我没有一个有钱的父亲。考了三次大学,都失败了。我申请了10次哈佛,都失败了,他们甚至都不想见我。最后一次我去了师范大学。那排在我那个城市的第三或者第四名。我应聘工作被拒绝了30次。那时候真是太难了,我好沮丧。因为我在大学教书,我每个月的薪水是10美元,因为我找不到好工作。I did not have a rich father. Tried 3timesfor university All failed. I applied Harvard for 10 times. All failed, they don’teven want to see me. For the last time, I went to the teacher’s college whichwas considered,the third or fourth class of my city. I applied jobs, for times Gotrejected. It so difficult at that time, I was so frustrated. Because I taughtin university, my pay was $10 a month, because I could not find a good job.1994年,我觉得要做一个叫互联网的东西。有23个人反对,他们说,这是个愚蠢的想法,我们从来没有听过互联网,你对电脑一无所知。我从来没觉得我聪明,没有人相信我会成功。因为每个人都是他们想的是不会实现的东西。我从银行借了3000美元,花了我3个月时间,但是我还是搞不懂。我们和30-40个风险投资者谈了每个人都说不行,忘了它吧。很多人说阿里巴巴是个糟糕的模式。我说,我相信它,我觉得这件事可以做大。我从未想过它会像今天这么大,但是我相信有事情在等着我,我需要努力去证明我自己。那是很艰难的经历。所以我们从18个创始人那里聚集了5万美元,我们开始了。In 1994, I am going to do something calledinternet that discussed. And 23 of them against it that they said this is astupid idea, we’re never heard about the internet and you know nothing aboutcomputers. And I never thought I was smart. Nobody believed that I could besuccessful, because everybody said “This guy think differently, think crazily.He’ll think about something that will never work.” I tried to borrow USD 3,000from the banks. It took me 3 months but I still couldn’t get it. We talked toover 30 or 40 venture capitalists. Everybody said no, Forget it. Lot of peoplesaid Alibaba is a terrible model. I said “I believe it, I think this thingcould be big. I never thought it would be that big like today. But I believedthat something waiting for me there and I have to work hard to prove myself. Thatwas the tough experience. So we gathered 550,000 from 18 founders, we started.最开始三年,我们的生意1美元进账都没有,那不容易。为什么它让我们继续前进呢,因为我收到了很多来自用户的感谢邮件。他们说,这是很棒的事情,我们不能给你钱,但是这真的帮助了我们。如果你继续帮我们,有一天你会成功的,我也这么相信着。我们一点一点建立了自己的业务。我们一点一点搭建起我们的设施框架,我们有了天猫集团,我们有了淘宝集团,我们有了支付宝。For the first 3 year, we did not have even $1revenue from our business, it was not easy. But why it keeps us going ahead,going forward because I received lots of emails of thanks from customers. Theysaid “This is such a great thing, we cannot pay you but this thing helped us.” Ifyou keep on helping us, one day you will be successful and I believed this.Little by little we built up our business. Little by little we built upecosystem of the infrastructure. And now after 16 years, we have Alibaba group,we have Tmall group, we have Taobao group and we have Alipay.人们说,你好聪明,你是怎么做到这样的企业的。比尔·盖茨、沃伦·巴菲特、杰克·韦尔奇、拉里·佩奇、马克·扎克伯格,这些人与其他人的不同在于,他们从不抱怨,他们总是想要解决其他人的问题。当你乐观的时候,总是会有机会。今天人们还是问着一样的问题,马云机会在哪呢?我没有工作,我没有这个,我没有那个。我们处于这个世纪最好的时候,最好的资本就是你还年轻。别抱怨,让其他人去抱怨。机会总在人们抱怨的地方,想想你怎么能把事情做得不一样。有什么我可以做的不一样的吗?当你这么想的时候,就开始做吧。我见过很多人,年轻人每个晚上有很奇妙的想法,但是到了早上,他们又再次去到办公室。作为企业家,你得在其他人之前去做,你得在其他人醒来之前醒来,你必须比其他人更勇敢。用你的直觉,你所做的是为了满足用户的需要。对于所有人,对于每个人来说,明天都是崭新的一天。动起来,行动吧。不管投资人相不相信,不管你的朋友相不相信,不管你的父母相不相信。你相信,你的团队相信,日夜在研究这个。事情就是这么现实,犯足够多的的错误,你跌倒,你站起来。所有的错误都是进账,都是很棒的收入。别担心钱,钱随着人而来。And people say “You’re so smart, how couldyou make a company like that. Bil Gates, Warren E. Buffett, Jack Welch, LawrenceEdward Larry Page, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, The difference betweenthose people and other people, they are always optimistic for the future. They nevercomplain, they always try to solve the problems of the others. When you’re optimistic,it’s always opportunity. People say the same thing here today “Jack where isthe opportunity” I don't have a job, I don't have this, I don't have that. We’reat the best of this century, the best assets you have is that you’re young. Don'tcomplain, let the other people complain. The opportunity always lies wherepeople complain. Think about how you can make things different. Is thereanything I can do that makes the difference? And then when you think about this,start to do it. I’ve saw a lot of people, Young people have fantastic ideas everyevening. But in the morning, they go to the office same again. Beingentrepreneur, you have to do the things before other people do, You have towake up before the other people wake up, you have to be more brave than theothers. Use your instinct, everything you do is to the need of the customer. Toeverybody, to any person, tomorrow is new. Make the move, Make the action. Whetherinvestors believe it or not, whether your friends believe it or not, whetheryour parents believe it or not, you believe it, your team believe it, and workday and night on this. That’s how the things happen. Make enough mistakes, youfall, you stand up. Any mistake is an income, it wonderful revenue. Don’t worryabout the money, money follows people.人应该追随自己的梦想,如果你有梦想,去追逐吧。我觉得没人能征服世界,我们只能服务于世界。不管为别人工作,还是为自己工作,我选择为自己工作,为自己工作意味着为社会工作。如果你真的想为自己工作,想想其他人,因为只有其他人成功了,其他人开心了,你才会成功,你才会开心。People should follow their dreams, if youhave a dream, just go ahead. I think nobody can conquer world, we only canserve the world. Work for others or for yourself and I chose the way of workingfor myself. Working for oneself means working for the society. If you reallywant to work for yourself, think about the others. Because only when otherpeople succeeded, when the other people are happy, you will succeed and youwill be happy.--整理自马云演讲视频--