on thegunwales of barges andsmall boats. Fog in the eyesand throats of ancient Greenwich pensioners, wheezing by thefiresides in their wards; fog in the stem and bowl of the afternoon pipeof the wrathfulskipper, down in hisclose cabin; fog cruellypinching the toes and fingers of his shivering little ‘prentice boyon deck.
fog 这个词用了13次。咱可以把smog 用个十几次。
从泰晤士河上游到下游,从Essex 的沼泽到Kent 的高地。。。地名换一下就行。
Fog 在老人的眼里喉里,在船长的烟斗上。。。换成北京环卫工人,快递员啥的就可以了。
狄更斯笔下:“pollution of a great (and dirty)city...”对伦敦爱恨交织。这个感情咱也绝对是有的,咱直接可以拿来用了。
最后,狄更斯不说人们内心感受多么沉郁,而是把天气拟人化了,说 November 简直的implacable (怀有难以改变的, 无法缓和的敌意)。我们可以借鉴,说implacable smog ! (雾霾跟咱有深仇大恨啊!)
其实俺上周上课时到没有想到要描写雾霾哈,俺们正儿八经课上学的,是把历史叙事和建筑描述混着写,写的是俄罗斯的Ivan the Terrible 和 描述St. Basil 大教堂。
不过这个 implacable smog无法不面对。下次课一定让孩子们仿写,呵呵。。。