Kaizen Events “Results through Education” (2)

Flow Line DesignKaizen

Flow Line DesignKaizen

Event PreparationChecklist: Specific

Check box aftercompleting.

qSelect a number of pilot areas for the teams from the workshop tofocus on.  They should meet the followingcriteria:

q  The area(s) should be highly visible to the plant population.

q  The area(s) needs to be of strategic importance.

qGather the baseline information from which to measure improvement.This data will be verified by the teams when they start but it needs to begenerated for each area in advance to allow them the maximum amount of time towork on improvements.  This informationshould include:

q  A layout of each area is to be done. This can be generated from the facilities diagram providing that it isnot too far out of date.  This will beused to calculate the square footage dedicated to the production area as wellas the part path/distance for each routing pattern group.  All of this is required for the Standard WorkSheet form.

q  As appropriate, a completed Parts/Quantity and Product/Processanalysis.

q  If there are standard operating procedures (SOP) they should beprovided as well.  This will supplementthe Process Capacity Table and the Standard Work Combination Sheet after thetimes are verified.

qThe attendees should be assigned to teams for the shop flooractivity even though they may be in different teams during the classroomsession.  (Keep the team size between4-5.)

qEach team should have a team leader selected in advance.  (If we try to do this through a consensualprocess we will lose too much precious time.)

qWhile in the plant the teams will each need a small space tomeet.  The space should be close to theirfocus area.

qSafety equipment requirements must be met and any training for thisneeds to be scheduled into the class session to be sure to advise every one ofthe rules for it.

qNon-participating associates in the pilot/focus areas need to beadvised of the agenda as well.

Flow Line Design Kaizen

Team LeaderChecklist: Specific

NOTE:Meet with the operators in your assigned as soon as possible to overview theproject with them, answer questions, and ask for their help.  Tell them that they will be kept current onyour activities and that they will be given an opportunity to give input andideas.

Check box after completion:

Product Routing

qGet plant layout if available. If not, complete the Standard Work Sheet (SWS).

qGo to the plant.  Walk,observe, and discuss the assigned process.

qLocate and number each machine in the assigned process.  Verify and transfer information to the SWS.

qAs appropriate review the Parts/Quantity and Product/Process data.

Process Mapping

qRoute products and measure the distance each product travels throughthe process.

qDetermine the total square feet occupied by the existing layout forthe assigned process.  (Be sure toinclude storage areas for tools and additional equipment as well as inventory.)

qCount the WIP assigned to the area (snapshot) and the personnel ateach operation.

qLog all special notations; e.g. safety points, handling issues,container sizes, quality checks, etc.

Time- DataCollection

qTalk to the area’semployees prior to doing the shop floor study. Overview the status of the project and discuss the approach/outcomes oftaking time studies.

qTime each operation and record it on the Time Observation Sheet.(TOS)  Remember to use a separate sheetfor each operator regardless of the number machines they run.

qDo the Process Capacity Table (PCT) for the entire flow to discoverthe drum beat.

qUsing the information collected above you then need to calculate thetheoretical lead-time for each category of product.

Flow Line Design Kaizen

Team Leader Checklist:Specific (Continued)

qComplete the Standard Work Combination Sheet (SWCS) for eachoperation covering the current situation.

qDocument any unique applications; e.g.: wet paint, hot parts, oil onparts, parts put into bags, one person running multiple machines, materialhandling tasks, periodic tool changes, etc.

qCalculate TAKT TIME.

qComplete the Analysis Sheet’s BEFORE column.

Determineopportunities for waste elimination

qMeet with the area’semployees for a status report.  Explainthe current situation as documented and the next steps you plan to take toeliminate waste.  Get some additionalideas from them.  Explain thatalternatives will be reviewed and how, again, they will have an opportunity forinput at the next phase prior to implementation.

qBrainstorm ideas and create a list of those ideas.

qUsing the plant layout or the SWS, test the layout alternatives onpaper.

qUsing the SWCS test your ideas on new work sequences and taskassignments.

qRefer to the “Things to Consider” list in your handout(s).  Look at the other restriction to your plansuch as floor load capacities, electrical services, water/waste supplies, etc.

qSelect your alternatives and make a new layout of the area.

qPrepare a new SWCS for each operator.

qAgain, meet with thearea’s employees and explain your proposed layout and task assignments.  Get input and buy-in for the plan.  Make any modification to your plan based uponthis input.

