

印度卫生和家庭福利部表示,印度周二报告了过去 24 小时内 25,467 例新增病例,总数达到 3,24,74,773。

印度目前的活跃病例为 3,19,551。活跃案件量是 156 天以来最低。它占总病例的不到 1%,目前为 0.98%,这是自 2020 年 3 月以来的最低水平。

在过去 24 小时内,该国的康复率为 39,486,自疫情开始以来,该国的康复率也达到了有史以来最高的 97.68%。

据卫生部称,到目前为止,已有多达 3,17,20,112 人从这种疾病中康复。

迄今为止,该国还报告了 4,35,110 人死于感染,其中 354 人在过去 24 小时内死亡。

在过去的 29 天里,每日阳性率一直低于 3%,目前为 1.55%。每周阳性率为 1.90%。在过去的 60 天里,它也保持在 3% 以下。

整个印度共进行了 5.093 亿次新冠测试。

根据印度医学研究委员会 (ICMR),迄今为止测试的样本总数为 50,93,91,792,其中包括昨天测试的 16,47,526 个样本。





India will likely restart exporting Covid-19 vaccines next year once it has immunized its own adult population, the head of an influential government expert panel said.


新德里:财政部长尼尔马拉·西塔拉曼 (Nirmala Sitharaman) 周一宣布了印度政府为期四年的基础设施资产货币化计划,旨在通过国家货币化管道 (NMP) 筹集 6 万亿卢比(810 亿美元)。

西塔拉曼在2 月份的年度预算演讲中首次宣布了货币化计划。它将作为政府资产出售计划的中期路线图。

NEW DELHI: Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday announced the Centre's four-year infrastructure asset monetisation plan to raise Rs 6 lakh crore ($81 billion) under the National Motenisation Pipeline (NMP).
The monetisation plan was first announced by Sitharaman in her annual budget speech in February. It will serve as a medium-term road map for the government’s asset sale initiative.


孟买:根据 SBI 研究报告 Ecowrap,该国的国内生产总值 (GDP) 预计将在本财政年度第一季度增长约 18.5%,且呈上升趋势。

这一估计低于印度储备银行 (RBI) 4-6 月季度 GDP 增长 21.4% 的预测。

MUMBAI: The country's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow at around 18.5 per cent with an upward bias in the first quarter of the current financial year, according to SBI research report Ecowrap.
This estimate is lower than the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) GDP growth projection of 21.4 per cent for the April-June quarter.





NEW DELHI: The government is considering allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), according to a person familiar with the matter, which could enable a single overseas investor to buy a large stake in the firm that’s headed for a mega-IPO.
Any strategic investment would be subject to a cap, though it’s unclear at what level that would be set, the person said, asking not to be identified as the deliberations are private.
Participants at a meeting earlier this month noted a 20% FDI limit on state-run banks, the person said.


新德里:人们现在可以通过 WhatsApp 预约新冠疫苗接种。用户需要在 WhatsApp 上向 MyGovIndia Corona Helpdesk 发送“Book Slot”消息。此类消息要发送到的号码是 +91 9013151515。接下来,用户将获得一个 OTP。这是为了验证此人的电话号码。下一步是选择首选日期、地点、PIN 码和疫苗接种类型。最后,需要完成疫苗接种预约的确认。


新德里:“斯里兰卡现在对印度游客开放。人们需要完全接种疫苗,至少在旅行前 14 天接种第二针。抵达后,旅客将前往他们的酒店进行 RT-PCR 测试。那些检测呈阴性的人可以去他们想去的地方,”斯里兰卡航空公司的迪穆图说。那些检测呈阳性的人将被送往酒店经营的医疗保健中心。

NEW DELHI: “Sri Lanka is now open for Indian tourists. People need to be fully vaccinated, with the second shot taken at least 14 days before the trip.
On arrival, travellers will go to their hotel where RT-PCR test will be conducted. Those who test negative can travel where they want to go,” Dimuthu, the revival man for Sri Lankan Airlines, said. Those who test positive will be taken to health care centres run from hotels.


新德里:在第一次接种新冠疫苗 16 周后,印度至少有 1600 万人尚未接种第二针,这是两次接种之间最长的推荐间隔。其中超过一千万是老年人,其余来自其他弱势群体,如卫生和一线工作者以及 45 岁以上的人。

NEW DELHI: At least 1.6 crore people in India are yet to get second shot of the Covid vaccine 16 weeks after their first, the longest recommended gap between two shots.
Over a crore of them are among the elderly, and the rest are from other vulnerable groups such as health and frontline workers and those aged over 45.




Now, an Etsy shop called 'conaneShop’ has put up some T-shirts for sale with a message that reads 'Kabul Skydiving Club’.
The tees which have been designed for both men and women in various colours, had silhouettes of two people plummeting from a US military aircraft with “Est. 2021” written at the bottom.


宜家于 8 月 24 日表示,将于 2021 年底在印度孟买开设第一家城市商店或较小的门店。
这家瑞典家具零售商在一份新闻稿中表示,这家 80,000 平方英尺的商店将位于孟买 Worli 地区的 Kamala Mills。

IKEA on August 24 said it will open its first city store, or smaller outlet, in India in Mumbai towards the end of 2021.
The 80,000 square feet store will be located at Kamala Mills in Mumbai's Worli area, the Swedish furniture retailer said in a release.


新德里:阿提哈德航空公司在一条推文中表示,阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 周二暂时暂停为过去 14 天内从印度抵达或去过印度的乘客发放落地签证。尽管该航空公司没有提供任何暂停的原因,但它表示将在其网站上更新详细信息。

New Delhi: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Tuesday temporarily suspended the issuance of visa-on-arrival facility for passengers who are arriving from or been in India in the past 14 days, Etihad Airways said in a tweet. Though the airline didn’t provide any reason for the suspension, it said that the details will be updated on its website.




