3 day tour of Mt.Huang:Things You Might Wanna know

(photo by王锐)


It takes about an hour from September Huizhou Inn to Mt.Huang by car,there’s also a shuttle bus that you could get which would take a bit longer as the driver would stop at some greeting stations. I took the 8:10 a.m. bus and arrived at the tourist center at the foot of Mt.Huang at about 10 o 'clock.

(photo by王锐)


Mt.Huang's entrance tickets is 190RMB,which can be used twice in three days. The ropeway and shuttle bus tickets are not included in the entrance ticket.They are one-way tickets and must be purchased separately. All of these tickets are available on the WeChat miniprogram called 'huangshan tourism official platform’-'黄山旅游官方平台’

(photo by王锐)








South Gate of Huangshan➡️CiGuang Pavilion:Shuttle bus 15mins 19RMB

Jade screen ropeway:15mins 90RMB

Yungu ropeway:10mins 90RMB

Hotel of Jade screen tower➡️Brightness top peak:1-2hrs(depends on your physical condition)

Brightness top peak➡️Ploughing cloud pavilion:1hr (depends on your physical condition)

Chimera scenic area(The west valley):2-3hrs(Again:depends on your physical condition)

Get down from Houshan:2-3hrs(Again and again:depends on your physical condition)

(photo by王锐)


Originally Huangshan was called Yishan.In 747AD Tang emperor Xuanzong in order to commemorate Huangdi(legendary ruler of China 267-257BC) gathering herbs to make pills of immortality(and becoming a celestial being).And so changed the name to Huangshan.

(photo by王锐)


Mt.Huang is divided into Qianshan(front mountain) and Houshan(back mountain).Ciguang Pavilion at the entrance of Qianshan, and Yungu Temple at the entrance of Houshan. It is recommended to climb the mountain from Qianshan to Houshan,as almost all tour groups they go up from the Houshan(Yungu temple),in that case you basically just follow the crowds to climb,the movement is greatly restricted and the pleasure of mountain climbing could be compromised.Plus the elders from the tour groups they like to stop and take pictures,which would drag your way as well.

(photo by王锐)


Many scenic spots on Mt.Huang are opened alternately,the specific ropeways would be repaired in different periods as well,it is better to plan the climbing route before going there. When I went there,Celestial capital peak was closed whereas Lotus Peak was open,clearly I wouldn’t waste my energy at the beginning considering that I planned to go down by walking.So I took the Jade screen Ropeway to go up,and then climb to the Brightness top peak from the ropeway station.A little tip for you guys,while climbing if there are any bearers(the one who carries the bamboo sedan chair) are going up as well,try to catch up with them and get into some casual talking,because they are the ones who know so much more about Mt.Huang and would be willing to share it with you.

(photo by王锐)


The stairs on Huangshan are quite narrow and steep. It's okay to go up the mountain but really knee-intensive to go down.It is suggested to prepare a set of knee pads while you’re going down the mountain.





The west valley is a place you shall not miss to visit,it is a very special area of Huangshan,the sea of clouds is as much a part of the landscape as the rocky spires and twisted tree trunks.Marvelous...!

(photo by钱雯雯)


There are many options on Huangshan for accommodation,just remember to book it in advance,then you’ll be fine.You can also choose to bring your own tent and sleeping bag. As long as the weather is not so cold, it's okay to stay in the tent.

(photo by王锐)


Peaks rising one higher than another,veiled in mists,and the color of sunset clouds gradually change.

(photo by王锐)


One of my friends offered me an novel option for exploring Huangshan—If you take the shuttle bus to or from the Yungu temple,there would be a station called Hot Spring Scenic Area,in a corner near the station, you could find the mouth of Huangshan Hot Spring,as you can see in the figure below,the mouth of spring is carved into the shape of dragon’s head,of where the hot spring keeps on coming in so freely.Nearby also has the statue of Xu Xiake—the spokesman of Huangshan.

This is an option tourists even locals rarely known,if you like to find something new,definitely you’re going there.


Click here, get more Information around the yellow mountain



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