Notify the properresources of equipment movement requirements

qClean out the area leaving only the essentials to perform the taskson your SWCS and PCT.  Be sure to makethe floor with the new location of everything in your new SWS.

qRearrange the operation according to your new layout and work flow.

Flow Line Design Kaizen

Team Leader Checklist:Specific (Continued)


qGive instruction to the area’s operators on the new work design andtest the new situation.

qObserve: Cycle times, work loads, transfers/handoffs locations ofequipment & assembly, material handling, fixture/tool locations, containersizes, ergonomics, load points, and safety issues.

qMake any additional refinements to the plan and test again.

qRedo the TOS to verify the actual to the plan.

qUpdate your layout on the SWS.

qComplete a series of SWCS for the finalized design.

qItemize all implemented improvements.  Be sure to include their cost and theirbenefit.  State benefits in terms of time,efficiency, and/or throughput.

ContinuousImprovement Ideas

qItemize all proposed ideas for improvement not implemented.  Categorize them into short term and long termideas.  Be sure to include a costestimate.

If at all possible, do it, don’t plan to do it.

Flow Line Design Kaizen

Team Report OutChecklist


Limit yourformal presentation to 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for Q&A.

Preferred mediaare flip charts, overheads and handouts.

Hand written orPC generated documents or both are OK.

All Team Members must participate in the Report out.


q  Area of Focus and Boundary.

q  Team Membership Review.

q  Process Design Analysis Sheet Review: Current & Finalized.

q  Before and After:

o  Process Flow Maps

o  Photographs (as O/H’s orhandouts)

o  Standard Work CombinationSheets

q  Review of Improvements Incorporated into new Process.

o  Flow

o  Quality

o  Delivery/Schedule

o  Safety

o  5S

o  Visual Controls

o  Other?

q  A list of remaining maintenance support issues.

q  Recommendations to prevent regression or backsliding.

q  Listing of future improvement opportunities.

q  Reflection: What was the most important thing you learned this week?

Total ProductiveMaintenance Kaizen

Total Productive Maintenance Kaizen

EventPreparation Checklist: Specific

Equipment Selection

qEquipment should be part of the value stream current state/futurestate.

qCollect the following data on the selected equipment :

o   MTBF

o   MTBR

o   OEE

o   TPM Scan

o   Breakdown history

o   PM Schedules

o   Spare parts list and history of usage

o   Workorder/CMMS procedure

o   Etc…

Equipment/Area Preparation

qEquipment should be scheduled for shutdown a minimum of 8 hours onTuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

qMonday afternoon the Team will need to observe the equipment runningfor 15 – 30 minutes.

Special Team Member Requirements

q1 Equipment operator (from selected equipment)

q1 Maintenance person (knowledgeable of selected equipment)

q1 Engineer (knowledgeable of selected equipment)

Note: Those from the host site will not have the understanding of Lean/TPMthat the Lean Champions do.  The hostsite Champion may want to give an introduction during the weeks leading up tothe event.

Total ProductiveMaintenance Kaizen

Team LeaderChecklist: Specific

The Team Leader is generally responsiblefor providing direction to his or her team. This includes:

qmaking sure that everyone is documenting the results

qcalling and facilitating team meetings

qcommunicating with the consultant as needed

qensuring that the team supplies are available

qreturning team supplies at the end of the workshop

Total Productive Maintenance Kaizen

Team Report OutChecklist


Limit yourformal presentation to 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for Q&A.

Preferred mediaare flip charts, overheads and handouts.

Hand written orPC generated documents or both are OK.

All Team Members must participate in the Report out.


q Presentation starts with anintroduction of the team members.

q The Activity Boards will be presentedand will include:

o   Onepoint lessons

o   Why????? examples

o   ImprovementBulletins

o   Abnormalitysheets

o   Areasto be improved sheets

o   Beforeand After pictures

o   TPMScan

o   Analysisof Abnormalities

o   Provisionalstandards

o   Showstoppers

o   Futurestate plans

q  Key Learning’sfor the week and Issues, Obstacles, and Barriers



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