3.4 回顾气候对文明的影响《忽然》连载
杨浪 序:她把史学理论的水“搅浑”了
3.4 回顾气候对这一时期最发达地区的影响
3.4 Influence of Climate on the Most Developed Area at the Time
万年为单位的温度很有规律 / Temperature ( 10000 years )and sea level ( 1000 years) 缺图
2 万年前冰期结束后,气温开始上升,中间经历了一个小冰期后,9500 年前气 候开始变暖,8-6 千年前达到一个高温期,海平面随之大幅上升了 120 米高。地 中海的海水侵入黑海, 黑海水面突然变大,淹没了原本环湖生活的印欧人生活 区,海峡产生。这个变化产生了严重的后果:环湖的人们一分两半。这可能就是 为何今天学者们争议印欧语起源于黑海与里海北岸还是安托利亚的原因所在。环 湖的人们原本就是一体的! 自此以后,印欧人被分为北部印欧人和南部印欧人。
( R 类型父系 Y 染色体的印欧人的分布 / Distribution of Y-chromosome R )
After the Ice Age that ended 20000 years ago, the temperature began to rise. With a Little Ice Age in between, it remained quite warm till 9500 years ago and reached the zenith 8000-6000 years ago. With the rise in temperature across the globe, the sea
level went up by 120m. The water of the Mediterranean flowed into the Black Sea when a strait was newly formed to separate the two continents. The sea surface expanding flooded the living area of the people around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. That is the reason why scholars argue that the Indo-European used to originate in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea or North Anatolian. They used to be an integrated whole at the time. But after the flood, they gradually became different.
(The people of haplogroup R like to live near the water.)
( Tom Hanks of haplogroup R1a /汤姆. 汉克斯的 Y 染色体类 型属于 R 里面的 R1a。 东欧多 R1a,西欧多 R1b。)
大洪水之后有过 一个长达 2000 年的温 暖稳定期,俄罗斯南 部草原在 6000 多年前 发展出了著名的颜那 亚文化,那里现在被 认为是印欧文化的起源地之一。另外他们与绳文文化有关。
( 米开朗基罗的油画 《大洪水》(局部 ) /
The Flood by Michelangelo, 1475~ 1564)
The warm temperature continued for 2000 years after the flood, the famous Yamna Culture (3,600–2,300 BCE) developed on Southern Russian Steppe. The creators of Yamna Culture are identified with the late Proto-Ino-Europeansand the strongest candidates for the (homeland) of the Proto-Ino-Europeans language. They are closely connected with the Corded Ware people (c. 2900–2450/2350 cal. BC).
( 各个欧洲古文化区域 )
大约 5500 年前气候开始变冷,许多北方印欧人向南方撤退,他们可能与南 部的土耳其土著汇合交融,然后一路南下。这可能才是真正引发西亚两河文明与 尼罗河文明的起因。从地理序列上安纳托里亚文明、两河文明、古埃及帝国从北 到南排列,其时间也与气候变化时间高度合拍。而安纳托里亚是 2 万年前冰期欧 洲人从土耳其南逃的咽喉要道,所以才在此处积聚引爆了文明。这说明至迟在这 个时期,人类对于地理与气候的关系有了第一次的觉醒与把握,一些欧洲的现代 人已经知道通往西亚或非洲有一片更温暖的避难所。
About 5500 years ago when temperature began to drop, many Indo-Europeans retreated south and some of the peoples around the Black Sea and the Caspian were brought together once again. Geographically, Anatolian civilization, Mesopotamian civilization and ancient Egyptian Empire stood from north to South, their existence being well attuned to the time of climate change. Twenty thousand years ago, Anatolia was the place through which Europeans escaped to the south from Turkey during the Ice Age and that is why civilization used to burst out in the region. It indicates that no later than that period humans had for the first time realized the relationship between geography and climate and some modern people in Europe had already known there was a warm refuge in the south through Anatolia from where they could enter West Asia of Africa.
( 整个文明区域是连贯的 / These areas of civilizations are continuous.)
金字塔作为旧大陆西部巨石文化的集大成出现得最晚,并且有分子人类学证 据显示自 9000 年前就有印欧人南下东北非地区,所以尼罗河乃至西亚的两河流 域文明都可能是北方文化南下交流的最终结果,当然西亚与尼罗河本来也有丰厚 底蕴的。另外,大河文明在全球同时出现,与 5000 多年前气候突变干旱也有关。
Studies of molecular anthropologists indicated that Indo-Europeans began to migrate to Northeast Africa since 9000 years ago. Certainly, Indo-Europeans of haplogroup R failed to become the main body of the Middle Eastern region although they probably brought something new to the peoples of haplogroups J and E in the warm southern land. Besides, civilizations on river rising suddenly in the world at the same time was probably the result of the climate change with a serious drought about 5000 years ago.
( 古埃及金字塔是巨石文化的代表,但时间较晚,工程难度加大。 )
( 人类文明起源 时期的主要区域 / Main areas of the origin of human civilization are continuous )
为何狭义的 人类文明最终在 西亚和埃及爆 发,而不是在欧 洲或土耳其爆 发,就是因为恰 好这个时期出现 的气候变冷使得 非洲热带的吸引 力增加,中南部 中东地区成为南 逃的通道与落脚点,而欧洲随后的文明则集中于欧洲的最南端一个名为克里特岛 (北纬 35.5°)的小岛上,这些都印证了气候变冷的压力结果。这次气候变冷可 能一直延续到 3000 多年前,《旧约》中亚伯拉罕这些北方的来客及其后人都曾 经长期在非洲的埃及(大约北纬 30°)盘桓,这是对这一气候史实的反应。之
后摩西带领犹太人出埃及北上,以及北方赫梯帝国(大约北纬 40°)的崛起, 还有,中国南方的长江流域良渚文化(北纬 31°)消失后但黄河流域文明(北 纬 35.5°)出现,则是对这次气候回暖的回应(旧大陆气候带为西高东低斜线分 布,故而纬度只与本地区对比)。
Why did “civilization” finally break out in West Asia and Egypt rather than Europe? It was because the drop of in weather at the time made warm Africa more attractive, and the Middle East became the channel and the foothold of escape to the south . Later the earliest city in Europe appearing in the southernmost island of Crete also proved ed the effect of Climate change.The decline of temperature lasted for 1000-2000 years. In the Old Testament, Abraham, and their descendants from the north, lingered for a long time in Egypt of Africa,for the same reason. These are the result of another rise in the temperature when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and the Hittite Empire rose,.In China ,an important culture ( Liangzhu ) on the Yangtzi River in the south disappeared while civilizations such as Shang ( 16-11 century BC ) started to come into beiing on theYellow River.
( 1993 年在西班牙南部发现的世界最早地图,时间大约为 14000 年前 / A stone tablet found in a cave in Abauntz in the Navarra region of northern Spain, dating from almost 14,000 years ago, is believed to contain the