

The fact that prior levels of the outcome construct are controlled for allows one to rule out the possibility that a cross-lagged effect is due simply to the fact that X and Y were correlated at time 1.
The preceding model can be extended to more than two occasions and more than two constructs. The autoregressive and cross-lagged effects retain the same meaning.


path models, such as the panel model,should be avoided because they do not begin with an explicit statement of the expected change process
对相互作用(Reciprocal Effects)的研究上
Results from a panel analysis can be used to determine whether cross-lagged effects occur in both directions (i.e., whether X1 predicts Y2 and Y1 predicts X2) and to assess the relative strength of the cross-lagged effects. For example, data based on the observation of a parent–child dyad could be analyzed to see whether a parent’s behavior affects the child’s subsequent behavior or the child’s behavior affects the parent’s subsequent behavior and even to see which of the two cross-lagged effects is stronger.
The longitudinal nature of the data from the panel design provides an advantage over mediation models estimated using cross-sectional data


It addresses only the equivalence of measurement of the construct to ensure that the differences in the constructs are true differences
The basic idea of factorial invariance is that if the construct changes over time, then this change is conveyed as changes in all the indicators in the same direction and the same amount.


Two fundamental aspects of causal inference:
First, by measuring putative causes prior to the effects, temporal precedence of the cause is supported, and
Second, by simultaneously modeling the unique effect of several causes, it may be possible to support a causal explanation of one variable over another.
the putative causes often cannot be manipulated or cannot be manipulated independently from other variables in the model. In addition,proper causal inference rests on model assumptions such as including all relevant predictors.As noted earlier, this assumption can be difficult to establish.


Most panel designs measure all variables on a fixed lag schedule. The fact that all variables are measured at the same time implicitly assumes that the time for the cross-lagged effect of X on Y and Y on X is the same



Consistent with our previous discussion of the use of panel models for causal inference,we do not see these results as support for a causal effect of maternal depressive symptoms on child internalizing behavior or of child internalizing behavior on maternal depressive symptoms.
The present analyses identify an interesting association that warrants further research, but with only two variables in the model and given the impossibility of manipulating either maternal depressive symptoms or child internalizing behavior, the results should not be used to bolster a causal claim without further supporting evidence.
Selig, James & Little, Todd. (2012). Autoregressive and cross-lagged panel analysis for longitudinal data.
Little, Todd & Preacher, K & Selig, James & Card, N. (2007). New developments in latent variable panel analyses of longitudinal data. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 31. 357-365.
